The Reset, Starting over from scratch with/for new(sort of) friends

You don’t even know how much I feel you…I’m currently in a sober living with 16 other “adults” …can’t wait to get into my own place, at least I’m not homeless anymore…but sometimes it seems like it was less stressful than the energy of 17 guys…“sober”

I’ve actually got 4yrs now so I’m ready to get an apartment with the homie and finally get set back up!!!

Stay positive and optimistic… things will get better for both of us and all the OG’RS


Bro if I could find a sober living place that allowed weed and growing it I’d jump on it in a heartbeat. Alcohol got me in its grips hard lately, trying my best to self detox but fuck is it hard, I could go to the va for it but my plants drinking daily now too and I hand water(need one piece to get drip setup but that’s gotta wait till payday too)


Alcohol is what got me here bro…I wish you could grow here…I have to smoke like I’m 15 and live with my parents…I’m looking for more work and a place so I can get set back up

I’m in southern California so rent can be psychotic…but closer to the Tijuana border the cheaper…and I go to Mexico for medication so I don’t drink (Clonazepam) on the d.l. :wink:


Your doing some fine plant building in there man! Lovely set up.
I’ll say this, I was once homeless, lost everything. Did some rebuilding of myself, and met a nice woman, that is/was as independent as I was, she was NOT looking for anyone, nor was I.
And here I/we am/are now, 24 years later, in the best relationship I was ever in.
We are as different as different gets!!
She’s a church lady, singer, mother to 2 most excellent men/fathers/husbands, we all love to indulge in cannabis, and we all get along great.
Do not give up! Do not give in! Both you guys will find better, quality in life, just hold the line!
Wish you guys all the best!!


Coming along, think I should’ve vegged longer and used bigger pots. Idfk what’s up with the scraggly Gary poppins in the back.


One things for sure. I’m definitely not maximizing my space this run lol. I could’ve fit these in the old 4x4.