Tiocranius Grow Log

what’s up guys

Last weekend I harvested the plants that were in the flora and flipped the Grape Truffle and SSDD f2 bx1 that were in vega.

1 of the grape truffle from @BasementBeans s in its 5th week of flowering, it is resining a lot, with a beautiful structure, and a very sweet sweet smell.

One of @HolyAngel ssdd is also in the 5th week of flowering, resining a lot too, even the fan leaves have resin.

Here are some photos

Grape Truffle 5 week

Grape Truffle 1 week

SSDD 5 Week

SSDD 1 Week

Mint Milano 1 week

It’s a little cold around here, but as soon as the weather warms up I’ll put some more seeds I won here, Apple Runtz from @NugLifeFarms420 , and the BOG Life Saver F2 from @Purple-N-Hairy


and oh bro, cultivation can’t stop, why consumption doesn’t stop lol :beers: :beers:

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I don’t think you will EVER have your jars empty ejem|nullxnull, I feel you, growing such healthy and beautiful plants brings real happiness to life … beer3|nullxnull

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usually when they are close to emptying, a new crop comes out hahaha…I don’t usually leave them curing for a long time.

I started cultivation 1 year ago, I still have a lot to learn, but I’m happy to see that the plants are growing healthy, I didn’t expect to achieve good results in such a short time.

But I’m still young, there’s a lot of time to learn more and improve even more kkk.

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Grape truffle - @BasementBeans -
Plant resining a lot, smell of cherry candy. It’s turning out to be very pretty purple leaves. Surprised by this cross, she alone smells more than the grow room full of plants at the end of flora lol

SSDD F2 BX1 - @HolyAngel
It’s developing very well too, it has a very sour smell. Resining a lot too, even some fan leaves are resining.


Sorry I haven’t stopped in to this thread more @tiocranius, you’ve got some great looking plants here! That grape truffle is definitely taking after the male from that cross. You’re making me want to pop some!

Grown to perfection, great work :ok_hand:


what’s up guys

vega update

at the weekend I transplanted 2 chem valley kush to 5l pots…I germinated the Apple Runtz and BOG Life Saver were 3 of each 100% germination, they stayed 24 hours in the filtered water and then they went to the substrate (peat+perlite) , 2 days later they were out.

It still has 1 818 headband, 1 critical sour diesel, and 1 more chem valley kush in a 1l pot. I want to transplant them until next week, to veg for the next flowering, where I intend to cross with the SSDD male.

The flowering continues very well, the grape truffle is getting very beautiful and the smell is not even mentioned.

The SSDD that is more advanced is also wonderful, I think it will yield a lot and is resining a lot, very good sour smell. I can’t wait to smoke this.

There are still 2 more grape truffle, 2 SSDD and 1 mint milano in the third week of flowering, all healthy and developing very well.


Grape Truffle


Grape truffle - 1 week drying- @BasementBeans
Top bud trichomes 50%+ âmbar
the other buds were left to finish maturing, when I have 50%+ amber I will harvest them too. I think this weekend they are going to dry.
seeing how the other buds look, maybe I cut this one off a little too soon. But it’s the first time I take this plant and the others that are in the flora, I’m going to set the right harvest time.


what’s up guys

update on the progress of things around here

The seedlings worked 100% germ rate, and are developing well.

The 3 apple runtz are coming with a lot of vigor, they are well ahead of the LifeSaver F2.

Of the Lifesaver 1 of them is doing very well, the other 2 are suffering a little, but I believe that is because some gnats appeared, I already started with bio-insecticide to control and break their cycle.

The flora is still strong, the grape truffle is in the 4th week, developing very well and resining strongly. The SSDD one is close to harvest already, I think about 2 more weeks it will be ready for harvest, today it is 10 weeks old, as well as the grape truffle that will be harvested until Saturday.

Grape truffle 10 weeks flowering

Grape truffle 4 weeks flowering


Salve hermano!
Vou até aí pra sentir o aroma dessas meninas hahaha


Hey guys, wazup

@HolyAngel - SSDD F2 Bx1
5 week - It’s in the 5th week, forming a grotesque central bud kkkkk it’s almost the size of the palm of your hand, when you start getting fat it’s going to get gigantic

10 week - I believe there are still 2 weeks to go until this one. The buds are very fat, well resined and very dense. It has a sour rubber smell, very good. There are still a lot of white pistils and now that the trichomes are starting to turn amber.

3 weeks - It is very healthy and developing well, it promises a lot of resin, even the big leaves are starting to resin on the ends.

lower branches of the plant with 10 weeks, that have fallen and I have no way to tie them, even though they are not so exposed to light, they are covered with buds.

Grape Truffle - @BasementBeans

5 weeks - these are in the 5th week, developing very well, I loved this plant. I harvested the other plant this Sunday. I couldn’t get the drying place out there is little light but as soon as they go to the pots I’ll post a photo. the buds are so covered in resin, they got some purple parts, the smell is too much and super potent hahaha… too bad I neglected it and the clones didn’t catch, I’ll see if I can revegete one of them after harvesting.

Apple Runtz - @NugLifeFarms420

1 week veg - PP + NC ± 400ppm

BOG Life Saver F2 - @Purple-N-Hairy

1 week veg - same feeding


hey guys, wazup


Apple runtz @NugLifeFarms420 - They are developing well, 2 more advanced, and 1 a little later. I believe they were all supposed to be more developed, but I’m suffering from a gnat infestation, I had it under control, but these last few days were very rainy here and things went wrong. I cleaned the tent with alcohol and bleach, in the watering I’m adding IMO-1 + diatomaceous earth to fight the larvae, and bio-insecticide to control the adults

BOG LifeSaver F2 @Purple-N-Hairy - 1 is developing very well, the other 2 are suffering from gnats, now it’s time to control the infestation and wait for them to recover.

Floração - Last week the SSDD f2 bx1 was harvested, it has been drying for 1 week, I believe that today or tomorrow they will be in the pot, to cure. This Saturday, a mint milano was also harvested, which was in the flora, freeing up space and flipping 2 Chem Valley Kush that were in vega.

Grape truffle @BasementBeans 8 weeks - Of the 3 plants this is the one that had the shortest flowering, Saturday it completes 8 weeks, it will probably be ready for harvest. The top buds have ± 15% of the amber trichomes, the lower buds are still milky, I believe that this week they will be mature too.

Grape truffle 8 weeks long flowering feno - This one has a longer flowering, I believe it’s still about 3 weeks for her, now that the trichomes are starting to get milky. I believe it will be ready at about 12 weeks.

SSDD F2 Bx1 @HolyAngel 8 weeks - This is the frankenstein of the grow hahaha but the top-bud is getting too big, resining a lot too, sour smell.

SSDD F2 Bx1 6 weeks - Plant developing very well in flowering, still pistilling, it will have very fat buds too, resining a lot, even the fan leaves stalks are full of trichomes

2 Chem Valley Kush 1 week


On Sunday, the grape truffle was harvested, which was in more advanced flowering. It yielded 100g wet + 30g of well-resined trims that will become hash.

This one had a more sour smell, with a little gas smell.



wazup guys

Another update for the faithful who follow the cultivation kkkkk

My ppm meter had gone bad, I was waiting for the other one I had bought, as soon as it arrived I adjusted the feeding of the plants and they developed much more.

The larger plants of the vega go to flora as soon as some plants are harvested, at most 15 more days and they will be ready to bloom.

Of the 3 Apple Runtz, all of them were successful and are developing very well. The Bog LIfesaver f2 1 are very beautiful, the other 2 are unfortunately atrophied and stuck, the gnats caught them in the beginning of life and I don’t know if they will recover.

