The Speakeasy

The true purples yes I do like. The original red hair. I loved all those flavors back in the day

I’m new to all these different kinds. I hate to say it I even grew with for people I can’t remember the names of them I would go by Indica or sativa

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thats a major assumption. if you cross two strains, you have to pheno hunt to find the hybrid vigor and desired traits. there are a bunch of potentially wacked out genetic combinations as well, or ones that have no potency, for example.

I’m still kind of hesitant about some of it so here in a few months I will let you know 100% how I feel about Fem. seeds to regular to clones.

I do like dropping regular seeds. From past experience.

The selections are everything. You can take the most hype strain and turn it back into hemp in seven generations and with precise, perfect picks and infinite amounts of phenos to chose from you could do the reverse.

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I didn’t know it could turn back to hemp.

That’s what I wonder about the cross breeding. I was always told That you had to cross several times. To get a good breed. That’s with anything. A lot of this I’m new to. I would say I’m new to it 100%. After coming here

So I have this big bag of weed. I’m not talking about a little bag I’m talking about a big bag. Bad genetics seeds and entire plants. I have a fire outside I thought about throwing it in there. I did something like that once before I am not gonna do it now but I would love to. Smoke it up. I wouldn’t smoke it. I lived on a mountain one time burned a big bag like that two days later they smelled it on the other side of the mountain come around there I want to know what I was smoking. I thought the myself do you watch too much television too much marijuana madness

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Ok need some pro advise. I had a devastating light timer malfunction. It caused two plants to hermie. These were grown from feminized seeds. Are these seeds guaranteed to hermie? Are they feminized since no male actually pollinated? This gorilla girl plant is just dank as hell and I’d love to have some of it seedless. Just wondering do I save these seeds or chuck them. Thanks for input

To be honest with you if I have a plant that does that it’s gone. I’m not that good with genetics. The reason I say that is because I’ve never had good seeds until now. I did once years ago. They were a mixed bag of beans I got for out west. I thought I could get more never did.

I have tried with beanbags before. Never got anything that did what it was supposed to do. I got horns. When I say that I mean I got both male and female parts. That’s fine if you wanna grow something outside and I’m sure they probably would’ve done better outside.

I’m no pro at seeds. The last ones I had I toasted. And putting in cookies. They were no good I can show you what they look like the plants they were huge. They ruined something I could be finishing now matter fact they would be finished right now because I was messing with something I should not have been messing with. I do that a lot. I’ve never purposely made my own seeds. Years ago outdoors plants The seeds from them I would never get rid of I would replant them over and over. Because they where not hemie. I had one plant do it one time outside it was so beautiful had a little yellow flowers out of the bud. One seed. Now I knew what kind of seed that was. At the time that’s what you wanted you knew that was gonna be a true female.

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