TLT - Congo Red Stem

Definitely gonna roll up a j and pull up a seat for this one! Stoked you’re tackling one of the Congo lines


I gotcha, I was just referencing the way I understood it. This is the first mamamia I have recieved in my life, not sure how to feel.


That hydrogen peroxide comes in a bottle of usually two different strengths. You can have 30% or most bottles now are 10-15%. With the 30% bottles use it at 0.5 - 1 ml a litre. If its a 10-15% concentration bottle use it at 1- 2 ml per litre. For seed germination I would use the lowest figure amount per litre. Check what percentage your h2o2 is and its brand/make and I should be able to tell you


Yep, I have three bottles. All are 2% from 3 different stores :grin: A US thing?
:seedling: :blossom: :sunflower: :hibiscus: :seedling:


Looks like the same congo rsc have right now. Is it ?


I thought they were different, but I see the Landrace team stock is from a gene Bank just like real Seed Company. I wish Angus gave better descriptions for some of his stuff… to me the Landrace team version looks very wild. RSC has been grown indoors up to f4 I think and it’s supposed to be manageable in a container. The picture of red Congo I saw looks wilder, but I dont know. Reproducing the Real Seed Company seeds would be something the Landrace Team would do IMO.


Thats my understanding. When i used it, no fuzz formed on the seed even after a week -10 days. He may (sct2020) not be using too much, but he doesn’t have to use so much. I don’t know the upper strengths recommended.


Lol!!! I wouldn’t stress on it. He lives just North of Italy. Common phrase over there. I had no idea there was a links section, or if I did I have forgotten. How do I find it? I’ve heard so many different concentrations for hydrogen peroxide in my years, it almost seems like you could just pick any percentage and use it sometimes. My old book written in the 70s suggests 2% of 2%. But I think I’ve even heard of people using it full strength.( the 2% version) Love to see that link if you can show me where it is. Thanks.


Yeah it’s all good, there was bit of confusion going on lol. I made an edit to the post so the links are at the bottom under references. It is the top link, 1% concentration is the lowest in the article but I would imagine there are lower concentrations that are still effective. Some commercial disinfectants use a 0.5% concentration. I am just using 1% as it was the fastest and most efficient according to the article. Plus the dilution from 3% to 1% is easy to remember.


Yes, i think @Upstate youre right. I found another Marihuana Guide that suggested the same like your old Book!

20 Drops are equivalent of 1 Milliliter.
So, they tell 1 Milliliter per Liter. That is a thousandst that you have to dillute
A thousandst of a 17,5 Percent Solution .

So, they end up with (ruffly) the same Amount like youre old Book mentions


OK! Can you guys tell me in dumbanise :rofl:, I have 2%, I have a 1ml syring and a 1 liter (spelled Litre on cup). How much do I add to the 1 liter.
My brain seems to have lost the ability to do math after I retired.
:seedling: :blossom: :sunflower: :hibiscus: :seedling:


Following your progress with this strain


Looking forward to watch this long ride. Good luck! :seedling:


Damn. 1ml per liter?!? I use 5ml of 3% per cup. :thinking:


@G-paS You can use 2% H2O2 without diluting. If you want to stretch your H2O2 out a bit, mix your 2% H2O2 with an equal part of distilled water. This will give you a 1% H2O2 solution. Both are acceptable concentrations.

@Guitarzan @Upstate
See this, please:


so they tell to use around 100 Times the Amount that other People Suggest?!

A posible explonation could be : they used just way to much in their 1, 3, 5 , 10 Percent Tests?
And therefore the lowest Number was the closest to normal Amount (100 Times less).

Also their little Planties looked nearly Black, could be caused by to much Airexposure…

I tend to think if someone Explicitly tells to use 2PErcent OF 2 Percent, then that is a more “extended” Explonation. How could someone missspell that… Shure he could, but on the other Hand how easily could someone miss and amd misspell the info to dillute THE Dilution.?

Also, if those people had increasing Success the lower the number, why didnt they try: 0,5 ,0,1 Percent to figure out the sweetspot. That looks bit like theyre not fully investigating it?

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I give you another Reason. Imagine they desinfect Swimming Baths with Chlorine. Can you imagine filling a 1Percent of Pure Chemical into it? Strange comparison, but that would ba a whole Tank of Chemicals… Would you think thats benefitial? haha.

Thanks for the Link by the Way!

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It does appear that the higher the concentration, the lower the germination success. They started with 1%. But they never tested any lower concentrations. I’m sure all sorts of different concentrations work, but if my old books says 2% of 2%, and that works, I’m going to stick with that. Does it mean other percentages don’t work? No, of course not. I just prefer to use the lowest percentage that I can use successfully, and I have been successful. My germination rates on 6-month old seeds are about 100%, and there’s was 82%( successful germination or just success on day 2?)They showed their seeds that were soaked in water as barely being open at day 4, and mine are jumping out of their shells at day 2. Also, they are using tissue culture, and in that case maybe it’s beneficial to use a bit more hydrogen peroxide. If they were at 82% with a 1% solution, I wonder if they would have achieved 100% with less, as the correlation they are showing shows that the more you use the less benefit it has.
In the end, use what is been working for you. When you switch up your successful ways, bad things can happen😁


Yeah they could have started with concentrations that are too high. Maybe they started with common concentrations used in other disinfectants that use H2O2? Maybe for ease of dilution? I think the study has a focus toward use in tissue culture, so maybe that explains the concentrations too. I agree, I think concentrations below 1% are worth investigating.


I agree, there are likely concentrations below 1% that are comparable, if not better. I just wanted to explain my reasoning for choosing that specific concentration and felt like it was interesting to share. I don’t doubt your success and I am not trying to convert anyone to the cult of 1% H2O2 lol. I think it’s just good baseline information to further build a standard. Seemed important when we might only have one shot a popping some of the beans being preserved. 100% germination was achieved by day 4 on concentrations of 1, 3, and 5%. 1% was just the fastest. The other percentages were germination by day.