The Real Seed Company

It’s one of my favorite episodes :grin: thanks I was to lazy to try to find a clip haha.

@Rhino_buddy Exactly! I can honestly say OG is first thing I usually get on when I wake up. I rarely get get on social media unless I have to, I look forward to coming here everyday though.

@anon93244739 haven’t been on that long but even still I hear ya, though I think part of what makes this place great is that yeah in alot of ways it is 99% like minded but are still also open minded to new ideas and able to discuss differences and ideas without constant flame wars and other online bullshit. I know at first sometimes the community can seem daunting or even unfriendly to outsiders sometimes but it usually comes with good reason(people joining just to get free seeds then disappear, etc) but it’s the most excepting community online that I’ve been a part of.

@BillyBobb I can see both sides, and definitely understand frustration from dealing with a company on issues and it seeming like their just fucking you around(not saying they did or didn’t) there are alot of companies out there that could give 2 fucks less about the customer as long as their making money. Sounds like they wanted to make it right. Glad you guys were able to work it out. That’s part of the beauty of it even if shit starts out ugly I. The end there can be some amazing results.


This is my favorite episode, and I bet @anon93244739 would agree. No knifey spoony, but it has a spoon, carved from a bigger spoon. :rofl:


It’s my favourite too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ok, I like where this thread ended up. I just read it for the first time and I can understand both sides. I over reacted once to a silly thing with seeds from Europe and I had my reasons, but it really pissed me off. I should have been able to move past it sooner, but the company didn’t seem to care that they sold the seeds I pre-paid for. I let my personal issues override the whole thing, too. It seems so silly now.

And, I see the Real Seed Company trying to reach out. I assume, the seed company, being international, is fairly busy and just like at my house, some days things slip by me. That’s life.

What I see here is life as we know it. Shit happens. At least the two parties were able to speak to each other in public and the rest of us can see that.

I feel like I’m back to neutral on making any judgements. Now, if the same thing happened multiple times it might be different. I know that a lot of people here are very into landrace preservation and use TRSC a lot.

As for @Namkha, we would seriously be glad to have to stop in and judge for yourself what type of forum we are. I think you’ll gladly find out that we don’t roll like any other forum.

I, for one, love it when some of the breeders or seed biz create a thread and stop in to answer a few questions now and then. It’s great exposure for you and a great chance to build relationships. BOG was very accessible until he passed, for instance. Bodhi has a thread and has stopped by on occasion.

Not speaking for myself, but what I’ve found out, is that unlike me, most everyone on here seems to have pretty good jobs! lol… They freaking spend some $$$, know what I mean. I’m impressed, because I’m as poor as I’ve ever been in my life atm.

Please don’t underestimate us and our large membership. I for one would love to know more about your company and products.

Come back and hang out anytime bro, and thank you for stopping by to try and clear things up. Much better than burning bridges. I know we have some hardcore landrace junkies on here and you would be very welcome.

Thanks to you, too, @BillyBobb …Peace


Mods, please give me your email address and I will forward the entire email discussion with BillyBobb to you direct from my gmail, so you can see he has indeed read my emails repeatedly offering replacements

Right now what you’re doing is giving equal weight to his claims, despite the fact I’ve repeatedly provided evidence, only for you to ignore it or claim that I might have fabricated it

This guy is here maliciously, in an attempt to damage my reputation

You’re providing a forum for him to do that and “both sides”-ing me

I’d appreciate if you didn’t

Hope that’s clear




Fella, there aren’t “both sides” to see

BillyBobb knows I offered immediately to replace the seeds, and have repeatedly offered

Mods know that too but have pm’d me saying “screenshots are easy to fake”

There’s a link where you can see more screenshots over on Rollitup

So what I’m now offering to do is to forward the emails from my gmail to anyone who cares to read them

This is a malicious thread, simple as

On the plus side, there is a post above from a customer explaining in detail how we really do business

All best,



Looks like @namkha even lied right here in this thread it would appear unless im confused in some way.


You’re confused in some way

On the plus side, you can go back and have a re-read

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Hi @Namkha welcome to Overgrow. I hope we will see you around from time to time to discuss cultivation and genetics. I have some grow logs for your lebanese here and on the breedbay forum in the real seed co category.

As to the topic at hand, we all know your position now and I think you have made your point. This forum is a lot different than the others. While people may get upset or have differences of opinion, there is very little trolling here and I think people are a little concerned to see you using this term in your first posts on the site.

Using insults like troll changes the tone of your posts from simply stating your point of view, to insulting a member. I think there is a more productive and less confrontational way for you to respond to this.


@Namkha he didn’t purchase those seeds from you. Didnt email you about them. But you somehow tested and proved he was wrong. That doesn’t make sense.

Based on how your acting here, it doesn’t speak volumes for your company.



We also used to sell a Widow

And I assumed he was the one customer who once complained about germination on them, after which I immediately replaced them seeds, retested them and got 100% germination



Thanks, but no, I have zero plans to stick around

In an ideal world, I’d like to not even have to use Instagram

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You sure are quite unnecessarily rude I must say.

Why you just jump to conclusions that he was the one person. You know what they say about assuming.


The Real Seed Company sold White Widow??? WTF when???

Not trying to attack you, just seems different compared to all the Landrace beans.

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Just to be clear, you’re also “both sides”-ing me

I’m offering to forward the email discussion to anyone who’d prefer to see the evidence before rushing to judgment

BillyBobby is a troll

I’m not using it as an insult

It’s a statement of fact

Hope that’s clear

We sold them via our other site, Kwik Seeds

I still have about 100 beans of them

If anyone wants some just email me


This place far surpasses facebook’s Instagram. Far far far surpasses.


angus you are really looking for confrontation where there is none. This is not productive and does not reflect well on you.


You’re continuing to misread the thread, dude

I thought he was being positive about us, saying we offered to replace his Widow seeds



I’ll throw in some :popcorn: while we wait if this is going to go full SpeesCees.