The WWYD Breeders Thread

I don’t know about other breeders, chuckers, whatever you call yourself, but I love getting the opinions of others on projects and ideas of mine. Sadly, I have no one knowledgeable close to me, nor do I know a single grower, let alone breeder, face to face. Where I’m from people are just starting to come out of the proverbial and actual closet, and it still a secretive and lonely existence.

If others want to join in and use this thread as a way to get others opinions on a project or cross, I welcome it. In short, the intent here is to help and weigh in on others projects, and get some other perspectives on your own.

Without further adieu…

I currently hold moms of Blueberry Muffin, DJ Short’s old PNW cut Blueberry, MOB, and a selection of BBM x Vintage Blueberry along with a limited amount of pollen from a male of this. So far I’ve made BBM x (BBM x VB) regs in small quantity, but nothing else specifically blueberry.

I have more BBM in flower and have Blueberry and MOB ready to flower and can’t decide if I should make more BBM BX types, or save that pollen for a bit and make MOB or Blueberry x BBM x VB. I could also do none of that and reverse one on the rest and make some fems.

So, what kind of blueberry goodness would you make with these plants if they were yours?


More blueberry! :+1:


Please make fems of the PNW cut. :pray::pray::pray:


It’s scientifically proven fact that you can never have too much blueberry, nor cowbell!

Which reminds me, I have some Blueberry x More Cow Bell and Blue Cheese x MCB beans that’ll be in the mix of my blueberry creations at some point…

To throw a curveball in the mix, I have some 2 week old Blueberry auto regs and Jammy Dodgers #2 x Blueberry that we could make some fast photos and start the ultimate blueberry auto project with :smiling_imp:


Do you want S1’s or Blueberry x MOB, Blueberry x Blueberry Muffin, etc?


S1’s dude, that cut is pretty rare, got a pic?


She’s the short foreground one compared to Franco’s SLH and Daywrecker back left and right. She’s always a little lighter than most Sunday push her on the nitrogen. I’ve been growing her for well over a year, but haven’t flowered her yet. She checks the boxes.

She even gets weird mutant like leaves when she’s pissed. I’ve grown a lot of those mutants, they’re prevalent in the blueberry auto Regs I’ve popped hundreds of. I’m not so sure it has anything to do with a mutation and wonder if it could be a unique stress response from certain genetic combos. As far as I know, DJ’s current selection, and for a while now, the mutants have been missing. Some of my best blueberry started as mutants and runts, so I try to keep them in the pool.


Some blueberry auto testing from early last year. These were purposely stunted and kept small and several to a pot. They will get 7’ n some cases if I don’t tame them a little when I’m growing to smoke them


Nice, I crossed a female LemonHoko Blueberry BX3 female that I selected out of 2 packs to a Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry male… who was the only one that didn’t autoflower when rootbound, out of 6. The offspring lean to the sativa side, I call it Blueberry Quest…and they haven’t autoflowered when rootbound as of yet.


I can’t help but feel fast blueberry fems with provenance would make some folks happy. Blueberry is great meds as far as I’m concerned, and rise blueberry airy are some of my favorite smoke in the last 5 years :man_shrugging: But, fast and auto are dirty words around here :joy:


So funny you say that… This is my bbm x VB mom, she won’t show no matter how root bound. I currently have 4 clones of her growing in a solo cup to be extra sure :joy:


The girls never gave me a problem, it was the boys.


I think they’re all like that… and I don’t think it’s root bound as much as its size and light schedule and root bound.

They seem
Young, dumb, and full of… They’re just ready to party! :joy:


Some love for the boys… :joy:


MOB does that with the girls, and blueberry in general, even BBM is supposedly not Blueberry related, but jumps into flower in a heartbeat. With all of them it’s not autoflower IME, you can grow it indefinitely with its little white pistil party and it won’t produce real flowers, they just show their girly parts. The boys just flash a little balls when root bound? :man_shrugging:


BTW, What did you think of that Blueberry BX? I’ve been wanting those since I learned about the BX2. I got offered some BX4 testers and I was approved to run them, but then life, Canada, and PayPal sucking conspired against me.

Have you grown any of the progeny yet, seems like it’d be a winner of a cross on paper!


More than a little, we’re talking flower spikes here :wink:
As for the Blueberry BX, I was kind of expecting way more Blueberry terps in a 3rd BX, out of 7 nice girls only 1 wound up being what I would consider Blueberry terps, but it was definitely an amazing specimen, it was always the tallest one and had the thinnest leaves. The offspring of the cross are absolutely wonderful, bursting with Blueberry terps and they all come out on the sativa side, structurally speaking.


I’ve heard that about the lack of blueberry terps and those plants on a few occasions. Glad you found one nice one!

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Wait, you’re blueberry autos can get to 7’? :hushed::star_struck: …how long do they run?


Holy Bluuuub…
Breed for blue (color) and I will want seeds….
beautiful plants brosehph!
Keep the good work , regardless what you decide