Tiocranius Grow Log

happy 2023 guys, much peace, health, money and resin flowers for us.

Apple Runtz @NugLifeFarms420

BOG Life Saver F2 @Purple-N-Hairy

Flowering Tent

Veg Tent


Hey bro,

Okay? Beatiful garden, follow here! I’m happy to find more Brazilians around here

I read your entire diary and I was curious about Chocolate heaven because I have one at the beginning of the flora here, it came from Freebie and I decided to open it. I saw that you didn’t like the structure, but what about the terpenes and waves? did you like it?

thanks bro and happy 2023


Looking awesome my friend :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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always good to have the BR to say hello

I did mainlining chocolate heaven, and it responded badly, it delayed the vega a lot, it was a good brake after pruning.

But with patience it bloomed very well, a lot of resin, the hay that came out smelled like orange, citrus, after about 60 curing days it got a sweeter taste, but with a very present citrus smell.

I liked to smoke in the morning, to go to work, it made me very active and focused.


thanks brother :beers: :beers:


Wooow, I liked

very grateful for the review

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Apple Runtz - @NugLifeFarms420

Purple Urkle - @G-paS

9Lb Hammer X PPP - @Oldjoints


Nice plants @tiocranius

:green_heart: :seedling:

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In vega, I intend to flip the purple urkle and the last of the apple runtz. I’m thinking about germinating some Sour Bubble seeds that came in the fall box.


Purple Urkle Bx1 F2 -
I was looking at a post on IG on TrueCanna Genetics, saying that the pheno he grew with the characteristic of these overlapping leaves, were always plants that resined a lot, let’s see what it has in store for us.

the last Appple Runtz on veg

9Lb Hammer x PPP - I see 2 different phenos by pattern of leaves and development. It will stay ne veg for at least another 3 weeks.

BOG Life Saver F2 - This plant stayed in the 1 liter vase for a long time, and is suffering a little now in the summer. But it is recovering after being transplanted into a 5l pot, a few more weeks and it will flower too.


Apple Runtz - I can’t say exactly which week it is, but I believe it’s in the 4th week, in the middle of the second week, I had a problem with the timer of one of the flora’s leds, and they stayed on for 3 days with 18 hours of light. I think this may have influenced her initial development in the flora a little. But the plant is wonderful, large leaves, with a beautiful pattern, let’s see how the terpenes will be.

Apple Runtz -
This one is in the middle of the 2nd week of flowering, it is developing very well, I counted 10 tops without pruning or training. It has already shown the sex, and it is female.

BOG LifeSaver F2 - With this one I had the same problem in the photoperiod, but it was in the 4th week, I don’t know if that’s why it has so many leaves, now it is in the 6th week of flowering, but it seems that it is still in the beginning. I don’t know if this photoperiod problem caused it to have so many leaves, or if it’s a genetic characteristic. It’s starting to ooze, a sweet smell like sour gum. If this top bud gets fat enough it will become gigantic, under the leaves it is full of pistils.

Rainbowcake - 10 days flowering


Yeahhhhhhhhh, run a F3 to us bro!!!

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:rocket: :rocket:

beautiful plants brother.

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Salve, tiocrânio!

I believe I have already followed one of your diaries on GR. Pulling the bench to accompany your garden, your tent is beautiful, full of exotic girls! I wish you good harvests!

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hi bro, how are you?

I used to post more on GR, but lately it’s been kind of stopped. After they blocked new registrations, the forum slowly died. But it would be great to have a community like this in BR.

Thanks bro, I’m very anxious to see how they are going to turn out, I haven’t taken any of those that are in the flora yet, except for the rainbowcake, which is her 3rd run.


Flowering Tent


Hey guys, how its going ?

i ve been start my first hunt and crossing. i put 8 beans Sour Bubble from @DougDawson for popping, there 5 popped. 3 have been for the soil 2 days ago and 2 been today.

the idea, is select the best fenos and make a f3.
for the basis of selection, im using all about i can reading about the strain on this forum and work of tonygreens on IG.

Flowering tent

Apple runtz #1 @NugLifeFarms420

Apple runtz #2

Apple Runtz #3

BOG Lifesaver f2 #1 @Purple-N-Hairy

Lifesaver f2 #2

Purple Urkle BX1 f2 @G-paS

Rainbowcake - phenofinder seeds


how’s the smell in the flowering tent ? looking good man.

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Out of :heart:, looking good brother…

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Salve maano
A fica tudo muito misturado

Mas as que estão mais cheirosas por enquanto é a rainbowcake, que tem um cheiro bem adocidado puxado pra baunilha, resina bem grudenta.

E a lifesaver f2 que tem um cheiro mais puxado pra fruta silvestre, mas nao está resinando tanto, na verdade estou achando a flora dela meio estranha.

To curioso pra ver o perfil de terpeno das apple runtz.

It’s all very mixed up

But the ones that smell the best for now are the rainbowcake, which has a very sweet smell like vanilla, a very sticky resin.

And the lifesaver f2 that smells more like wild fruit, but it’s not resining so much, in fact I’m finding its flora a little strange.

I’m curious to see the terpene profile of apple runtz.


Thank you my friend!!

Have you ever cultivated this BOG lifesaver?