The results of leds and hps. Come comment or criticize please

Whats up OGS. So i went a little heavier on light in my 8 by 8 flower room this round. 4 leds amd 2 600 watt hps lamps. Results only made me wanna add more light. Heres some of the results somce mass went legal. Woohoo


Nice looking room…

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Buds lookin nice.

I had my 300w China LED in with my hps for a while and buds seemed more crystaly than without it.

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It looks brutal :slight_smile: I think similar results can be reached combining HPS with blue CFL. HPS alone is too specialised in spectrum. Cannabis need good portion of blue light also in flowering period.


Looking good, I’m a big fan of wide spectrum lighting. As much as I like LED’s they make things a little too tight.
I prefer the mixing of lights too.

So another HPS/LED hybrid is to mix a blue LED+UV with HPS. You’ll hit the 700nm band and the 400nm band.



Nice …you think maybe I should toss a metal halide or two in there. Maybe

New room. I’m gonna stagger the lights like.

Mh. Led hps mh hps
Led mh hps led mh

I have a good budget. I could spend the money on some more lights and I also have a 1000 hps. Maybe I should center the room around the 1000

Led mh led
Uv 1000 uv
Led mh led

Idk trying to come up with the best idea for this 10 by 9 room my buddy and I just built. Gonna be nice having a room that size with so many options and completely control of the environment.

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