TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Looks sinister ( seeds )


You guys seen the OGBudCast ???

Topic “ would anyone listen to an og based podcast “


That movie is too realistic to watch almost. Super sad


The portrayal of drug addicts, when done well, it that’s the right word is what gets me. Might be because I see myself in them. Not so much the actual portrayal of using. It’s when they can show the insanity of some of the dope fiend logic and rationale that it’s hard to watch. It


Morning @TopShelfTrees1.


Good morning @crownpoodle and the rest of my fam.


Good morning my friend!


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 :coffee:

I met him in LAX airport when I was flying back to the east coast.
a very nice guy and The Devils Rejects is always a good watch.

Joan rivers was also on the same flight.


You met Sid Haig? No shit, that’s awesome! I absolutely love Rob Zombie and his work , (except salems lot) but his portrayal of captain Spaulding has surely created a spot for him in infamy. Very cool


good morning @ all!!! wish you all a nice day!!!


Yea In 2011 or 2012. I was sitting at the gate when he appeared right in front of where I was sitting before they started calling people into the plane. I just casually walked up to him, asked if he was from the devils rejects because I didn’t know his name but remembered his face. Sid answered yes, and I told him it was a great movie and got to shake his hand before everyone boarded the plane. Very brief but cool experience.

Now Joan rivers was funny, She must have gone up to the gate/jetway like 4-5 times trying to get on the plane before everyone else. Each time she would be turned away as it was not ready yet. She definitely got her steps in that day haha.


Haha, celebrities gotta celebrity I suppose! Lol @joan I would have loved to have met him even for a second! Awesome experience to have and share! I love it


We lost one of the last class acts.
Rip Tony Bennett.

I was very fortunate to meet him when he worked with Lady gaga for that duet tour.
After the show, Tony went up to all crew members to thank them for a great night before making his way up to our production office to give us a firm handshake while saying thanks.

A brief but memorable experience as he was the only artist to do that after the show out of 100s of shows over the 6 years I worked for Live nation.


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the gang. Meeting famous people can be such a drag some times, it’s always nice when they are cool normal human beings. As normal as any of us can be anyway. Haha. I met Eddie George at a night club through another Tennessee titan I was hanging out with pretty regularly back in like 2002. Was not really a fan of Eddie. Mega prickish and self absorbed. That’s okay, it probably would have been a big let down if I were actually a football fan.


Haha, I hear ya I’ve met some real dicks in the hip hop Industry. Guys that think they are gods, literally. Meanwhile they are one failed album from poverty! I’ve also met amazing people, Adam Sandler was amazing ! Slaine amazing! Vinnie Paz awesome, Classified just another dude, even the Rock was wicked cool, bought us beers and put 50$ in the jukebox and a 50 on the pool table to keep playing, sung with us, danced I was amazed! Awesome human being ! Usher was a complete dick , Ghostface killer was like who’s this white guy! And treated us like the help even after handing him thousands of dollars in buds, booze and swag, asked why I was in the green room until Raekwon said “he put on the show mane, give props where they due” but he was still a dick! So many more I can’t even think of atm


A while back I was asked to add to the music at a revival at a smallish church nearby. After my friends and I were done and moving back to the pickers row, Rhonda Vincent came up and spent some time with her friends making music. After the revival shut down for the evening, she came over and shook our hands and dropped some complements on us. I’ve backed her up several times since then and found her to be a genuine and sweet person.
Through the years, I have had the opportunity to meet and pick with a number of well known bluegrass artists. Many times at festivals we’ll be sitting around the campers playing music until early morning. A lot of times the pros come out and join in. I’ve met a few that were not what my mind expected (rude and full of themselves) but the vast majority have been great folks.


That’s very cool, I didn’t even know you played the banjo, awesome! I’d love to see that some day, I guess no matter the genre/type of music people are the same…. Most are awesome, but there’s always the stuck up, entitled douchebags.


I chatted with Jack LaLanne now and then, mostly at the liquor store. He was also a car sleeper in his Vette by our smoke spot. Man kept a liquor store in biz. My buddy lived next to Jack and Elaine’s property. Party on Jack!


I play guitar and mandolin for the most part. I can hang with the banjo (at lower to mid tempo) and I can make noise with a fiddle that sounds like two tomcats fighting over only female cat around. You can sometimes catch the tune over the fighting cats. lol


No way, really ? Haha never would have thought, that’s crazy! Guess he wasn’t the epitome of health after all lol, car sleeper :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: