The Wheel of Time

I was waiting the whole first episode for the first line of every book to come out. My wife was like wtf.

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Watching here and its making me want to get back to the books, I think I read the first 2 or so.

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Damn. That would have been epic

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Well, that’s not actually the prologue I meant… but that one was cut too? :frowning: Oh well. I didn’t see any casting for Lews Therin or Ishamael though, so I guess that follows. I meant New Spring though, which was about Moiraine and Lan meeting and took place a few years, or maybe decades, before the series started.

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I know the answer but don’t want to say because it feels… dirty. Like I cheated


Oh naw I’m glad they didn’t start with the prequel imo that one is better read after a few books for new readers. I think they are meant to be mysterious until later on at least

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Edited :raised_hands::raised_hands:!!


Oh, completely missed this one. Elric of Melnibone?

Well, that seems unfair editing your post just before mine to the right answer just after I posted it. :stuck_out_tongue: Not that the seeds matter much, but still…


No worries they all yours ! Just wanted to check if it was right :raised_hands:


You were right, and actually now that I look it up you were right the first time… I thought the White Wolf was a reference to Geralt, didn’t even remember that’s the name of one of the Elric books. It’s been quite a long time since I read it and I was proud that I remembered at all, that’s all. :stuck_out_tongue: Doesn’t really matter where the seeds go, we all have plenty. You definitely were right the first time and I didn’t realize it was a clarification rather than a correction. My bad!


You got it, Elric it is.

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Or one of you did, you guys decide.

I was walking the dawg and missed it.

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He got it first, I just didn’t realize it was the right answer because he used a different name for the same character. :slight_smile:

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Oh and one more Elric tidbit.

The series is coming…

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I only see one person who used the name Elric…

Interesting… it was from 2019 though, wonder if it’s gone anywhere since then. I guess not… just looked it up real quick.

As for the trivia, he answered the White Wolf first, I answered Elric of Melnibone, then he edited his answer to say Elric of Melnibone. Pretty much the same thing…

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So if I was looking for the name Elric as the winning answer, who had that first?

I was walking the dog and missed it…

I just want to be fair.

… really at the end of the day I’ll probably just send both of you seeds anyway…lol


I swear to God if someone don’t bust out that Two Rivers tabac I’ll lose my shit


Ok, that helps. :slight_smile: If you were looking for specifically the name Elric, I had it first.

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Need your details my friend.

You want autos or photos?

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