TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

This cracked me the F Up! “They fell off a truck! Fugget about it guy”

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This is my wife’s cousin, one of my best friends for almost 30 years and the ONE Italian who was in and remained in our crew indefinitely. I even helped him open a Golds gym , build his home from the ground up and made him godfather of my youngest son. My brother Nick

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“there’s some kind of mad dog loose in london”



Out of likes. Have been for awhile. Funny how it makes you feel like a prick when you have none to give.


Story of my life on OG…… and they’re gone! I’ve divulged a bit of my earlier years to a few I consider brothers on here, When me, Cory and Nick came together in the 90’s it was like fireworks :boom: 20 years of surreal fireworks among other things! We had some amazing times, some close calls and some freebies I still don’t know how we got away with. But it was two worlds uniting for a common goal…. Nick however took it a bit far, love him like a brother, would give him a kidney without asking and I’m sure hed lay on a grenade for me. Breaks my heart just talking to him still to this day.


Now you can’t leave. Last thing I said right before the last fight I got into. Was ridiculous.


Good morning. Off to the salt mine.


Good Morning @Indicana_Jones and @TopShelfTrees1 :coffee:


Good morning everyone


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 today’s film topic is?


For me it’s willem dafoe movies…. Like INSIDE. I’m watching as we speak cuz I’m lazy af today already
Good morning my brother :facepunch:t2:


Pretty sure it’s trim time…. Gonna check again in a few hours but stems are a snapping’ moisture content seems money! Just wanna get em in bags now and on with the next round.


Dafoe is definitely cool. He is in Anti-Christ. Also in Boondocks Saints. Not horror but an excellent film.


He’s a timeless actor for sure, boondocks was amazing! I actually just checked out his history before I put this on, it’s insane ! Guys got like 60 movies under his belt he had starring or front line roles in. This INSIDE just came out on prime, he’s an art thief, trapped…… looks pretty cool! Ahh anti christ , and it’s burned into my mind images ! :nauseated_face:


Haha. I’ve decided against going to work today. Can’t tell if I just can’t muster up the motivation to do it, or I’m just more interested in working on my own house.


Dafoe is an odd dude. If someone can find the footage of a piece he shot with film school kids at I’m guessing Tisch or somewhere, that would be cool. Weird. Haha Had a friend that would see him regularly on the streets where they lived in NYC and Dafoe creeped her out. She always talks about the time she saw him in the rain, not a drizzle or anything, just walking on the sidewalk looking crazy eating an ice cream cone. Heck of an actor. You need to be crazy for acting. Bunch of weirdo egomaniacs. Haha


I can definitely see him being creepy in real life, just seems odd but yes a great actor nonetheless, I can imagine how messed up years of acting and being in that industry makes you.


I often had that issue as well , especially working for others. If I were closer I’d come motivate you brotha!


I think my problem is I woke up at 5 this morning and was like “no way!” Went back to sleep and woke up at 945 and thought "I gotta get breakfast and paint, this is way too late to start the day😂

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Ya post 8:30 is definitely pushing it, I tend to wake up around 7:30-8:30 when left to my own devices, when working I prefer the 6-7am range, and fishing around 4-5 time of year dependant, but if I wake up past 9am it just changes the way I feel and my outlook for some reason