Tiny Grow, MrSparkle inspired

Looking good so far! That mag def is a sight I’ve seen all too many times in coco. I have pretty soft water (~50ppm) and was always fighting it. I started adding epsom to my weekly TM7 foliar sprays.

Have you grown this one before? I’ve never grown an auto yet, but I am looking for some tiny autos to try in my treepot flood/drain system.


I’m very new to coco.
The LRxUV run I did at the start of this post was my first time. And, I did have to add way more calmag that I initially though on that run too. But the LRxUV plants coloring recovered within about 2 days of boosting the calmag.
These are much slower to respond. Its been over a week and those lower leaves still looking sickly.

And, you’re right, it’s minor mag deficiency. I probably should stress too much about it but, I just want them to be tip-top healthy at all times.

Also, I’ve never grow this strain before, and this is only my second auto run ever.
I chose this one because of its SnowWhite heritage (cause I like White Widow so much)
Height wise I don’t know what to expect. But, the pots are sooo tiny, I can’t imagine they will get very big.

I guess we will wait and see though.


One thing I learned growing in coco is that you can grow large plants in small pots – if you can feed at a high frequency. It looks like you have an auto-watering system, so you could probably do it. I was growing in 16oz pots and I was still getting 3-4ft plants, but also feeding like 6 times a day at peak.


Wow, where did you get the LRxUV (AKA el Ruv) seeds from? I just gave away my last pack a few weeks ago. I made those seeds in 2017, amazing they are still kicking around. :grin:


Those came from @_randomguyinthewoods. I think he’s had them for a little while. I traded him some Black Widow F2s for them. So, yup… that strain of yours is still kickin’! I like it a lot!


Yeah, it’s a trip! My buddy is going to make F2s and send me some back. Haven’t checked in with him in a minute…


In the Snowryder tent… The Pollen Is Fallin’!

That number 1 male is so far ahead of the other male.
I think all the gals will be fully pollinated by number 1 before number 5 even starts dropping pollen.
If number 5 doesn’t start catching up soon, he’s just gonna get culled.


if number 5 is that small and lagging i concur your previous sentiment on it.

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Hey @ReikoX if you want some more i have a lot left of f2. I also sent a lot in to the preservation runs so they’ll be kicking around for a while for sure :v: and @firehead id give the slower male a little more time. I’ve always heard to look for males that are weird. Usually the males grow faster and taller quick so the smaller male could be interesting. Worth a second thought at least.


I wouldn’t mind a pack of the f2s. I’ll send you a DM.

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If you have some F2 extras I sure would be interested!

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The number 5 male was culled this morning. It still had only a few tiny underdeveloped pollen sacs.
Meanwhile, the number 1 male is bursting from top to bottom with boatloads of big clusters of pollen sacs everywhere.

It always makes me a little sad to toss plants into the trash… :cry:


SnowRyder update: Day 34
The male was removed from the tent this morning. His work is done. The 3 girls all pollinated quite thoroughly.

All three are consistent size so far. 17-18” tall. But, they were topped. If I had left them alone, they would be much taller.

The one stray LRxUV in the tent is just showing sex today, and looking like a female!

In the other tent, with the same style coco/ikea reservoir setup, I’ve got a few little plants just starting out.

  • 5 BWxNL crosses I made (orange cups)
  • 1 fem Jack Herer (blue cup, a request from a friend. He really liked this one last time I grew it)


@lefthandseeds, just an update on these plants so far, cause you said you were looking for small… these have all maxed out at 18" tall. No additional growth in the last several days. And the node spacing is much tighter, when compared to the LRxUV in the same tent.

So, yeah. I think these are pretty small plants. (Even with topping, the LRxUV is going to tower over these plants)

The thing that is noticeable though, is the smell: Cat piss! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Surprising, as this is supposed to be a White Widow/Northern Lights based strain. I’ve grown both those, and cat piss was never a smell I’ve gotten before. Not something I’m a fan of. But… we’ll see what happens.
Stem rub is a nice smell though. Classic smell that I’d expect from white widow. A little spicy and piney.

I’ll post some more pics as the buds start to develop more.


Snowryder Auto
All three girls still doing well, and showing lots of seeds. Still all staying at 18” tall.

Plant 4 is even starting to frost up a bit.

Northern Widow
One of the plants has severe leaf Variegation. So, it’s heading to the compost pile… :cry:

The other 4 plants are looking super healthy and happy.

They were moved to larger 32oz pots (large yogurt containers) and are loving it.
I also added a bit of soil mix in with the coco, to try and buffer the mix a little and prevent the mag deficiencies I keep hitting. So far, seems to be working.

So, it’s now like a 1-part soil/3-parts coco mix.

Two of them are noticeably bigger. Thinking they are probably males.


These BWxNL plants are just so intense. Bulking up like mad, and super chunky. Now that I’ve stopped hand watering them, and they’ve gotten a few feedings from the auto-irrigation system, they are really taking off.

Compared to my last few runs of Autos, these robust plants feel like they are saying ‘go ahead. We dare you to mess with us. We will survive anything… Fuck you’.
They definitely smell like the NL mom, and so far, seem to mostly take after her.
I’m gonna give them another few weeks (so I can get plenty of clones) before switching to 12/12


Some freaky Frankenstein stuff going on with these BWxNL crosses. The NL mom was a little chunky and thick in the stem… but these kids are weird. The plants are only about a foot tall so far, but the stems are just getting freakishly fat. Fatter at the top of the plant than down near the base. None of my BW ever looked like this…

Is this common with coco/hydro and photoperiod plants? From all the constant feeding?

This plant is not even the fattest one. It was in the front row, and easy to grab for a picture. One in the back row is even freakier.


Snowryder Update.
The plants are 58 days from sprout.
I’m probably gonna let them got to around day 75-80?

So far, the buds on the plants are pretty lame. Very small, and not dense at all.

This pic is the biggest cola in the bunch :face_with_monocle:

On the upside, they do smell nice. A little piney, and slightly lemony. Nice classic smell. And some of the pistils are starting to turn a really nice orange.

But so far… unimpressed.

Maybe I should cross these with my NorthernWidow freaks. Find the auto offspring, etc. and inject some beefier genetics into this strain?


Yeah I’ve seen that for sure. I also used to grow coco and am currently growing hydro. AFAIK it’s normal.


It will be interesting to see the yields with a nutrient highway that fat