The quest for unicorn gold!

I’ve read all the joecrowe threads and pumped to make the majick happen! mostly using outdoor grown early flowering strain, Oregon diesel and some outdoor Girl Scout cookies, both from seed i climatize every year which is how I roll, hope they dump or at least produce quality. I’ve got 35 gallon bags I picked up years ago for my early passable attempts it’s a 5 bag set so I don’t have the prized 90. It’s 25, 73, 120, 160, 220. Should I run them all? Industry nerds on thehashishinn podcast seem to think 120/160 ish range is where it’s at but seems to be strain specific I guess. I’ve grown big bud in the past but proved too dense for dreaded botrytis outdoors… so easy to trim though!


Try all the bags first and get a feel for what you want to use. Didn’t have the 120 bags, but initially I only had the 73, so these ones were a definite upgrade! The most important parts of the whole process is fresh frozen green buds and freeze dry the hash. hah hah I always manage to do it different from what people say is best.


Thanks! I’ve got the buds harvested and anally trimmed in the freezer. Will post pics when I make it happen.


The white kernels and white bits on the hash were the parts that had already dried out in the freezer. A tiny bit of moisture inside makes those other kernels golden colored.


Ahh common those r contaminates :rofl:

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Drool worthy :raised_hands:t3:

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Ohdamn, I should have put it under the scope! Ahhh well those handsome nugs are decomposing in my liver now :smiley:

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Sir for you safety please detox with Mullin immediately LOL

Looking good

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ok boys and girls! Time for a crash course in identifying good weed!

See these two buds? You would think the one on the left produces more hash. wrooooong!


If you look close… reeally really close! You can see the difference.


All there has to be is 1/3 less trichomes per bud, and it goes from excellent to trash.

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Do you think the one on the right is a bit fluffy compared to the left giving it more surface area? Or is it the type of heads on the trichs make them better for washing?

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I check the bubble waste to make sure I stripped off all the trichome caps, and also I looked at the hash and saw it was made from trichome caps. Then I got a cannabis plant that had 10 trichomes per bud, so that produced 1 gram of hash per kilo. I spent a long time connecting the dots! In fact I would even count the number of trichomes in the past instead of doing the human eye thing like I do now.


Is that how you determine the better hash strains? Number of trichs on a bud?


That’s right, and I do a prediction on the yield before I even make the hash.


hah hah oh my I went back through my 900 microscopic images. So many of them were dedicated to figuring it out! I can look at those strains I tried and tossed out and see they are shit. Like sugar black rose. Fuck that one sucked!


I should actually perhaps re post some of the evidence I have. It was a wild fucking ride that’s for sure! Initially I didn’t even know what part of the plant to look at. I was snapping photos of leaves or clusters of buds on the edge of things. Then finally realizing that there was a part of the plant that was growing on there with trichomes all the way from veg through to the end of bloom. Holy shit I started out so ignorant it’s almost laughable!


I would believe it, you really can’t tell with the naked eye. I’ve washed strains that looked frosty AF and came out with bugger all and I’ve washed plain looking stuff that have dumped.


I’ll start with the terrible ones.

This is a dried SBR one.

more terrible crap.

additional shit yields. All these plants were shit hash yields with low trichome counts.


Another shit one. I’ll get to the good ones in a sec!