Too much fertilizer?

I’m looking for advice, I’ll show you two photos one before the fertilizer, a bit yellow, and another 3 days after giving 0.5 ml liter of general hydroponic, leaves become dark green, the seedling has 10 days and I thought it was A bit lacking in nitrogen, what do? I give fertilizer, same dose, once a week, or rather avoid fertilizing, to you the toughest judgment. It is the first time that fertilizer is used, the soil is pre-fertilized, but very little (ec=0,7 and thus less than light mix).

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Benvenuti a casa nostra, Io te saluto @agro! Buona Fortuna!


Hi, madscientist grazie, i’m very happy to join!


It was a little early to feed that baby. New growth will always be a little lighter green than old growth on a healthy plant. Wait till you get a bit bigger next time. Hopefully the dose was small enough, if not you might get a little shock and pause in growth but then should grow out of it. Just water for week and see if she brightens up.


Hi ryasco, my plant is a sweet tooth auto, maybe i was too much inpatient to see it grow up, when do you think i should start to feeding? The pot is a 4 gal (16 liters).

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I start feeding when its smaller then this but i dont use chems

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I have never grown auto’s. Regular seeds, using bottles with Ocean Forest soil, no top dressing at all i would feed around two or three weeks depending on how fast the plant is growing. That is generally true for most bagged soil. You don’t even have two nodes on that plant yet. Two or three nodes is another way of knowing when to start thinking of feeding.

Hi ryasco, you say 2 or 3 nodes before feeding, do you mean first nodes where begin the leaves, or the nodes when the plant begin alternate branching. Thanks

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A picture is worth a thousand words, it’s what they say! LOL


Hey buddy. Some plants do that when they’re growing fast and strong. The plant looks great. Might wanna feed like a month into the plant breaking ground. That’s what that small amount of nutes in the mix is for.

I really appreciate your help, @Numbnutts excuse my english…but i don’t understand what you say, can you please explain it using simple words?

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Absolutely. So when a plant goes into flower, they stretch a lot reaching for the light. When a plant uses a lot of nitrogen to grow and stretch fast it can go a little yellow on top. That’s the fastest growing part of any plant. The very top of it …the highest point. Yellow is OK as long as it stops and doesn’t spread through the plant. I could probably translate to your language. What language do you speak.

Hi, thank you for being so patient, but i don’t speak very well, anyway now i’ve understand everything

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That’s great. Glad I can help. If you need a hand, message me any time. I’m always haply to help.