TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Plus my dad has a nice place right off the beach in Crystal Beach, he’s gone all winter and 3/4 of the summer up at the cottage , we could crash there too, then we could house 4-5 people easy. And it’s an epic little party city people come to from all over the world, huuuge beach! Killer parties everywhere all summer long @Jetdro laying our heads is definitely covered


Too Funny @Foreigner

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will they allow dogs, find out if u dont know

Will check 100% my old man’s though, fenced in yard too for the pack. Regardless you come back there will be a place for all.

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thye dont need fenced, they will do ask i ask them to, no worry of them “running off” , they like their lives


Haha no doubt, mine listens 80% of the time, she’s a stubborn lil bitch at times :wink:

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Wanna hear a great snippet of info on Mr Dawson?

Here a couple years ago, Doug got a hold of some used laptops that needed some TLC. He fixed them up and gave them away freely, here on OG, to anyone needing one. All it took was shipping. Howz dat for a cool dude?


That’s epic! This I definitely did not know! Awesome, helluva guy for sure, we really have a special group here it’s a fact. There’s a core group that is so generous, selfless and kind it’s amazing! and has even pushed me to constantly be better, it’s helped me in my journey overcoming anxiety as well , I’ve bettered myself mentally by being here, watching all these selfless acts of kindness and doing so myself, over and over. It’s 100% helped me as this last 2 months have been the best in 4-5 years anxiety wise, and I’m always seeing amazing examples of kindness , friendships being made etc. it just puts me in a good head space 100%


@DougDawson is a top notch member, that cannot be denied.


Wish I had some likes ! :man_facepalming:t2:


Thanks @BigMike55 , yeah, those laptops made for some happy folks. I normally donate some every year to underprivileged kids. Makes me feel good and repairing them gives me something to do.


How tall are you @DougDawson ?

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This is the big one. When I got grounded by COVID last year, I missed thanksgiving, then Christmas and new years out of fear, then hit a brick wall with our slow season. I’m pretty sure that’s what jump started my depression. It’s not fully gone, but it’s nothing like it was in the beginning.


Just under 6’3"

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Maybe I shrunk idk seemed like you had a few inches on me, but last time I checked 2019 I was 6’2” idk I had flat soles on too, maybe that. Was a pleasure brother, and thank you again

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Well this makes me very happy, I can tell for sure but great to hear it from you. This is the stuff I love seeing hearing anymore, success stories, friendships made, selfless acts, people bettering themselves. I love it


No problem, did you fire up the light?

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Yezzir ! Like 20 mins after I got home lol, after I cleaned off the pollen :laughing:, I was going to scrape it and keep it, it was in the grooves of the heat sink and between the driver and light itself but I didn’t know what it would be, plus I know if I ask you’ll link me up anyways so I said screw it and just wiped it off with some iso/water


Was sprayed with a bleach/water mix, would have been no good anyway :wink:

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I figured , made me giggle though seeing it.