Last week I put 4 Purple Urkle Bx1 F2 to germinate as a gift from @G-Pas that came in the fall-box, 3 are already out of the substrate and 1 not yet, but stay there for a few more days with extreme care lol.

I took advantage of the heat it’s been getting here these days and I already put it to germinate on Tuesday 4 Black Triangle f2, a gift from @topshelftrees, they stayed in the glass with filtered water for 24 hours and deposited it on the paper towel, they still haven’t opened, but they also follow with extreme care , these I really want to work out.

In flowering we still have 1 Grape Truffle at 11 weeks, 1 SSDD F2 Bx1 11 weeks, 1 SSDD F2 Bx1 8 weeks, 2 Chem Valley Kush at 2/3 weeks.

I believe that Grape Truffle will be ready for harvest in 1/2 more weeks. It’s getting a very sour, gas smell.

grape truffle

SSDD F2Bx1 this one I believe will take at most 1 week and it’s ready, the same time that her other sister took in total

SSDD F2 Bx1 these plants start the flora a little weird, but then they get very fat, and they are very beautiful, wonderful plant, the buds that are a few days in the pot are getting a more citrus smell, a delight.

These chem valley kush are from cali connection, I want to do this run more with them, a very potent strain, it gives a bad feeling at first but then comes a very good vibe. They are developing very well, their feeding is at 1000/1100ppm.

I bought some bags to make a bubble hash, and I made it this week, it was the first time I hit hash in my life. It was 30g of grape truffle trim that I picked on Sunday, I froze the trims as soon as they were removed from the plant.

I made 3 beats, 1 of 3 minutes, 1 of 10 minutes and 1 of 15 minutes, I did it exactly according to a frenchy canolli video I saw on youtube.

I didn’t weigh it to see the yield, the texture was a little dry, I dried it in a cardboard box inside a drawer. It was very tasty, I haven’t smoked the plant yet because it’s drying, but it was well pulled for a gas flavor, it gives a certain warmth in the throat and hits hard.


Nice looking in there bud!

:green_heart: :seedling:

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very vibrant colors, show man!
pulling the bench to follow from now on!

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Welcome to my garden hahaha

feel free to give opinions

:man_farmer: :man_farmer: :beers:

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Everything goes on flowing, without changes, taking the same as always, now with a little more heat, summer is coming this way lol

The Black triangle f2 unfortunately didn’t germinate, none of them, but that’s it, it’s for a next opportunity

I put 8 to germinate, 4 9Lb Hammer x PPP and 4 Blueberry muffin x Blueberry Vintage f2, they all germinated, they have already gone to the substrate and are starting their life, they eroded a lot because I had the cupula, but I removed the cupula and I’m going to shore them up , in a few days I’ll send it to the 1lt vase

The larger Lifesaver F2 has already shown the sex in the vega, it’s female, but it will still vega another 2 weeks before going to flora, I sent it to the 5lt pot

The 2 lifesavers that I was suffering have recovered and are going great, in one of them I’m going to make a nugbucket, I hope it’s not male, if it is we’ll have seeds lol

I also sent 1 apple runtz to the 5lt pot yesterday, and in about 2/3 weeks it will go to flora too


LifeSaver F2 @Purple-N-Hairy

Apple Runtz - There are 2 more that are still in the 1lt pot, 1 of them with a very different leaf pattern from the other 2. @NugLifeFarms420

Chem Valley Kush

9Lb x PPP

Purple Urkle Bx1 F2

BB Muffin x BB Vintage F2


I harvested the Grape Truffle, now the height of the plants is more level, I lowered the panel a little, and I achieved greater uniformity in the distribution of the PPFD, with 1500 in the center and 900/1000 in the corners.

Flipped 2 818 that were on vega, are completing the first week of flip

Flowering Tent

SSDD F2 Bx1 - 10 weeks @HolyAngel

Chem Valley Kush

818 HeadBand


Your garden looks great!


Thanks bro, I do my best to keep everything under control.

:man_farmer: :man_farmer: :beers: