Times have Changed?

I had a little safe that my sister tried to break into. You could see the tool marks on the hinges and the mechanism.

Of course she denied it. Of course I didn’t believe her.

Almost always the closest ones. They covet.


Man…now I kinda wanna know what Yung Foreigner keeps in his safe.

Surprise. It’s several smaller safes. Inside those, lockboxes.

Inside those lockboxes? Dildos. Get fucked, safe thieves. The money was in my butt the whole time.


Like this?

Not my safe. Police kicked in a neighbour’s door after a tip-off from a slighted ex-girlfriend. We were alright acquaintances but he wasn’t a nice guy. Charges didn’t stick because police aren’t allowed to randomly kick in doors and destroy property.

The real takeaway here is to be careful in who you trust, and that security is only an illusion.

Safes and deadbolts are a deterrent at best. I never even lock my doors or car. If someone broke in today I would probably offer them a tea.

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MasterLock Matrioshkas

They don’t make a safe big enough for my dildo collection. I checked.

Jokes on her there was maybe a half ounce and a hundred bucks in there. I guess it’s worth going to juvie when you’re young and dumb.

There are few things I dislike more than half assed criminals. Apply yourselves. An angle grinder would have opened it in 45 seconds


The job on my safe was an amateur hack job. Which is funny because it was defeated by my amateur hack safe.

This is good protocol because it saves you a smashed window when they really want the nickels and dimes from your cup holder.


Phew… I really thought I was being paranoid with my CCTV and wire traps.


icon_e_surprised|nullxnull icon_e_surprised|nullxnull
Next thing is someone pissing your soup for putting a bad review in TripAdvisor the day before entripao|nullxnull , thanks for sharing … beer3|nullxnull

The USPS actually has software that can scan for names and addresses on certain things and if a name don’t match to the common ones at that address they have been known to return it to sender.

It’s part of how they can pick out your mail and forward it when you do a change of address. I’ve also had a couple bubble mailers returned cause the person gave a fake name. Thankfully the return address I use, while not mine, is a good friend so he’s cool with it and he keeps his nose clean so even if they opened them and found the seeds he would have every right to deny knowing anything about them.

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That was a shitty move on the trimmer. I have a small grow shop in my small town. We are legal where I live but I still feel a bit uncomfortable . I just remember the old days to well.