TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Oh. I thought you were talking about the French Horror film INSIDE. You should see that one too, if you have not. And High Tension is another good French Brutal horror.


I saw a documentary that told the story of a blind and deaf Dalmatian. That thing was vicious! The trainer had a gift is all I can say. She brought that dog to a stable mind. That was a touching story.



Good fellas! Also based on true story.
High tension :ok_hand: with a twist and crazy ass people. The beginning is twisted af! Have you seen splinter?
@PatHealy my girl worked at the stables when dafoe was taking riding lessons for a movie is NYC. Said he is super cool intelligent person but very much has an air of creepy to his presence. His role in boondocks saints was “the head fag” “what did you say” “um oh the head… Guy I said” great science movie all around imo


I’m building a nice little list over here, gracias sir​:pray:t3: then these will lead me to others, it’s good too cuz I’m gonna be trimming my ass off for a few cats here shortly :wink:

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@420noob @Indicana_Jones one of the greats for sure, those old gangster movies are unlike anything else, just epic start to finish! What I’d give to have those types or just that caliber in our films again, I’d have to say 90% of new film is trash that I’ve seen , underground is becoming the place to look, indie type stuff or crowd funded etc. it’s rare I get super stoked for a movie anymore. Last one was Halloween ends, can’t remember before that probably the previous one :man_facepalming:t2:


@MoBilly was her name Bodil Joensen ?

Last movie I saw in a theater? My Dog Skip. Before that Dances with Wolves. Don’t go much.


Something I’ve noticed is streaming platforms like Netflix have opened to lots of eastern Europe shows/movies. Polish, dannish, and others really have stepped up.
Rob zombies 31 WTAF after house and devils and Halloween


I liked money heist : )


There’s talented actors, but they don’t get to act. All this CG shit is terrible.


Very much agree, it’s everywhere now, in fact I was just bitching about it last night watching the gemstones as they kept messing with faces etc. it was creepy and weird af

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It’s the same as all them rappers using auto tune
Sounds good but deep down fake


Definitely, some of these dubbed movies are killer! My issue is subtitles, I can only take so much, like 2/3 a year :laughing: it annoys me a lot more now then 15 years ago for some reason


Exactly brother

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Agreed but it seems like 90% of newer movies are the same few themes kicked to death over and over although: don’t look up, once upon a time in Hollywood and wolf of wall street have killed it comedies I know but great the Leo thing is coincidence or is it?lol also everything everywhere all at once was slick
Last movie in theater was joker with jaoquin phoenix had so much potential but splat
I can do dubbed and some text not much. I saw crouching tiger hidden dragon in movies didn’t know was all subtitles

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It’s very true, it really is just the same shite recycled 95% of the time, pretty soon they will run out of things to Re-Make and start re-making the remakes :man_facepalming:t2: is there no more great storytellers left besides the few that still remain? If not it’s gonna be a real sad industry in about 30 years max


Or James Bond but with an actress smh

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I have too many streaming platforms get a few gems here and there but mostly not worth wasting time. I actually started to listen to horror stories on YouTube. Listening to booze and boos now great stories don’t take all your attention great background!

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That’s probably why I don’t watch a lot of movies in general, most of the time they just aren’t good…

I’m sure you’ve seen Parasite but that is one of the more memorable movies that I’ve seen over the last few years and one I have been meaning to rewatch.

And when it comes to subtitles, I would rather just see the subtitles than hearing them dub English over their lips which aren’t in sync with the words you are hearing.

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