Times have Changed?

I contacted the department of agriculture requesting a seed licence for hemp seed. I didn’t just get a no, I got a hell no… lol

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It’s almost like they were more interested in the political points of social justice than the actual legalization, and now they’re only doing it as fast as they’re forced to. :thinking: So, yeah, still someone else’s address for me. I saw a cop at the donut shop when you and @Slick1 got me to try… whatever that sandwich is called, and if I have my way that’ll be all I see of them for next year as well.

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Did you see the cop and quote House Of Pain by saying “I never eat a pig cause a pig is a cop” and then realize you were about to eat PORK roll and stew in the irony for a minute?

@Cormoran IDK man…I find it incredibly hard to believe a 15 year old had sex with a 14 year old and is on a lifetime sex offender list. Romeo and Juliet laws and all that. Maybe a charge of some sort somehow but he actually got convicted in court and didn’t plead down? Did he have the worlds worst lawyer? And still hasn’t gotten a lawyer to look at that after all those years…no…that doesn’t add up at all.

If anyone can show me an arrest for seeds post 2018…lemme know…until then it’s just purely speculative.

I am fully cognizant of how things used to be, but things ain’t like that anymore. Y’all ain’t Marc Emery, folks.

@corey care to upload the denial letter with names redacted?

If you guys are that weird about seeds, you’d better start collecting bagseeds. Not too many…don’t wanna get possession charges with more than a couple grams of seeds haha.


I said I lost touch with him years ago… I guess I should have specified it was about 20. I’m not on a watch list, so I haven’t looked up the particulars of how it works. Maybe I should have phrased it differently, and said that he was on a watchlist and thought it would be for his entire life based on his possibly flawed understanding of the law, 20 years ago. Sorry.

Either way, my point was not about the particulars of how juvenile sex offenders are treated, it was about the letter of the law versus the spirit of the law, and how the letter of the law can still get people locked up. I’m not Marc Emery, whoever that is, and I don’t want to be. I want to have some slight comfort besides “no one cares enough about me to come after me” so that I can go about my life somewhat normally, without being paranoid that something I said online could get me arrested. And yes, it’s probably just paranoia. It’s still a felony where I live, though. Call me paranoid, call me crazy, call me Ishmael… I’m sure you already do, because I grow in soil. Whatever you say, I’ll still continue to use a safe address.

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I know someone in the same situation 14/15 yr olds. Was a former co-workers son. Not only is he on the sex offender list with Meghans Law, he’s also still doing time for the deed (yes, he went to and is IN jail for it now). When he turned 18, her parents called the cops (she was still 17 then), mind you, they were dating for 4 years as well… So not exactly to be unexpected for them to be intimate. Part of his problem (ie.e reason for jail time) too was they shared pics of each other on their phones. Why he got nailed with child pornography charges, and the girl didn’t, is beyond me. It was not predatory, they were BF/GF for a few years. He’s still got a few years (served 3 out of 5 so far) to go behind bars… Feel bad for the kid cause he got ramrodded, and this was a bullshit case, he’s a good kid. Doing what kids do… Not some creepy 40 yr old sexting with a 14 yr old…

Its not being wierd. Its being cautious. I’d rather fly under the radar till I can be legit, why would I wanna attract unwanted attention? I mean, I did get a visit from the cops maybe 15 yrs ago now, neighbors thought I was growing with the bright lights coming from my basement window. Took the cops downstairs to see my coral farm and a dozen reef aquariums. So, evidently they don’t even need much more than a phone call to come knocking.

Its called Meghan’s Law. Look it up… STUPID application of it (really, its meant for some old perv with a young girl, not two teenagers) but the letter of the law is the letter of the law…


So he shared child porn images as an 18 year old and this is shocking to you?

It’s not unexpected but this is absolutely not a case of 15 and 14 year old have sex, either. I’m not saying the laws can’t be asinine but this ain’t what cormoran was talking about.

I personally know someone who did time because a speeding drunk driver hit his tractor he was driving down a country road during harvesting. The guy driving died instantly, but this acquaintance in the tractor had weed in his bloodstream in the post-accident blood draw. So prison. Downstate Illinois about 10 years ago. And they definitely had a good lawyer…sometimes the letter of the law is pointlessly harsh.

I am intimately and personally familiar with how shitty the law can be…but this ain’t that…we’re talking about mailing seeds, everyone.


I don’t want to upload my emails. They were extremely rude. I asked for the paperwork for the 35 dollar license and they wouldn’t send it. They said hemp seed is a special seed used for special circumstances. I said no shit?? That was it…

If there is a license available, what’s in the way of you getting the paperwork?

I could be wrong but for some reason I seem to recall you living in the land of Lincoln?

Lol. Yep, I might be in a legal state but some real haters of this plant…

I apologize for double posting but since we are on the topic. I use a po box in someone else’s name who has me added to it. My first name is real but my last name isnt. Also I do not even live in the same town of said po box…


You read that as sharing child porn? He and the girl he was dating for 3-4 years shared pictures of each other, with each other and that’s child porn on his part, while the girl is a poor innocent victim who was taken advantage of by a sexual predator? It’s exactly what I’m talking about; letter of the law vs spirit of the law. It’s exactly what you’re talking about too, just a slightly different situation:

Stealth was always the way here, many a code existed, too burnt to remember.
But somehow shabang nknew when LEO was in the house, then they were tortured.

NO. He was dating her from 14/15. The shared pics from then till he was 18 at which point her mom THEN called the cops.

Weed laws are pretty much unenforced where I’m at. Bout shit my pants one day sitting on the porch smoking a blunt when a dude got pulled over infront of my house for speeding. Room was in full flower too. All the cop cared about was the dude doing 60 in a 25.

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Lol. That would be scary. Your right though. A’s long as your peaceful cops are only out for the criminals imo. It only takes one ass hole cop to make them all look bad… generally where I’m from people are tought to mind there business.

Oh I have no love for the pigs not even a little.

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Same here… one thing for sure about them pigs is that they look out for their own…

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Not even bacon?

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i used to be careful, way back i would never but any nutrients in my town, always paid cash at another town,
never told anyone what i was doing, i used a po box for most if not all of the seed i got unless it was bag seed. i grow when in my state if you got caught with one plant your cultivating and that carried a steep sentence over 10 years easy. i always had nightmares when i did sleep of the sheriffs dept kicking in my door, ect.
then as time went by i stopped caring, i still keep my mouth shut on what i was doing and started growing more bag seed, and at the time i would grow one or 2 plants, never throwing away any cannabis trash or any kind of grow related stuff.
a few years passed and overgrow was around and i was there briefly then og disappeared and so did i from any internet cannabis stuff and i kept to myself and grew, as time went on
i stopped giving a f++k and started getting seed from the internet sent to my home, where my grow was, i still didnt throw too much out, and minded my own business. i grew like this for years after.
i recently found overgrow again and what has changed for me,
i still grow and i still have seed sent to me, i dont throw grow related stuff out, i mind my business and keep to my growing. as time went by, cannabis is more and more accepted, and i stopped worrying about sheriffs coming in, if they do now i guess they can take me in or puff with me, really ill be good either way. time has def, changed and so have a lot of states views on cannabis stuff. seed to your mailing address, sure why not.
just remember even if it is legal and good, there still will be someone out there who will want to do bad things like take your grow or even worse.
biggest lesson is being and staying careful. if you dont want cannabis stuff sent to you then be the invisible one and grow your own while keeping your secret. so the scales can go either way