I know this was not directed at me, but my thoughts are, it could be microbe related.
Fungi ect.

Just a guess here, but folks swear microbes make a huge difference in taste.


“Skunks only exist in certain parts of the world”

…but skunky beer doesn’t. :wink:

Thats something I noticed sprouting heirloom/rare seeds compared to modern polyhybrids - the old stuff has levels of green and bluegreen to their leaves

Crazy as a mofo, yea


That is an interesting theory, but a lot of the late-80s skunk that I smoked was grown in hydro. Rockwool cubes were very popular at the time.


Repeating my words from earlier in this thread, I’m gonna stand firmly on my pulpit and broadcast to the world… RKS weed is a myth.
Thats my story and I’m sticking too it LOL
Skunk weed existed , most certainly it did… but it did not smell like a road killed rotten skunk, That is Internet lore gone awry and a hype then ensued.
Find the clone that the BC Hell’s Angels were growing in the late 70’s and early 80’s and “that” is the skunk weed that everyone has been endlessly searching for.
I’d bet my entire seed collection on it in fact.

repeat after me… “I will not succumb to the seed slinger’s hype… RKS is a myth”


Im curious when HA started up in Canada.
I know in all of N. America they are usually involved with or ancillary to nearly all the genetics.
In NorCal, you either get HA, Cartel, or Hmong running trim crews, and thus farm hands.
Then when you have HA you have merry pranksters and dead fam and now you have the links to All the genetics in N. America


not sure when the first patch bore the canadian flag… can google it but off the top of my head can’t remember.
I do know the bikers moved a lot of genetics up and down the west coast and a shit load of seed from the far off lands of the hashishin with no relation to sam the “skunkman” or his genetics.

My thinking is that if the Skunk everyone is chasing still existed… and if it truly was incredible cannabis, other than the smell, someone, somewhere would still hold the clone… and that someone would be either living under a rock with no ties to the internet or anyone who uses the internet… or they would be VERY rich selling the clone to Kevin Jodrey or someone of the same cloth.

edit to add this.
I believe the BC Canada cannabis community started with the Vietnam era draft dodgers and the seeds they brought with them. It is long known here that many of the Vancouver gulf islands and small out of the way (then) coastal communities is where a large number of those folks ended up. It is also considered the grass roots area for the beginnings of BC’s long standing cannabis community. So bikers and draft dodgers and dead heads Oh My!!! and don’t forget the hippies and musicians :wink:


RKS EXISTED PERIOD. Do not insult the hundreds of people on here who smoked it. Just because YOU DID NOT. Does not mean it doesn’t /did not exist.

hey mellow out dude… my posts should never be viewed that way.
I’m not trying to insult anyone. Like a great many people, I have an opinion to express and that is what the forum is for afterall.
I was old enough to know the smell and there were a lot of residential grow busts in my neighborhood all through the 80’s. My uncles were bikers and 4x4 club members and one of them was involved in major grows into my 30’s. All the skunk they grew was exported to the west coast of the USA according to him. I smoked that weed and I remember the unique pungent skunk aroma from it growing and the bud in hand.
But I’m not here to debate, nor offend, nor tell my life story… but I will express my opinion so try not to take offense.
I believe that the RKS being a myth is an acceptable view point. The clone would still be out there, somewhere in private hands. The fact that it has not surfaced yet is part of what forms my opinion. Sifting it out from millions of “skunk” seeds has not worked either.
“skunk weed” exists…there is no doubt that plant was real
RKS… not convinced it isn;t a myth and await to be proven wrong with a plant in someones garden.


I wouldn’t use nobody having a cut as a reason to believe it never existed , cloning was not very common in the 80s. For example granddaddy purple most definitely existed but was lost in the early medical days to raids and now all we have is kens gdp and some seed lines that are nothing compared to the original. That was not that long ago compared to the 80s-early 90s when skunk weed was still common so it’s very reasonable to think it was lost to any number of causes.


Where is my chocolate thai cut!!
Skunk1? Arguably the most sold strain ever. No cuts?

One thing, doesn’t the ecsd cut require to be ran almost perfectly to shine ? Else it’s boring? Very little wiggle room.

The sad truth is our beloved nose burning skunk must have been found multiple times, only to be discarded by growers thinking “the hell is this smell !:face_vomiting:


I to miss the chocolate thai and wonder if the darwoh that hazeman put out has anything similar to be found in them.


I haven’t grown any drawoh ct myself but from what I read it’s not there.

See my posts in the Chocolat thai thread, apparently c99 leaning witches weed x sour bubble bx 4 can, strangely enough, throw chocolate thai like plants, similar high and taste.

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@Slick1 Crossed it to his orange Grove and made a plant that is Chocolate orange candy to the max. There is for sure chocolate in those genetics. I think an out cross maybe brings it out, but for sure I got chocolate into the cure via jarring method from ChainMailFuckVest. If you have it run.


You’re the only one that has reported the chocolate so far but I hold out hope based on your experience!

Also just to give credit where credit is due the Orange Grove was from @JustSumTomatoes , I was just a pollen chucker lucky enough to have been running them simultaneously when the OGrove went male. Honestly it would have been hard to make a more enticing cross had I planned it though!


Hazeman’s Cocoa Puffs is a delicious smoke. Definitely recommended.


I have those beans sitting next to the chocalte thai :grin:


I’ve been wanting to grow that cross out really bad but wasn’t sure if it would finish outside in my climate with the long-flowering thai in there. That’s awesome the chocolate is coming through. I love those chocolate orange slices that look like oranges. Had some the other day actually. All these different Orange Grove crosses everyone’s done look phenomenal. @Floyd did a GG4 x Orange Grove that’s awesome. I bet that would pair well with the chocolate thai cross.


I really do not give a rat’s ass if you wanna believe a scammer like Toddy McFraudy, or the pile of BS that Dave Watson has dispensed about his greatness as a breeder and all of his lies over the years. My beef with Todd is that he spreads the BS about Watson which I know for a fact is 99% pure BS regarding what he (Watson) did in California. I also do not give a flying fuck if you see a red flag or not. I mean, you are just another random dude on the internet yourself sucking up to Todd here. And through him you are sucking up to Watson. Which in my book makes your opinions (which is all they are here) worthless. All you have is hearsay of what Todd said that Dave said. That does not hold up in any US court of law, BTW. Where were YOU when all this shit went down?

As for talking shit and taking advantage? Laughable. That is exactly what Todd did to rip people off for “Nevil’s Tribute Haze” only days after Nevil passed away. He listed beans with a teary tall tale for a small ransom. Fortunately Scott Blakey slammed the door on that shit and came out with his own real deal Nevil Haze for less than 1/3 the price on Mr Nice. And we know FOR CERTAIN that Scott has Nevil’s original strains. All Todd has is a story. Along with his stories about Watson which is all second hand crap. Like the BS about Sacred Seeds in Santa Cruz, being the original breeder of Skunk, Cali-O, and Durban Poison, and all the BS about the Haze Bros. Watson’s tall tales from Corrolitos regurgitated by Todd. So yes, Todd is a scammer. Posted by himself after Nevil passed away, trying to take full advantage of the situation.