Tobacco Mosasic Virus or just sickly?

If you are doing a run for each male then yes I think you are accomplishing the same thing as an open pollination.

For me, the point of an open pollination is to preserve the widest gene pool possible. But I feel like you are doing the same thing.

That sour bubble female looks gorgeous btw!

I’d love to trade you for some seeds one of these days.

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Yeah same thing. Just I will know which male is producing each seed.

A true open pollination would make my ocd go to a full 100 trying to guess which male was best :joy:.

And for sure man. No need to trade though. Any information I can gain about the genetics is a win for me.

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I did not notice it spreading to any of the other plants is why I ASSertained that bit of Bro Scientist type post.


I really dont know whats going on. A real bummer. Im in the same boat as you :sleepy::joy:

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I shut my entire room down over it and culled all my keeper clones . It’s a empty dark cave now. I am bleaching everything and starting over soon as i can. i will not use any of the seeds produced by the clone either. All is going in the trash.


Yeah… I put these plants in quarantine. Test them and go from there. If the others look fine Ill keep rolling.

Otherwise im just gonna start from scratch and pop the seeds Ive made with these.

Would not mind that at all. But id prefer to keep this parent stock as well.

It seems like the virus would pass through seed. If that is untrue id continue to breed with these and trash them when Im done.


Just make sure you sanitize any tools you use on those plants until you figure it out (you should always sanitize anyway). I just dip into a bit of pure bleach (then rinse with water after at least 60 seconds in bleach).

You probably already know this (you seem experienced) but figured I’d mention it anyway, just in case.

If they are special plants, I wouldn’t ditch them until you get them tested for HLVD. Then if they come back positive for that obviously they need to go. But otherwise, I’d keep em and just be careful for now (until tested).


For me it’s also the Electric bill out of control. The plant having a abnormality was just an extra excuse to shut down. It’s almost too expensive to grow now for me in my area with my income .
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I overreacted once and got rid of a bunch of clones I thought were infected with something.

It was the first time I was flowering this strain. It was blue magoo. It ended up being one of the best plants I’ve ever grown, and totally healthy. Just insanely frosty. The leaves curled from all the trichomes. Super, super oily too. Very terpene rich plant.

I tried to re-veg it after flower but it never took. I even eventually tried trimming the roots.


Yeah apparently the only thing that kills hlvd is bleach. And I wasnt concerned with it til now but I do have bleach for this reason.

And for sure im gonna give them every chance I can. Literally the most special plants possible to me.

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The taco leave curls also can indicate russets mites. You will need a good scope to see them. They are smaller than spider mites. I would get a scope on them and check for them. They like to be near the nodes of the new growth but you can also find them under the leaves. You won’t be able to see them without a scope.


I havent seen any of them either but I have sprayed them down with sulfur as a precaution.

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check out farmer freeman. they offer tests for hlvd and a few other viroids as well. Look into their “virus detection trio” test as well as their tobacco mosaic virus test and beet curly top test.

I think tumi is the most recommended by commercial growers but they are kind of expensive because of their minimum order. I thought farmer freeman was cheaper, but I must have ordered them on sale because they aren’t.

I’ve tried hlvd tests from both companies. the tumi tests are much easier because they only need a small sample of surface roots. The farmer freeman tests need a much larger sample of multiple leaves and long sections of root. That might be better in your case because your leaves are showing symptoms.

I was testing healthy looking plants, so far all my results have been negative for hlvd.