This plant's doing all kinds of shhhh🤬

Mother Nature had her own plans. Sometimes DNA don’t turn out right. Look at how some folks is born. May have been exposed accidentally or intentionally to some unknown contaminate


Yes. You really want the dark period perfectly dark. It doesn’t take much light at all to mess them up. Its kinda like how a small light over your head at night wont give you a tan, but it can still keep you awake. Its not really using that little light at night to grow or anything, it just messes their sleep cycle up.

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Wow really! I learn something new every day. I never knew that a root bound plant could express like that

It’s gotta be something with the light.

It’ssss Aliiiive :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:

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It is a semi-automatic. with a little stress it begins to flower, when it recovers it begins to revegetate.