TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Yes, I do agree.
I am not a big fan of normal campgrounds.
The park ranger gets called on me for smokin too much weed and I use ozone…WTF??
I had that big bitch in the UP of Michigan, took her down a 2 track several miles, got a bit crazy and had to back her up about 3/4 of a mile and turn around in the deep woods.
And that is where I camped.
I must say that was some real fun, but I like a bit of a challenge.
We saw so many deer, I had one jump up 2 feet away from me and scare the shit out of me on a walk.
We saw cat tracks, bear tracks that were not there the day before.


I take that back, it is still a bit cheaper for a state campground than a hotel.
It is hard to find a hotel for under $100, state campgrounds here are under $50 for a big rig.
It is hard to get a reservation at state campgrounds too, and some of the other campgrounds are around $80 for a pool and all the trimmings.


Florida sucks , bunch of old folk waiting to die .
Half the state doesn’t speak English , big pass on Florida for me ,

Texas is awesome , economy best in country , lifestyle is great , just hot as HELL here .

Alaska is stunning , but nothing up there , nothing . Winter is brutal , summer is short , natives not mean but not outgoing in any manner .

You could not temp me with any amount of money to leave the USA , not a chance . I have rights here , and know them . Would not even consider another country for living in .


Personally I love Canada, just not the powers that reside , but isn’t that anywhere nowadays? We’ve all elected useless pricks to run our given country’s and now it’s turning into all out chaos. To me many places are appealing but for now I’m good here.


Good morning fam! @shag that thing is gorgeous bro, very very nice! Always told the wife it would be awesome to just road trip…. Indefinitely


Your cuts looking GOOD .

I will send out this week

Glad I decided to wait , from what I hear it’s gonna be a 2 week trip

Don’t know a snip can survive that , what you think ??? @TopShelfTrees1

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Not sure, but it’s definitely possible, I’ve done 10 days , nothing has traveled more, yet. But it’s definitely got a good chance, I had 7 day ones that looked like brand new from KushKing @Jetdro


Well , we shall find out

Hey you have Irene huh !

Worth running ???

Curious to see how you like the WC

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Irene is most definitely worth running brother! A gem in my opinion. I can’t wait either, I know I loved the products I’ve had and the not j beezy cut my mentors brother found but I bet that one blows it out of the water brother!


It will :sunglasses: it will :sunglasses:

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I want Irene then :sunglasses:


You’ve got her brother 1000% , among others :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: cannot wait

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If you’ve got lots of cuts send some of each there’s bound to be one make it. I’d think rooted would stand a better chance but who knows.


My sentiments exactly brother :facepunch:t2:

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I rooted 2 cuts for him . Was gonna send asap till I found out he is in Canada .

Knew they would need to be super healthy so I backed off and put them in Dixie Cups .

Plan is as soon as they jump and pray I’ll pack n send .

Third he wants I don’t have rooted so will either have to try snips or wait till I root one .

I’ll try snips first


ya that Irene is high on my list
might have to splurge and see if I can aquire one of those cuts from the clone guys.


Just wait n see if the deal between me n top works or not . If so , you can be in our lil trade circle , your cool nuff for me , what you think @TopShelfTrees1 ???

Between us 2 and another friend of mine we hold most of the “cool “ cuts . I would love another REAL trading member



If you live a crazy lifestyle Florida’s a good place to blend in. No matter how hard you go, there’s someone right next to you going harder & getting all the attention :rofl: Of all the states I’ve visited, Florida was the easiest to pickup chicks, by a mile.

Also there’s a public fishing pier every 5 blocks up & down both coasts. There’s 3 reasons Florida isn’t the worst place :+1:


Of course, @SHSC-1 is my brother, he’s in for sure. :wink:


“Love it or leave it” It baffles me when people whine and cry about the USA. Those whiners should go live in Venezuela for six months. See how great we really have it. :rofl: I made lots of money in FL but that part of the country is just nasty. Winters are great. Summers are Hell. :fire: