TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Cabin in the woods was a great one! Actually of recent movies with new concepts one of the best for sure! Good call @Gonzo


Damn that’s pretty awesome! Have you seen any of the hatchet movies? Might not be your kind of horror movie (it’s basically a comedic old school slasher/gore series) but I love them. Seen em all a few times each.

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Not sure it works. I liked Secret Window, with Johnny Depp.

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I saw the original (2005/6 I believe) I enjoyed it albeit I’m not so big into the comedy side of horror I believe the two mixing takes away from either specific genre
I did not see the sequel but also have the remake on my up next on Apple tv

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Speaking of horror! Anyone know what this is? Holy shit it’s a super wasp! It’s like almost unkillable (no joke I stood on the prick all 198 pounds!) he flew off afterwards and I had to chase him down, then when I caught him and was trying to get a pic he kept trying to poke me with this like 1-1.5 inch stinger that’s just nuts! Paper wasp? But super? Idk but damn I cannot believe the strength and tenacity of this thing!


That was a great one! I love anything with Johnny Depp tbch, I can’t think of the name but he had one where he was a rare book hunter and his employer was a collector into the occult trying to summon Satan himself…. That was a killer flick and after researching it I found it was loosely based on a true story of a colleague of Alistair Crowley who misteriously dissapeared one day many years ago while practicing such things and has never been seen again (some say he succeeded)


Just watched Donnie Brasco for the like the 10th time. “forget about it”


Epic movie! Absolutely epic and a true story! Come on I love it, I watched interviews with the real Donnie and man what a life he lived! Crazy he lived through all of this, still gets called a rat everywhere he goes to this day, just waking down the street interviewing him. You’d hear cars cruise by…. You f!?$ing rat! Lol he started the downfall of La cosa Nostra 100% man I can only imagine the fear he must live in constantly though


Punch or pinch? Haha


That’s the marvelous Grundle wasp. Be careful, huge singer.


Donnie Brasco was amazingly good. While we are on the topic of mob movies now I’m gonna make a bold statement: wasn’t really a fan of the god father.

All time favorite is A Bronx Tale. I quote that movie more than any other I think.


Put him in the bathroom!


You just have to accept people for what they are, and I learned the greatest gift of all. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent, and the choices that you make will shape your life forever.


Lol you guys in here are getting deep today! Checked the messages on lunch break and there’s a notification for 60 replies in here.

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Anne Heche was so hot in Donnie Brasco. RIP little StunnA.


My thread likes to carry on regardless of lack of bud pics or grow shtufffffs…. Lol it’s got a mind of it’s own, once I wasn’t on for 2 days, came back to 168 notifications on my own thread lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: got mad respect for all you guys!


Alright, the Bronx Tale reference made me have to share this. When I was a kid in middle/high school I had a friend who was obsessed with mob movies and the mob. He absolutely would always do the lock the car door thing with girls. It cracked me up soooo much. This dude was a real character. Haha


Bahaha , always one! My wife’s brother, same thing …. Obsessed with the mob, movies, books, he’s Italian so he tries to pretend like he’s a mobster…. Even down to talking on the phone to a dial tone laying out his plots to “whack guys” and do international heists…… until I snuck off to go to the bathroom with my razer phone and proceeded to dial the number, which magically rang! Everyone cracked up, like spit out food and all. He gets up red in the face, deer in the headlights and says… “oh ya I got ya one a dose new phones wit da two lines ya know, no one can get them here yet, but I did” I walked in to suggest we try it again which did not work obviously…… this lead to me walking him out back to beat his scrawny ass in front of his mom and sister and best friends and girlfriend, to him saying it was all a test to see if I could be with his sister, he planned the entire thing even to me sneaking in the bathroom…. No freaking joke! I couldn’t make the shit up…… and he’s STILL like this to this day, but he’s never so much as looked at me wrong since BET


Jeez. Haha. This buddy of mine was Italian and tried to do the same stuff. He had a scumbag uncle who was “connected”, but they were just losers that stole shit and constantly tried to scam insurance companies, Medicare, senior citizens, and so on. My other buddy’s dad was involved with all of that, but was a goofy guy. Not scary at all. Funny as hell. He’d have so much of the most random things at times. Want a couple hundred bottles of laundry detergent? Gopeds or whatever they were called he had sooo many. The most random shit. Haha He got busted when we were in high school by the feds with some ridiculous amount of ecstasy pills. My buddy switched schools, because he was so embarrassed. He only did five years or something in a fed facility, so I guess he was able to afford a good attorney. Haha Florida and especially where I grew up has a large population of New Yorkers and they love to talk about New York.


It’s funny cuz you being where you are, and me in Niagara we are in two well known mob strongholds for our country, with the exception of Montreal I’d say we are the Canadian stronghold especially being a border city :wink: so I’m sure we’ve both had our fair share, when I was growing up and in high school I went to a catholic high school, everyone was Italian but me and maybe 10-12 others no joke, they all dressed the same and all, here comes me baggy pants, listening to hip hop instead of Tom petty/tragically hip etc. I was an instant target but I had already been in biz a couple years and walked in my first day with a brow paper bag full of 1.7’s, 3.5’s and a baggy full of joints! I was an instant hit, i even had a nickname and all, plus I killed it at basketball , hockey and track and field so I made the school better in sports , still despised it and bounced asap. Just thinking about it gives me the heebs, soon after I had a few epiphanies and started my production gig in grade 10/11 and never came back or looked back. Both of my boys went to catholic high school, in fact my second one I went to strictly for grade 11 and it’s still the same…… teslas, Porsches, range rovers, and bmw, Mercedes everywhere! Little girls coming out at lunch to bmw roadsters with a bow on them…. Ya it’s like little Italy around here bro haha