Tiny Grow, MrSparkle inspired

Finally getting around to popping the Pine Tar Kush seeds. 4 went into the pool today. These will go into the small tent once the Snowryder Autos finish in a few weeks.


Well. The Snowryders got chopped today (day 71) because lots of amber trichomes showing up… and I was honestly sick of caring for them.

I probably threw out 30-40% of the branches. The buds weren’t even worth plucking the fan leaves from, let alone a proper trim job.

I regret seeding these girls, cause I doubt this is a strain I will ever run again. At least not these genetics anyway.
One of the plants was bigger and healthier, and you can see it from the root balls too.

If these buds were unseeded, they might be something to be happy about, but as they are so heavily seeded I don’t think they’ll be worth the effort to sift through and make smoke.
I’ll dry them anyway, and stick them in a coffee can labeled ‘apocalypse stash. smoke only after everything else is gone’

In good news though, all 4 of the Pine Tar Kush have sprouted.


Yes, that is perfect! :sunglasses: :+1:

The Apocalypse stash



Little update on the tiny grows.

  • Pine Tar Kush: 4 little plants waiting for the 2x2 tent to open up (drying the Snowryder in there now)

  • New beans: also just popped 3 Chemdawg x White Gold seeds from @MrToast. These will end up in the small tent with the PTK, until females are identified.

  • LRxUV auto is in the tent with the Herer and NLxBW plants. She has about 3 more weeks to go. And I decided to put her into a bigger pot. We’ll see what happens. This plant was only for experimenting anyway, so throwing caution to the wind, and doing dumb stuff!

  • I’m excited about my NLxWidow cross. This is a nice female. Deep green 9 finger leaves. Smells like the NL mom, but growth is more compact. Tight node spacing. I think she’s going to make some impressive buds! :smiley:


The PTK plants have made it to the small tent. The Chemdawg|WhiteGold babies are a few days behind them.

And, I’ve been having some major germ failures with the Lemon Jeffery beans I got… but today it looks like 2 are finally cracking out of their shells! I am crossing my fingers, cause I’m really excited for this strain!

Trying to build up my mini collection of mom plants.

A buddy of mine grows outdoors, and says he wants to go big this year (16 plants), so I’m hoping to have a fire collection of clones to give him for the farm.


Looking great, wish my overseer aka wife let me expand a bit more. I would love to have a mom tent or box… kinda running outta room in my garage.


Wow, tiny LOL. What didn’t you like about them? Just not big enough?


The buds were really tiny, and airy.
I’m sure I could have gotten a somewhat bigger harvest if I had grown them in bigger containers… but, overall, I think the genetics I got were just not very good.
The structure of the plant was nice, and they were healthy.

But, they just didn’t compare to the only other Auto i’ve grown (The @ReikoX LRxUV that I started this thread with)

I’ve done a couple sample smokes and, honestly, it isn’t really bad. Its a decent medium-potency strain. quite frosty. Smell is very mild though.

I’d be curious to see if the genetics you got are similar, or far better. I hope you got something better.

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That actually might be perfect for me. I’m looking for something that I can grow in a very small flood and drain in high density.


Glad I caught up here, good work!

I grew NG420’s PTK and it was great, on point with what I understand is the original product.


Cool! that’s good to hear.
I’m really excited for the PTKs to get bigger. Looking forward to the smell of this strain!

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A little update on that Northern Widow (NL x BW) mom I’ve got growing…

She’s about 4 weeks into flower, and starting to form some nice buds. Touched one of the buds today, expecting to smell a mix of the typical NL or WW smells (pine, spice, earth)

Not even close!

The smell is intense overwhelming gasoline and lemon pledge!
The BlackWidow dad must have been the one carrying those genes, Cause none of the BW or NL moms I’ve previously grown have a smell anything like this.
:star_struck: :sunglasses:


They do change over time. My current plant was all fresh coffee and earth. Now she smells like pinesol and menthol


Had really bad luck with Lemon Jeffery. Only 1 out of 6 sprouted. But they are fem seeds, so I won’t be worry about a lone male situation.


Who’s afraid of a Jeffrey!?! :joy::rofl::joy:


The Jack Herer is in week 5 of flower. She’s gonna be big! :smiley::sunglasses:


Wow, nice structure.


The Pine Tar Kush and Chemdawg x WhiteGold(I’m calling these “ChromeDawg”, cause it’s fun) kids are doing well.

The PTK look awesome. Very sturdy and healthy.

I think I’m getting finally the hang of the coco/hydro thing. Figuring out the nute levels that work best. I’m not getting the cal/mag deficiencies on new plants like I was in the past, and no nitrogen toxicity like my first run.


Today was harvest day for the Herer plant I had in the 2x3 tent.
Biggest harvest from a single plant I’ve had yet. I think it’s partly genetics, but dialing in the cocoa/hydro setup is making big difference too.

I grew this plant for a friend, who’s after very upbeat sativa high. If this was for me, I would have let it go another week.

This was grown under my Supernova SN300 LED.

I had pulled fan leaves off before the pic, but not done any trimming yet.


Looking like a plentiful harvest man! Nice work. Love those sativa’s.