This happened overnight? WTF is this

So in addition to the indoor girls and plants by the pool, I’ve got a few just in pots (can you imagine in the ground??) Anyway, yesterday was a gorgeous day. I did morning “rounds” plucked a few yellow leaves, watered if needed…don’t think she was thirsty. I go out for morning rounds and see this:


I would do the entire checklist. Test the soil EC and ph, if those check out, test the moisture. Then move onto the canopy, temperature, light etc. Make sure all the important parameters look good. The wilting of the growth there indicates a root problem I think.


Scrolling through the pictures I immediately thought root / stalk issue. Such a dramatic change assuming it looked fine yesterday.


The plant is outdoors, and yeah it looked fine yesterday.

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How warm do the roots get in the black containers in the sun?
Was this their first full hot sunny day?


Ouch! Do you have a photo from yesterday?
I see a small pot inside a larger pot. How big is the pot the plant is in. My first thought was same as @Eagles009


Wha was” fine” yesterday. Did she had the same green pale colour and then turned to yellow?

Looks like the pot from the outside could have overheated the one from the inside, don’t allowing the roots breathe through it.

Also It does look like a big potassium deficiency for me.

Are you giving any nutes at all?

What is your ph and EC?

Tell us more so we can help you


Yea, maybe not thirsty, but hungry!

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To me it looks like it could be that part of the root system died off either from over watering or like what @ganjajuana is thinking the roots were cooked by the sun heating up the pots.


I wish I had a recent pic, but see this branch? It’s what the plant looked like yesterday:

Strange how all but a few branches were affected…I don’t think this plant will be saved and all the others seem fine and healthy with the same treatment (or abuse lol)


What’s above the soil is a reflection of whats going on below the soil in the root zone. If you pull that plant out of the pot and examine the root mass you will see that the roots arent white but most likely brown and clear


I agree looks like something going on in the roots.

best answer

I’m having a similar hiccup with my Pink Cookies outdoors. It’s in a 3gal pot on my porch and of course the 1 day I skipped morning watering due to running late for work it became a 30C+ day with high winds so by the time I got home it was on it’s side and the root ball completely dried out. I soaked the living fuck out of the soil and left it sitting it water an hour or so as a just in case. The next day I had a few branches that look like what you are showing but the bulk of the plant seems to be okay… (for now).


A lot of times if a plant is left in the same container for a long time the plant uses up all the available nutrients in that soil and will start to starve. Adding nutrients will solve that problem if that is the case.


So here is the thing…her indoor sister is also a bit fussy. I’m far too lazy to grow anything high maintenance, so no more zkittlez. I’ll be gifting the remaining beans to someone who can handle it lol.


That’s a shame man. Last March I bought a small grow tent and light off a guy and he gave me some of the Zkittlez he’d grown and it was my goto buzz during the day until that 8th or so ran out. I found two seeds in it and saved them. He warned me that I might find a couple seeds as his roommate was a little careless about pollinating another plant but damned if I can recall what the male was.

I have all sorts of seeds so maybe if I have something you’d like we could do a swap? Mention some genetics you’d be interested in and if I have it they could be yours. I have way more varieties than I’ll ever be able to grow out and no problem dealing with fussy strains.

Maybe a PM would be best if interested.
