It’s one of my favorite episodes thanks I was to lazy to try to find a clip haha.
@Rhino_buddy Exactly! I can honestly say OG is first thing I usually get on when I wake up. I rarely get get on social media unless I have to, I look forward to coming here everyday though.
@anon93244739 haven’t been on that long but even still I hear ya, though I think part of what makes this place great is that yeah in alot of ways it is 99% like minded but are still also open minded to new ideas and able to discuss differences and ideas without constant flame wars and other online bullshit. I know at first sometimes the community can seem daunting or even unfriendly to outsiders sometimes but it usually comes with good reason(people joining just to get free seeds then disappear, etc) but it’s the most excepting community online that I’ve been a part of.
@BillyBobb I can see both sides, and definitely understand frustration from dealing with a company on issues and it seeming like their just fucking you around(not saying they did or didn’t) there are alot of companies out there that could give 2 fucks less about the customer as long as their making money. Sounds like they wanted to make it right. Glad you guys were able to work it out. That’s part of the beauty of it even if shit starts out ugly I. The end there can be some amazing results.