Tiocranius Grow Log

what’s up guys
I’m a Brazilian grower, I’m starting to grow, in the middle of my second cycle.

The first cultivation was with a Paraguayan sativa, and now I got some seeds from some breeders.

Indoor Grow Tent - 80x80x160
Soil - 50% Carolina Soil V (peat, perlite, carbonized rice husk, dolomitic lime,vermiculite) + 50% Sphagnotec (25% peat, 25% perlite)
Pot Veg - 1,5 Gallon
Flower Pot - 3 Gallon
LED Samsung LM-301H - 150W - Driver MeanWell
Exhaust Fan - 65W
Clip Fan - 20W
Ferts - Biobizz - Grow/Bloom/Alg-a-Mic/Top Max/Magnifical - Remo

I made an attempt to clone all the plants when I was doing the pruning, but as it is the first time I do this process, only one took root, which was one of the tops of mint milano, which has already gone to the 2l pot.
Trials have been made on peat + perlite, substrate, water, and now I’m trying on vermiculite. The month of January was very hot and with very low humidity, in my city it was the driest month of the last 30 years, this made things a little difficult in the cultivation environment which may have influenced the success rate in cloning.

The idea is to extend the vega for another 15 days until the plants branch out well to take a few more clones from all of them and then flip for flowering. I bought a flowering REMO kit with Micro, Bloom, AstroFlower, VeloKelp. As a source of sugar I will use cane molasses.

818 headband clones, in vermiculite.


critical sour diesel - 67 days - topping 3 times

chocolate heaven - 55 days - topping 3 times

mint milano - 51 days - topping 3 times

rainbowcake - 56 days - topping 2 times - this one did not like the pruning very much. I’ll just take it on the lst from now on.

clone mint milano - 5 days on a 2l pot


That’s it for now guys, I’ll try to update weekly, soon gflora starts and things get more interesting hahaha.

Smoke hugs


Welcome @tiocranius and positive vibes for you and your garden!


Welcome to Overgrow!! @tiocranius !!

Good to see you setting up your grow room thread. :+1:

What node are you first topping at?



pruning was done at 3 node, but plants were already at 5/6 node.


Seem to also tolerate that training, looking good so far … beer3|nullxnull


what’s up guys,
The long-awaited weekend happened


Today it’s been 3 days since I changed the photoperiod. In this first week, I will give half of the dose recommended by Remo’s table, starting next week I will be taking the full dose.

Now things get more interesting hehehe I’m already taking clones of all the plants to start the next veg. And that’s it guys, thanks

Follow me on Instagram @tiocranius


what’s up guys

another flowering update…today completes 9 days since I changed the photoperiod.

they have given a good stretch. I feel that if there was more light they would develop, but the financial conditions and the price of energy here in Brazil do not collaborate with the growers kkkk.

I also have several clones that have already rooted and went to the substrate. I used vermiculite as a rooting substrate and I was 100% successful, it takes about 14 to 18 days to root, but it was a very efficient method. Tomorrow the tent is arriving where I’m going to set up the veg. It will be a 60x60 tent with 75w led 5000k.

Here’s an overview of grow:

In this cycle I decided to use rowing fertilizers for flowering. The only one I’m not using is natures candy. To replace this source of sugar I’m using blackstrap cane molasses.
I’m really enjoying the result and the plants are beautiful, with no signs of overfert or any deficiency.

818 Headband - Cali Connection - I didn’t do any kind of training on this plant, I’m taking it naturally. I only removed the lower branches to make the clones and also because they wouldn’t get much light. It proved to be a very vigorous plant, with a good structure. At 7 or 8 nodes it split into 2 apical buds without any kind of pruning.
It was the first one that started to pistillate.

Chocolate Heaven - G13 Labs - It is not a plant that I really liked its development. It doesn’t branch out much, but it’s given the flora a good stretch now. At times I have the impression that the plant is stuck, even though it doesn’t show any sign of over or any deficiency. Let’s see what she has in store for us.

Rainbowcake - Phenofinder This one proved to be the slowest from the start. It took a while to germinate, it took a while to sprout, it developed slowly, it accelerated at the end of the season and now it’s going well, but it’s the one I don’t expect both in terms of yield and quality, I hope to be surprised in 8 weeks k.

