Tony Greens Tortured Beans

:partying_face:First off Happy 2023 everyone! :partying_face:

I think I can clear this mystery up pretty fast here.
I was just going to let this whole thing ride.
The person who sent him the cross was me.

He is taking a cheap shot at me.
Why you may ask?

I have a guess, but it is just that.
Here is my side of things.

I sent him some seeds and asked him to do a grow and show, not really a tester, just show a finished pic if nothing else.

Here is our original conversation.
shaggyballsRegular Emeritus

May 14

I have some pine tar gush X bubblehead seeds.
I am not doing a give away but if you wanna grow and show some for me, I could send you some.
I just made them and have not grown any myself.
I would love to know what is in those magic beans. :drooling_face:

His response was " I think I’m gunna run them outside, so should pop them soon."
I told him they shipped.
His response was…“I will throw them on water when they arrive!”
So later on he told me he tried to sprout some and they did not sprout, died or whatever.
I told him I just tossed all the white ones in a house plant and got near 100% germination.
Then he told me they were mostly white seeds.
I did not send him even 1 white seed, I hand picked them myself.
A month or 2 later…

When I asked him how things were going he kept making excuses.
Then he asked me this…."So how do I get a cut of the bubble gum? "
My reply was first fulfill your prior comitment to me before asking for anything else.
He did not like that and disappeared and never talked to me again.
Now he wants to play these kid games.
I got no time for shit like that.

I personally think he not who he says he is.
I also do not think he is where he says he is.

If one were to look at his posts, one/you will easily see he has very little understanding of how things work in America but says he lives here.
He has a 90210 area code but is hangin out on OG beggin seeds all day???

Something fishy about this one that is for sure.
But one should decide that for oneself/yourself.
That is my story and I am stickin 2 it…LOL

To better year in 2023… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: