The results of my labor

As I have spent the past few days in a smokey haze I am finally getting around to a report on my first efforts in growing. My first plant was a total flop for unknown reasons but my second attempt is better. I got 2 Green Crack clones, rooted and planted, and at the time only had the flower tent so they went into there and the 12/12 light with 600W HPS in a 4x4x7 tent. They budded well but never really got much foliage and after 9 weeks I harvested them. I clipped all the leaves then the branches and then trimmed the buds as best I could before drying for 5 days. When the stems cracked instead of just bending, I cut the buds off the stalks and placed in a glass jar and cured for 12 days, opening the jar every day for a bit to let moisture, and daily smoke lol, out.
Results - First thing I must flush way better as I have a bad nute taste. I realize that this can be easy in hygro but I am a soil person of the earth and planning to go organic. There is also the crackle and sparks of burning nutes. The smoke otherwise is smooth, after the nutes burn off, and has a earthy aftertaste. The high is quite ceberal while still relieving my pains allowing me to function during the day. Not much of a couch lock feeling unless you smoke 1 to many that is. The buds could have been tighter and I think this may have been due to the distance from the light, about 20 inches. I followed recomendations found on the net but my son came by and informed me that because of my air cooled tube I can get the plants within 6" of the light. Somehow in my reading I missed the back of the hand trick lol
Overall I am satisfied with the results, just over an ounce off the 2 plants. I am applying my new knowledge to 2 White Widow that are now in week 4 of flower and 2 Blue Cheese ready to go in on Friday

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Hi Rongo!

Nice to see a positive report! It only gets better from here, my friend.

A longer cure should help your crackling and taste issue some.

Ive got some Widow in flower too! We’ll have to compare notes :raised_hands:

Stay Hazed,

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good go dude. i usualy find when my stems crack they are past my favorite point to cure them at. i go when the stems bend and kinda half ass snap. also if you dry before trimming they dry longer which i find is better also:)


White Widow 6 weeks into flower and hairs are +50% amber from white. Plucked a small taster tonight and will let dry for a day to test.

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Small bud produced enough for 3 hits. Rather uplifting high and long lasting, couple hours. Quite satifying lol but still a couple weeks to go for the couch lock lol

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Good job on your first grow! Your 600w lamp has the potential to yield around 20oz per harvest once your grow is dialed in.


“Great Grow Rongo” I grew 4 White Widows my 1st ever Grow & they turned out Amazing especially for a 1st timer as green as I was. lol. Oh & you should see a significant difference by the positioning of your light to be sure Bro. I wish you the Greenest of Grows & the Heaviest of Harvest always. Don D.

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