Critical Sour Diesel - Emerald triangle - This plant proved to be the most vigorous of all from the beginning, it went to vega 14 days before the other plants. It proved to be resistant to pests, sometimes trips appear here and it is never attacked by the bugs. Sour Diesel is something I’ve always wanted to grow and smoke, as it’s the first time I’ve taken plants with “good” genetics I’m having high expectations for it

Mint Milano - Cali Connection At first I didn’t give her much, even though it was the one I wanted to cultivate the most, I was even disappointed at first, but after about 30 days she took off and never stopped. This plant branches in an impressive way and recovers very quickly from pruning too, it is another plant that has shown less attractiveness to thrips. Clones root very fast. She’s starting to exhale a very strong lemon scent, a delight. Let’s see what awaits us in 8 weeks lol.

That’s it for now guys, next week I’ll be back with another flora update and it’s already shown how the veg will look.


In the last 3 days I’ve been seeing a topic about high germination, so as I had some beans here to pop I decided to show my method.

First they go in a glass with filtered water for 12 hours, I put them this morning, as soon as I get back from work I’ll send them to paper towels, dark pot and drawer.

os escolhidos da vez foram

white og - karma genetics
ghost train haze - rare dankness
chem valley kush - the cali connection

I’ll be back later with the paper towel process.


13 days of bloom, veg tent is ready, full of clones.


what’s up guys

another flowering update…today completes 28 days since I changed the photoperiod.

the plants are still healthy, the rainbowcake is a little strange, it only released the first pistils after 21 days of flowering, and now that it is starting to form pre-flowers, let’s see what comes next. The 818 headband has proved to be a good plant, and apparently a good hay has developed well, it started to resin at 15 days and apparently it will be the one that will yield.


Looking great!


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wasup guys

37 days of flowering

It’s kind of weird to use Remo sometimes kkk, the runin with the maximum dose of fert only reaches 420\440ppm, and the runoff is in the range of 500ppm, but the plants are very healthy, the 818 presented calcium DEF, but that’s because that I was giving the wrong dose, I was taking the value from the table and dividing it by the number of waterings in the week, but, reading a forum, if I’m not mistaken THCFarmer, Urban Remo kind of gave an interview to the guys and he was saying that those values ​​are per ML and per Irrigation, so I was giving less nutrients than he recommends but even so they developed well, what left me a little on the second is that he said he takes the flora with 1250/1400ppm, so that for me to arrive at these values ​​I would have to practically triple the fert, then I wonder, is he able to work in these values ​​because of all the system he uses of co2, humidity, temperature, ideal VPD, or my Fert. was baptized, since I bought it fractionated? I have a doubt…I measured the ppm in 1ml\L and they all matched…I think I should just unplug and touch the boat, but I wanted to understand this stop lol crazy, if anyone has used a Remo and can tell me if they did it ppm measurement and what values ​​were obtained, I would appreciate it

Flowering tent

Veg tent


what’s up guys

There was a harvest around here on Saturday

I bought a magnifying glass for a cell phone to be able to check the trichomes, and I already had a plant with amber trichomes on all the buds. There were still a lot of white pistils, but I learned that it’s better to be guided by the trichomes so the 818 went under the knife with 47 days of flowering.

According to Swerve from TCC, the flora time is 65 to 75 days, should I have waited longer?

the other plants already have amber trichomes on the top buds, and they have 90% of the pistils brown, I believe that by Saturday I will harvest them.


I probably would have waited a bit longer but dealer’s choice.


hey bro, i thought about it later, maybe she could fatten up the buds. But anxiety hit hard here, I’m new to cultivation.

I sent 2 more 818 clones to flora, these I will leave the 65 days at least to see the difference.


Yeah man it’s a totally natural impulse to want to chop them early when you’re a new grower. No worries, I’m sure they’re fine.


Wazzup titio!!!..kkkkkkk

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@DougDawson @HolyAngel

what’s up guys I’m going to germinate some of the seeds I won here at, 6 SSDD F2 BX1 and 4 Grape Truffle are going… looking forward to what’s to come… hoping for a beautiful male to come and breed with everything I have here… and who knows. roll some seeds for the guys further on


Best of luck with your run bud, hope you find something special.


Go go go my uncle.

I know you’ve been waiting for these run!
