Times have Changed?

I’m a bit more relaxed now because it’s legalish but way back when I didn’t tell anyone, not even my best friends, that I grew.

Nobody can keep a secret.

I used to say I got my weed from a guy known as “sparkles.” True story. Helped to keep prices high too.

Now I don’t mind telling people but I live in a secure building and robbing me would be virtually impossible.

I swear I have PTSD because of prohibition but it’s really not a big deal anymore. Still get waves of it sometimes though.


Be careful sir, that’s my attack Pomeranian!

yip yip

Heel, Kiki, heel!


I got turned in by my 19 yr old son because I told him to get a job or get out. So you never know…….


Small dogs can take a huge chunk out of someone’s ass.

Often I’d think it’s enough of a deterrent that they’d be tempted to just find an easier mark.

I have a small dog too and if anyone messed with his mama they would have their throat ripped out.


My shoes were once torn to shreds by a little Chihuahua named Kiki. Couldn’t keep a straight face as this big grown man was yelling at his little dog- still would have preferred that he replaced my shoes.

Times may have changed but I’m not just concerned about the law. There are lots of malicious and greedy people out there.

I remember the first time I was home invaded, what a rush. In my region the police at least knock before kicking in door. They usually save the beatings and robbery until they get you back to the station, too.


i think the PTSD is going around with the older growers, i never been arrested, not for growing, never had my garden taken and i never been robbed. ive heard of others though who were robbed by gun point and robbed when no one was home, i had a lot of friends get raided and then robbed legally , but i was and still am very lucky. the only person who knew was my mom maybe a girl friend, who is now my wife.
a few people may know but for the most part i keep a low foot print, i still mind my business and im still growing, now im not so worried about much except for my power bill or running out of nutrients lol.
i am glad @Foreigner because your probably an older grower as well and you know what im talking about. in any case nice to meet you @Foreigner . im sure well be talking here and there


wow. man thats a rough one

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C’est la vie

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Cheers! Yeah, I go back a long way. I have lived many different lives.

The closest I ever got was cops. I was stupid and had a couple of street level associates. One got popped. He ratted me out but had the decency to tell me. I tore everything down that same day but they never showed up at my door.

This other time a couple of thugs tried to screw me with a fake $20 bill. I told them I couldn’t take it, that it was fake, but I hate to see anyone’s evenings screwed over some bullshit so I just gave them a 20 for free. Cost of doing business.

I also have privacy issues on the verge of being pathological.

Holy shit. There’s more than one?


I hope you reneged and he was immediately evicted.

BTW - what happened to you?

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I got sentenced to 8 years in a state pen….,

And yes he left and haven’t heard from him since.


Holy sh!t!! That’s hard to wrap my mind around. Hard to forgive, if not impossible.


man again sorry to hear, guess not even family should be trusted


I am no longer mad about it.
Luckily I was in a overcrowded prison system where you only did a 4th of your sentence if it wasn’t violent.
But he is my son and though that is the case I will have nothing to do with him ever again.
So no not mad but not forgiven……


Sorry to hear about this Oldjoints, that’s a shit deal indeed.


Good man. Lose the anger as it helps with nothing but don’t forgive what I would consider too big a betrayal to accept. That is a very well grounded way to deal with things.


Got off parole in 2017 and fired up the lights in another state,that state went legal 2 yrs later……


Maybe a couple, I was a popular guy :rofl:

Actually kind of flattered they felt so keenly about me, afterall what else are friends for? I hope they’ve learned to change their ways.

Talk about burning the bridge behind you.

I really admire your stoicism.


Yeah. It’s rarely the boogeyman that gets you.



I haven’t had anything stolen from.me since i.left my hometown where all my relatives are.