The Story Of Sassy

That one was a crazy assed story Shadey…I often wonder if they abducted my neighbor, the one night. The lite hovered over his house for a min or so, before disappearing.

I second Shadey’s thought here…But, some people might not be able to handle what happened to them. I have seen it where they wished they never knew what happened haha.



Yeah I don’t particularly care to open a can of worms I can’t put the lid back on


Yep remembering repressed memories can be devastating to some, It’s like playing Russian roulette.


I had a traumatic enough childhood no need to add more lol


Found this from Sasquatch Chronicles. its good entertainment and a lot of info, Cliff and Bobo from Finding Bigfoot have a podcast. The first 3 are a bit rough but it gets better as they go along. Bobo is a very interesting guy, you get to find out all out about them but mainly Bobo. The man is crazy lol, but has he ever had some amazing experiences. Not just Bigfoot, but all kinds of Criptids and Paranormal stuff

Check them out.

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Hey guys and @Shadey

What say you?



I will check it out on my PC can’t see much detail on the phone, looks good though. I get so used to seeing blurred blob squatches, when I see a good clear pic, I tend to think it’s fake lol.


I agree with what the guy says, the head doesn’t seen to be pointed or high like lost squatch faces, and arms look human length, but there are lots of reports of more human or chimp looking faces and head shapes so who knows, could be looking at a real squatch, but I doubt it for me. If you’re brave enough to stand and take a pic like that, why are there not more, you would think they have more pics for better context. As the guy says all the areas you would look at to distinguish it from a human wearing a costume, are covered by tree branches. I hope it is real but doubt it.



Just curious if anyone has any bigfoot stories they would share?

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Awful lotta people traipsing around the PNW with cell phone cameras, yet no one’s found any bones, hair tests always come back as something else.

Might as well believe in Nessie or Champie or the Jackalope lol


Isn’t there a bunch of back and forth on sasquatch DNA like some scientists say its human and the others say its contaminated? I’ve also heard that sasquatch DNA is registered in some gene bank and is real??? Pretty crazy stuff. I’ve never seen any paranormal stuff so I’m pretty sceptical but maybe…

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Wow, good stuff here. Surprised no one shared these yet, grower encounters with the creatures, second one is from here in Maine.

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We can identify hair from pretty much any primate. If it were something we have never seen before, people who know would be able to tell. Further, it is really hard to hide large animals from being discovered. They have to eat too much to not be noticed. We discover new insect species all the time, because they are tiny, but a population of 7’ tall ape men in the PNW? Someone would have found SOMETHING conclusive by now. A skull, a femur, something. ALL those mushroomers/hunters/birdwatchers/guerilla growers/hikers etc and nothing? No indisputable video, no verifiable photos?

All those motion cameras they set up to try to find one and…nothing? Sasquatch is a fun myth, but it’s still a myth.


Maybe, maybe Recently Josh gates had a show out where he was hunting Sasquatch I believe it was somewhere in the Himalayas and if I remember the show correctly they did find a hair that he took to scientist and they found no physical match to any known a hair sample that they have on record so I’m not saying that this is a total win for Sasquatch but it could be a possibility. I am not one to jump to conclusions but there are still some mysteries in life that we can’t explain
OK puff puff pass I think I just saw one run by oh look it’s Darrell


Yeah I cant explain it but there is something going on within Sassy. They are magic I guess. Lol. I didn’t mean tha TV to be funny but shit that’s hard to be serious about. All I know is something is going on with the sasquatch people that we as humans donf understand.

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I totally agree with the lack of evidence but people are seeing something or someone. Interdimensional I guess?


What gets me is there’s laws that say it’s illegal to shoot on in some states

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There is so much evidence for them out there, pictures, films, sound recordings, track ways, hair and DNA. Then you have Native American history, American pioneer history, Viking history. European history, all writing accounts of seeing, dealing with, or fighting with hairy wild men.

Even president Theodore Roosevelt of the US has seen one. Hundreds of police, military, special ops, doctors, lawyers have all had and reported encounters, thousands of first hand witness accounts just in the US and Canada, and probably thousands more not reported for fear of ridicule, let alone the rest of the world and every continent, with their own equivalent and slightly different variants of the species.

Sound recordings that are not on the lists of any known animal, that can create vocal signatures, above and below the human range.

Track ways of footprints of adults and juveniles that would be near impossible to fake unless you spent, thousands of dollars and a lot of time trying to produce, in such remote areas, that it would be pure chance that anyone would find them.Dr Jeff Meldrum, a footprint specialist, has hundreds of authentic casts that show mid tarsal breaks.

DNA so close to human DNA it is usually marked as contaminated and discarded but some scientists are taking it more seriously now and delving into the nuclear DNA.

You have top primatologists like Jane Goodall, saying we have more evidence for Sasquatch than we did Gorillas when we started looking for them, and believes they exist from the evidence she has seen.

There are some very serious field studies going on, these guys are worth listening to.

They may bury there dead like other primitive / relic hominids did, even Neanderthals buried there dead. How often are dead bear, mountain lion or wolverine skulls or skeletons found. Scavengers will strip a carcass and porcupines will eat bones and teeth for the calcium, nothing lasts long out in the wild, if it has usable nutrients.

The problem is a lot of people think of them as an animal, when they are probably an extremely intelligent relic hominin, and incredibly physically superior to humans, and attuned to their environment in ways we cant understand yet.

If they can create sounds above and below our range of hearing they must be able to hear it themselves, which means they can possibly hear trail cams functioning, and maybe even see the infra red light the cameras produce, as they are mainly nocturnal. Bears can smell the chemicals in plastic, in trail cams, and frequently try and eat them so why not a Sasquatch smelling them and avoiding them, knowing it was a dangerous human that put it there.

There is plenty of real evidence out there when you actually start to investigate these things thoroughly.