TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Haha great minds brother :ok_hand:t3:

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Well, there goes this place, much love and respect to all my friends and fam, thank you :pray:t2:


You got the most happenin thread on OG topshelf. Waking up to 50+ new replies :metal:


It’s cuz of all you guys, my friends/brothers. Pretty nice to see people enjoy my work and find me interesting lol @Gonzo good morning :facepunch:t2:


Morning ya’ll!

Did I beat you folks on the wake and bake today?
I am usually slightly behind most, I get up a bit later than most too.


Morning Shag, definitely beat me. I’m having a shit day atm though , so I probably should smoke, having anger issues. May go boxing a day early, let this shit out. :man_shrugging:t2: feel like smashing something/someone.


Welcome to the club buddy… nothing some good breathing exercises won’t help :open_mouth:‍:dash:


Good late morning friends! I’m sorry your having a shit morning @TopShelfTrees1

I’m headed out to go pick up some paychecks. Here’s hoping that all the money I’m owed is on them. Also my toilet came in today. I’m fixin to have a fully functional master bath by the end of the day y’all.


Well that’s great news! :crossed_fingers:t2: for you the money is right! And it’s so nice to finish up projects, such a good, accomplished feeling. Congrats


Ahhhh shit now no really ahhh the man can shit

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Trying…. Definitely trying. I’ve been known to let go randomly so I’m staying away from people atm, was gonna hang up the heavy bag but it’s time consuming. Gonna blaze a fatty of black gas first


You may as well smoke while you give that bag a permanent spot lol

Hell the energy you’d spend putting it up might blow off some steam alone…I gotta get me one of those

Well that just suck, this probably won’t help a bit but here goes anyway.
I have found smashing stuff will cost you money and smashing people will cost you time and money.
If you must smash, smash your own shit, it is not nearly as fun but it usually costs less. :rofl:

I am sorry you are having a shitty day.
Try to remember getting mad about things beyond our control is a wasted effort.

This is what works for me, at least after I am done being angry… :wink:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.


True, it’s actually a good call! Ya they help, a lot at times, I’ve knocked every ounce of energy out of me many times, couldn’t lift my arms afterwards, just going to town, bloody knuckles, stained bag and all. Those are reminders of what could have been someone’s face…… Thank God I’m not still in my youth and I learned a thing or two from my reactions. Jail sucks !


Out of likes …. ( What else is new) suppose I’m too liberal with them :man_shrugging:t2: I appreciate you guys , and your concern and advice means a lot, honestly it does. There’s something about just knowing someone gives a shit! I tend to smash things like walls (thank god I’m a painter and can drywall with the best of them) doors or hurl things into walls until they shatter into dust. I’ll be ok, I’m sure. Just made me realize why I hate most people, sucks though as I was starting to turn a corner 100% it’s even been mentioned by my friends, wife, dad. :weary: relapse


Damn you do it like the movies :joy:

My first and only charge was assault as soon as I turned 18. And the day I went to court I learned fighting wasn’t fun no more :joy:

Well maybe it was the next morning when they came to pick me up

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This is where it all started almost 5 years ago.


Haha Yezzir sometimes when I get carried away, my knuckles look like they have been through a cheese shredder anyway lol, they like to split after 30-40 whacks if I don’t wear training gloves they bleed almost EVERYTIME , but there’s been times it looked like I killer someone, walls, floor, shoes, socks, shorts and even on the carpet :grimacing: that one doesn’t fly whatsoever with wifey !


Ya I don’t wish that on many, place is no bueno, all you do is learn more crime , get swoll and make connections it’s like a damn criminal training camp lol, in Canada anyway

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