Tracker's garden

@luna current shot of PC cut outdoor in friend’s indoor


Looking great and less stretch then outdoors maybe?

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It had very little stretch. Going directly from seed outdoor, the pheno I kept was very stretchy and flopping all over the place. Running it from clones indoor has a different structure with very little stretch.


@luna I chopped the PC today with impending storms and cold temp tonight. It was so tall that I never got to inspect the big colas closely. They are indeed quite nice. The aroma is old school haze funk sandalwood with an undertone of overripe mango and papaya. Something noteworthy with this one is it had the fewest blemishes of all the plants. The structure of the buds is a little more open, not totally airy/fluffy, but just enough that mold/rot didn’t take place anywhere. It had just a few small brown spots where maybe a bug/worm tried to bite it.

Now, only the (IBxWC)xAHK is left standing.


Killer @Tracker Them cola’s are doing the dope fiend lean :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :100: :peace_symbol:


You did one hell of a job this season, bruh. Congrats. May all your nights and weekends be filled with nice smoky dreams.



Man… Your outdoor looked great…

Especially with all that crazy wet weather and wind you had going on up there this season!


Awesome grow with some really special looking plants. Ive never seen the PC look so good! lol Nice job!! How would you say the (IBxWC) x AHK compares to the PC? Bud size, density, crystals, smell etc…


Distinctly different…

The (IBxWC)xAHK, which by the way was named by H&S at some time during this grow as Crystal Skull Kush, definitely has inherited some dominant AHK traits.

The CSK bud structure is tighter, denser, and fatter than the PC. The growth of the CSK was the most vigorous in the garden. It was germinated 3 weeks after the PC and the giant BDxTOG, but it got just as big. If it weren’t for me cutting off side branches to allow more light on it’s neighbors, it would have been the biggest one. The branches are thick/strong, and don’t need as much support. The aroma is hashy, earthy, and creamy with undertone of licorice/fennel/anise and fruit salad. The licorice aroma is something I haven’t had before. We’ll see what aroma/flavor is left after dry/cure.

The PC aroma has a hazy sandalwood quality, which I suppose comes from the Power Plant ancestry.

The PC bud structure is longer/thinner. It’s not airy like Sativa dominant plants I’ve done in the past, but it’s not tight/dense. Since we’ve had rain several times during the past few weeks, blemishes from mold and maybe also bugs/worms started popping up on all the plants that were still up, but when I chopped the PC yesterday, it had only a couple of small blemishes, fewer than any other plant in the garden. And being the second to last to be chopped, it went through more rain than the others that had more blemishes. I think this is partly due to the structure, maybe some other resistance in its genetics too.

The PC pheno that I kept was definitely flopping all over the place. It got really tall, and I had to cut off the tallest tops because I could see them from the street. But no branches broke. They seemed happy to hang sideways and upside down. It was too tall for me to make any better support for it, so I let it do what it wanted to do. Maybe the overall productivity would have been better if I could have given more support, some of the upper colas with full sun exposure got huge.

I’m looking forward to testing out both.


@luna something interesting to note though about the PC is the clones from the same pheno in my friend’s indoor. They did not stretch as much going into flower, and they are not as floppy. I gave clones to other friends too, hopefully I get to see how it performs for them. If I get any pics, I’ll post them and tag you.


CSK is much easier to say and type…lol And a really beautiful plant btw… So much great info and def looking forward the trimmed pics and much anticipated smoke report (on all your plants). The PC doesnt seem to stretch as much indoors and looking forward to seeing how they do in your friends garden as well. Well done!!


My trimming is quite a hack job. I wet trim before hanging. Then, when I buck them off the stems into the buckets to cure, I dont trim any further, so they look pretty sloppy.


That’s what I do. Wet trim, two weeks dry. I used the ibowl trimmer on the blackberry fire, cleaned it up a little better but not enough for me to have to deal with 2 ounces of shake :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Thats the best way… Who has time for micro trimming??


not me :wink:


The CSK is really impressing me. It is still throwing some white pistils. It could probably go another 2 weeks, maybe 3. The buds are getting fatter. The color is getting darker and darker.

We’ll have freezing temps 25F on Friday night and every day for 9 days after that. This is my dilemma…I’m tempted to test how much cold the Afghani genes in it can handle and just let it go unassisted, but I do have row cover fabric to protect it.

What would you do? Cover it, or see what it’s made of?

It’s a beautiful plant, and it smells amazing.


Those are beautiful plants. Is your row cover clear? The only bad thing I would think would be it would not breathe under there and may promote mold??? I don’t know. Just guessing. I would try anything I could to protect them from freeze.


Yes I would cover, i would probably clip the top buds just in case. Once the buds “ice” over its dangerous. Imo of course
Hapi growing


The row cover stuff I have is fabric 1oz/yd weight. It is breathable. But I do notice that water droplets run off, they do not absorb.

I think I’m not gonna play chicken with the freeze, I’ll cover it. Fingers crossed.


Supposed to be a really strong cold spell man. Keep an eye on the weather. Fingers crossed.