The quest for unicorn gold!

Naw, I’m reducing contamination and also forming a pile of trichomes. I just call it waxing because of the product I used to make out of it.


I’m imagining one of those sonic plates on a frequency generator…you could dictate where the contaminates go

I’m brain farting on what that’s called, the ones that make different patterns depending on frequency applied


oooo acoustofluidic separation of particles using standing acoustic wave! I love it! I wonder if blasting some pantera into the water would speed it up :wink:


lol, now I can’t stop thinking about how to rig something like that up. I need like a speaker, with the teflon on the front and a trickle of water really gently flowing over. Turn on the audio and start increasing the volume until the plant fibers start to float up to the surface and get washed away. The secret would be to find the point at which the vibrations float up the plant fibers and not the trichomes.


Look at the back of the hash VS the front. You can see it floated up for sure! I have to say, that fucking teflon is way better than the parchment for this water thing.


Fascinating innovation!

If I’m understanding this, you are more or less taking a spoonful of already clean hash and dumping it on the Teflon sheet then collecting the remaining plant material and drawing it off?

Is the Teflon sheet flat? If you tilt the sheet can you, coax the bands of greenery downstream? How are you applying water?

Your final product looks insanely great Joe! :+1: :+1:


This time I took an entire chunk of hash right out of the 90 bag, and poured some ice water over it to turn it back into a slurry. I wanted to try a few things to see if I could extract the plant fibers. When I spin the bag around to get the water out, I noticed all the plant fibers would gather at the top of the hash. Soooo, that means they can be separated and removed. Just got to study different methods of particle separation so I can rig up something simple.




I watched this the other day and it had my mind running about putting hash slurry into it…would it separate the trichomes from plant material?


Yes, a centrifuge will definitely work.


Some dudes spin the terps off sugared rosin. Probly most useful for decarbing for carts, but

this might be considered cheating in a competitive environment

Double terp your squish?


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heh heh harder to cheat in the bubble hash arena. I would hope that people could tell the difference! Like if I rolled in with a terp infused batch, I sure hope they’d know it. My friends buy the cheater stuff from the store all the time, never acknowledging it’s terp infused garbage. So, you never know! I live off of the hash, so I was suspicious of the flavor. It said “botanical extracts” on the side of the package, so at least they aren’t using diacetyl.


Couple of hash questions for ya.
Is there any point rinsing the 25 micron hash since it’s all contaminant anyway? I’ve been microplaning the frozen lumps and wondered/figured if it destroyed the trichomes?

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Yah the microplaning will destroy some trichomes and the 25 will never come clean, but you can rinse some of the green out, but most of it is plant fiber which won’t wash out.

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Have you tried A gently overflowing catch bowl?


That’s actually my plan! hah hah modeled after a wastewater settling pond with sound waves for agitation. That’ll be my first attempt using the teflon on a cone made from bristol. At the small end of the cone I place the audio source, and at the fat end I have my settling pond with audio agitation to lift up the plant fibers. I’ll try different things perhaps like yelling at it, and playing audio tones. Meanwhile a gentle flow of water over the surface should skim off the particles I am able to lift up using agitation. Amplitude and density to separate the objects. It sounds complicated but it’s not. The audio source might even be me banging on a cardboard box. I’m really interested in seeing what happens!


Very interesting as usual.
Good stuff @JoeCrowe keep up the good work. :star_struck:


Hey @JoeCrowe
Forgive me if this is a silly idea-cant remember where I read this-maybe in your other thread-but couldn’t you just put your 90micron hash into a 45micron bag and gently rinse away any remaining green plant matter off the mature trichome heads ?

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A low frequency fart sound might churn out the impurities, haha, this is awesome that you’re doing it!


Might be worth noting that a digital recording of a frequency would be different from that of an analogue frequency generator, there’s chopped and squared off sine wave, vs the actual wave. :thinking:

Time to dig though the vinyl for that “live” quality you’re known for haha