TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Haha , sounds intriguing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: , my dad plays guitar and can definitely keep up with a banjo too, I still hear him playing me to sleep as a child with Peter Paul and Mary ….


That’s awesome @MoBilly . I discovered blue grass about 10 years ago while camping in the Appalachians. There was only one radio station that came in at the camp ground and it was bluegrass every morning. I am a fan for sure.


That must be a grand memory. :slight_smile:
Music is a huge part of my family’s legacy, so to speak. Back home we had weekend singing at one of the family’s home about two times a month. I used to sit up after dark and listen to my Uncles and older cousins play. They brought out the shine after the kids crashed out here and there. The more they drank the better it seemed that they played. At least there was a lot more laughing and joking around.


What better way to start the day!? lol


It truly is, I can still hear puff the magic dragon :dragon:
Or leaving on a jet plane when I close my eyes and envision it. And I can picture that pearl hummingbird like it’s in my hands now…. Very fond of those memories


This is a bucket list thing for me, to camp in the Appalachians ! Very cool


Wild egos and some glimmer of racism. We had a couple of those people come thru the venue.

We’d get on radio with TM if they even traveled with one. Tell them “We need a fast exit after the show” Huh? Yea, backstage and green cleared, Artist out the building in 30mins after the show ends for venue turnaround and get ready for tomorrows show.

Thats how we took care of it especially if the day/people were miserable and ticket sales sucked lol.

Then there is this side of life and great human beings. I found 97 % artists are normal people that have cool jobs that like to spread good vibes and enjoy life with others while making an experience one or many to remember.

Very cool, I play a little guitar and I mean very little haha but mainly drums are where I shine.
The mandolin is such a cool instrument. Banjo is another one.
I’m not sure if you know but Steve Martin play banjo. He played a set in between his tour with Martin Short. Both very nice reserve guys.

I bet the Music at the revival was a hit. Also, very cool that you got the opportunities to back her up in other settings. Genuine people usually find other genuine people. It’s funny how that works out.


From my experiences it the 3% that are a drag. I typically found it’s the entourage or the wives of famous people are worst. :joy:


Haha. I rented a suburban one year that had built in GPS. I was following the non Google gps to where ever I was trying to go. It had me turn off the main road and all of a sudden there was no more road. So I stopped looking at what was around me and followed the arrow on the display and kept it on the purple line that was supposed to be a road. I told my copilot to yell if I was about to crash into something or drive us off a cliff.

About 15 minutes into the abyss, we came across what looked to be a broken down abandoned camper. After we passed it, I was looking in the rearview and saw two people come out to see what the commotion was all about. It really felt like their shit broke down and that’s just where they lived now. It wasn’t a bad spot. It was next to a stream and there was probably some good trout fishing.

The purple line I was following started to take me up an old switch back road. It was steep as fuck so I gunned it. About 50 ft up this road some one had put a 4 inch yellow steel pipe in the ground so that vehicles couldn’t continue up. My wife was like what the fuck is happening? I told her it was a trap and we were probably gonna get raped by crazy mountain mutants. Needless to say I had to back down that super sketchy road and we high tailed it through the nothingness back to the main road. The people in the broke down camper were laughing at us as we hauled ass past them.

Moral of the story is use Google maps and if that doesn’t work use a real map. :joy:


Always the entourage…. I’m cool because my buddy is famous and I’ve been leaching off him since then. Sooooo many of those, had them myself tbch, everyone is your friend when you are rich and famous, or that’s what they want you to think, hand out walking around stockpiling shit for the day that your game runs it’s course, and that day comes , you never hear from them again. This has been such a hard lesson to me so many times, over and over. I have too big of a heart and always want to share with those I care for, or those in need. And in today’s society there’s many who look for that in people and take advantage whenever possible, they will tell you what you wanna hear, fabricate their lives/experiences it’s insane.Then there’s the friends/family who get to see you doing well and believe they deserve a piece, like truly believe it, just for being your friend/acquaintance :man_facepalming:t2: and when they don’t get what they believe they are entitled too………… :boom: they will try and ruin you or rob you blind ! I can’t even fathom doing that but it’s sooo common, in fact it’s the norm from what I’ve seen, there’s at least one in almost every group.


Good morning everyone


Yup…. I’m envisioning a movie that takes place in the Appalachians and involves hillbilly’s taking advantage of some guys just out for a good time camping in the woods…. ? Anyone

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Good morning @Emeraldgreen how goes it? How’s the pup doing? Everything going as planned with the OD plot?

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Winner winner New York strip dinner ! :bellhop_bell:

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Pup misses hanging out with me :disappointed: but is good. OD is good but going into flower way early! Plus side earlier staggered harvest, minus smaller harvest. How’re you?
Love the leaches when everything is great! Shit goes south and poof, magic they are gone!


I’m ok brother, thanks for asking. Just been sick and tired of being sick and tired but I suppose letting it crush me isn’t helping shit, was doing so well I gotta get back there, ASAP. Flowering now huh? Tbh it seems about right to me…. Idk my OD was always guerrilla for the most part so it always varied. I bet the pup misses his “dad” that’s all they want those first few years, just to be close, real close. I can’t wait to see that plot once she’s well underway in flower! I’m actually going to look into partnering with someone with big secure outdoor areas so I can do more pheno hunting the way I like and be able to open pollinate 150 plants + if I want, plus to see each plants true, natural expression. Also I have 4-5 oooold skunk strains that just don’t do well inside, but outside …. Look out! And I don’t see me getting a warehouse anytime soon so this is my next best option.


She definitely does!
Old skunk outside! Definitely tag me. What’s your outdoor season?


Squeal like a pig.


It’s usually the last 2 weeks of July, first week of August flower is induced, it’s actually clutch, well was up until 13/14 years back when it started to change . And October is so damn humid now that if you gotta grow through it it exponentially increases odds of botyritis, PM etc. plus flash frosts etc. and then so many people unfamiliar with growing letting males go full term blowing pollen for kms every which way, it’s almost inevitable you get some seeds nowadays, and that SUCKS!