I can’t remember the title or which group organized it, that said I remember it being about 2hrs long, Sam talks around the 1h15 mark…

The thumbnail is of a stage with a podium and a dude behind it, the room is dark…

The title is in Dutch(?) I remember thinking that I would have never found that on my own hah

I had found the link on another forum…

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@Mithridate Found it! Or at least another video. It’s from a documentary named the Hempen Road, less than 300 views on this YouTube video, he comes on at 1:11:40


Wow :clap:

Yeah that’s the setting I remember. Seems to be a bit more zoomed in than I remember, and less dark… but it’s been a good 5 years since I seen this…

OK, that’s not the exact video I watched, the one I remember was a whole conference. The bit with skunkdood is there, that’s what matters

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Thanks! It would have been the 1997 Vancouver Commercial Industrial Hemp Symposium:



CannabisDomesticationBreedingHistoryPresentdayGeneticDiversityandFutureProspectsPRINTVERSION.pdf (2.2 MB)

I pretty much agree with Scott, where’s the genetics? So the man brought some seeds over once. Where’s the continued breeding work? The refined genetics?


Probably wrapped up in defunct Intellectual Property and other businesses.

We do have Skunk #1 and Original Haze thanks to him letting Todd reproduce.


It is really hard to tell from those pictures, but I still think it could be the same person, just shaved.

The nose looks the same, for instance.

Everything turns up inconclusive, again. :slight_smile:


The question I have is…
How did sam get to be the only guy in the world that was allowed to grow weed back then?

How did this just fall into his lap?

Also, there is a thing called expungement that will erase your arrest record.
That could explain why you could not find any record of it.
Not saying it happened, just saying that is a valid explanation of why it can not be found today.

There is more to this story and we know for sure that skunkface lies and lies a lot.


Lie about one lie about all…liars.

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Sam’s story does not hold water when put to scrutiny.

I implore those who repeat his “story”, to do a fair bit more research into who it is that you are parroting before doing so repeatedly.

It is far easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.


I loved hearing Todd and Chimera’s takes on Sam and his contributions. I really recommend people listen to their potcast interviews where they talk bout sam and their experiences.

Sam’s quite lucky to have been in the position he was in and become such a caretaker of the plant. He stands among our learned elders who were actively fighting for acceptance and legalization and actually made a difference.

The hate still generated for him on these message boards is kinda mindboggling.


It is indeed, but the same thing has happened to many important figures in history, especially when a person refuses to be provoked and instead chooses to live privately, only revealing their true thoughts to a select, close few. It leaves others to speculate and make fools of themselves.

He has received so much hate over the decades, I don’t blame him for not releasing anything. I probably wouldn’t either. He obviously doesn’t need financing.

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The Raymond Cogo affidavit that was surfaced awhile back is also very telling in the Neville case. It definitely wasn’t Dave that ratted him out.


Yea, I think his most vocal appearances on anything would be his interview with gypsy nirvana or his stuff on hash church with bubbleman.

The hash church ones are quite informative if you sift through the broadcast.

One really stand out thing is he says his favorite male he used was much sweeter than he realized because it didnt express that as strongly in male form. when reversed into a female it was actually incredibly sweet and its progeny passed on the sweet smells quite dominantly, so the degree the skunk smells shift into sweeter skunks was almost unintentional.


Xochipilli was one of the more astute cannabis historians, may he rest in peace.

He did a wonderful write-up on another forum describing in great detail the history of these sorted individuals and how they are interconnected.

The community needs more members like Xochipilli.


Links to the writeups ?

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Some would say otherwise, how exactly did he come upon this luck?
I can assure you it had to do with the likes of the CIA.
Nevel said sam was always seen with a spook…Hmmmm?
Our cannabis heroes are not who you think they are.


Here is another one of those kinda mysteries.

How did kevin J get such a wonderful gig at wonderland?
Probably much like sam, working with the Govt.
Was kevin jumping out of helicopters with the DEA, bustin folks for drugs on ships when he was young?

Check it out, you may find some real truth not the propaganda sam and the like put out for us to read.

Beside all that sam is a proven bold face liar and I told that to him to his face/screen.
He ran me outta town after that.
Once someone lies to me I do not trust a thing they say, but if folks wanna believe it all just fell into his lap…LOL

What a lucky guy…But we never hear the details on that.
Just at the right place at the right time I guess.

It makes a lot of sense that he would be working for the US govt. you know the one that holds the first patent on cannabis as a medicine, but still claims it has no use as a medicine.

I don’t much trust the Govt. either, that is another group of professional liars.
Birds of a feather they say, I don’t have time to listen to their lies.


I remember him mentioning in a talk that he once was a licensed FFL holder “to get access to cool guns” (paraphrase) and joked it was easier to legally sell machine guns than weed.

All I could think after that was “gun runner”. Add that to drugs, and three letters of various configurations start to float around in my head :joy:


In a video, he talked about doing something like that in his Navy days.
As he was setting up his legal farm, DEA was working closely with him as legislation was being written.
I got some good advice from him.
I feel if he were to submit information, it was only against foreign cartels because he did a Lot to support and protect his neighbors in NorCal.

As far as confirmed rats, Joe Pietri even admitted it in one of his books that he ratted out hash rings in several countries.
I met his nephew - the whole family loves meth.

And there’s another rat I know of in Washington state. He was behind Farmer Joe’s bust.
So this guy is a Native who got busted for shooting up a power station with a full-auto. He makes a deal and LEO puts him back on the street to deal in hash oil - all he has to do is check in and rat people out.

He had a buddy who went by Happy. Happy was a coke dealer/smuggle for Mexi Cartel. His whole crew gets busted, but Happy gets home the next day. Not long after, Happy becomes moderator for the Skunkmag forum. Oddly enough, a bunch of members got raided and at least one OD’s. And even the owner of Skunkmag gets raided.

Over the years Ive learned that there’s a majority of people in the industry who are informants, so I’ve learned to really judge people based on their plants - plants never lie. If your plants aren’t in peak health then you’re an informant, in my eyes.