TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Damn bro! You literally started from scratch! Wow, much respect. Nothing better than doing it your way though :facepunch:t2:


Boxers are excellent athletes! (Not that i box or am athletic.) but i appreciate the simplicity and resourcefullness of the sport.

I use a good quality jump rope, put on some music then jump until i’m exhausted. (I don’t have a punching back anymore.)

Or go running if time permits. But jumping rope i can do at home for a few minutes at a time.
And i can basically “run” with the rope, as an alternate to “jumping/hopping”.

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Jump rope definitely takes it out of you quick, you should see some of the stuff I can do with one of those! I used to train with a guy who was actually an old school MMA fighter (Harold Howard) and my other sparring partner for years was Mike Strange (olympics) Harold blew my mind with a rope, and his callisthenics coach was even better, i strived to learn those tricks haha! Those guys are both legends in their own right and I owe my drive, strength , passion to them. Jump rope is an overlooked training strategy that easily forces you to train so much all at once, hand eye is clutch though.


@TopShelfTrees1 and anyone else that needs it. If you need to vent just send it to me in a dm! You can say anything that you want or need to and best of all no repercussions!


That is very much appreciated @Emeraldgreen and an awesome gesture, sometimes that I’d all we need is an avenue to vent, unbiased and tell the world what’s on our mind. My dog just never seems to give good advice back sadly :pensive:


Nice, it’s very cool you had pro. athlete people to inspire and work w you.

I used to smoke 1-2 hits before jumping rope. Weed would put me in the perfect Zen headspace so i could jump smoothly.
I would go straight for 15-20 minutes w/out stopping (in my 30’s). Now maybe 3 min tops. Lol.
But would often make my heart rate go too fast. So now i smoke after.
But i def. smoke a little before going running.

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Running is the only thing I don’t do enough of but I’m a hiking addict, plus my fishing spots are Way out there! So I walk, jog tons. Started getting some flab on my belly the last couple years so this summer I’m starting a scheduled routine again not just “as I can “ and I don’t drink nearly enough water anymore but like a pot of coffee a day :man_facepalming:t2: I’m surprised I haven’t blown up tbh, but I’m going back at it starting in a couple weeks


Glucosamine. Best thing i can recommend for staying-active adults.
i started taking it daily. I def. noticed improvement in my knees and hips. Stamina, comfort, endurance, no more clicking in 1 knee. Now i can walk the dog 1.5 miles a day w/out my legs getting tired.


Morning @shag . Oh I got you beat by hours. A cup and some bongs while I put shoes on. Then it’s outside with a big cup and a big come. Today was Mom’s Mystety Meat v2. Which I think is a BT cross. I know the seeds are from the other group. Right now I’m growing Genus Boysenberry x BT. Plant structure is so similar
I’ll have to smoke more for a decent evaluation. Sure cured up nice. The Missus likes it. Said it’s strong.


Looks great brother! Very nicely done


Living out my dreams. You did some of the work yourself?

I can’t wait to buy whatever piece of shit I can afford and do the work myself. I took shop 1&2 in high school and my day does hvac


Did just about all of the work myself. My cousins are electricians so they came through and taught me how to run the wiring and once they saw I could replicate everything on my own, they let me go for it. Had the homie come through who owns his own plumbing company and run all new drain pipes. One of my electrician cousins also does tile professionally. He came through and did all of my tile work.

As soon as I get this toilet set, I get to tear up the downstairs.

I’m never gonna do this again. :joy:


Hahahaha , until you try and flip it :wink: nah, keep it bro, you know it’s done and done right, plus pride of doing it yourself etc.

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Lol. We did this house with the intention of it being our forever house. Please believe that plan is changing as we want to be in a single story. The next house I’m gonna build from the ground up to suit us and our needs. Single story on some land. New construction is so much easier than trying to fight an existing floor plan from 1940 remodel.


True that…. SEE! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


rhinobuddy just tried this with me and they arrived mushed and broken. best way is in a case of some sort box,

Ya I’ve gotten 4 envelopes completely ruined, he used non machinable stamps once, but still in the 8-9 days and temp changes etc. they were screwed. I think in ideal cool conditions it’s 7-8 days max for clones every day after dropping SIGNIFICANTLY. Someone is gonna figure out a cheap ass easy way, honestly a 3d printer, 2cm like @ifish said and same dimensions as a card, lay the cuts down flat in ziplocs, in wet paper towels at base, really wet if going 7 days and non machinable so they don’t crush them, also NEED air in the bags not a lot but enough for exchange.

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Whoever does is going to make out very well on OG alone, just a housing implement that is reinforced enough to not let it get crushed, would need a more pricey stamp but still, clones for dollars…… yes please

Never again? Man it sounds so fun though


Well that answers that lol

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