Tracker's garden

I’m pretty sure the Cowboy Cup on Friday is a go for me. You guys want to meet up somewhere in Cowboy Country?


I’m going to start a group discussion for this


I want to have a greenhouse like this! Myriad Gardens in OKC.


@Tracker, obscenely beautiful!!

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They’ve got all kinds of awesome plants here.

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This is a curiosity. I put these two plants on the back porch 3 weeks ago. I had to make room in my tiny veg space indoors. The plants were getting crowded in the tight space, and I’ve chopped them back 4,5,6 times, a bunch of times. They were rooted off my outdoor back in late July.

They’ve had several freezing nights. They don’t get any direct sunlight. I haven’t watered or fed them at all. They just get whatever precip falls on them. I haven’t trimmed them since I put them out.

It’s like they’re in stasis with the low temps and no direct light. The color looks good. The leaves are perky. I usually put culls straight in the compost, but i was busy the day I put them out, and I just never got around to it. Now im curious to see what they do.


@joheimgrohen @BigMike55 @Oldjoints

Did y’all see/hear anything about the shit that happened at the cowboy cup? An atrocious public shaming of outdoor and greenhouse growers!

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No I didn’t, what happened?

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Or, Were you just trying to say indoor mopped the floor with outdoor?

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No. It was a true fuckin public shaming. I wonder if any of y’all were there when they did it. It happened when they were announcing the winners.

Same on youtube


I can’t get it to pull anything up.


I added a youtube link above

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You can sure tell he doesn’t know how to edit!

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That’s the raw recording of the IG live stream.

Naw, I wasn’t there but to hell with ganjier.


The cowboy cup brought in a third party, self proclaimed ganjiers, who claim to be sommeliers of weed.

They inspected the cup submissions before winners were announced. The cup submissions had already been lab tested clean with COA before they were submitted to the cup. The ganjiers claimed that they foind mold on the submissions bu visual inspection. When it came time to announce the greenhouse and outdoor categories, one of the ganjiers came out in stage and publicly announced that they were disqualifying 17 out of 20 submissions. She basically said that Oklahomans don’t know how to grow weed and took the opportunity to make a sales pitch for the services of her company that trains the ganjiers.

Now there’s all sorts of questions about chain of custody of the submissions. How were they handled after the time they were submitted? They were submitted with clean COA’s from various labs weeks before the event, and this third party hired by the event host inspected and made the announcement the day of.

They have refused to make pictures public, saying they think it should be a private conversation with the farmers…and this is after they announced it publicly in front of the cup attendees.

They basically made a crushing public shaming of the farmers, used it as a sales pitch opportunity, and refused to back up their actions with photo evidence.

Suspiciously, the 3 of 20 who were not disqualified paid for booth space at the event.

Another weirdness aside from this, there was a public announcement by the ganjiers and CuraLeaf that they are partnering for the ganjier training services.


It would be horrifying as a farmer whose life depends on it to go through a shaming like that. As hard as that biz is right now, some shit like that could crush the farmers hopes and dreams.

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Personally I think the real problem lies in the handling of how this was submitted to the public.
Was this a mold problem because of poor storage? What are their guidelines on storage of submitted entries?
Regardless you don’t publicly announce that entries were disqualified due to mold without a solid basis of proof by a single entity. Folks that paid money and submitted product in good faith to be publicly humiliated and threaten their business is beyond reckless.
The people running the Cup should have handled this in a much more diplomatic fashion. You can bet a lot of people lost accounts due to how this was handled.
I don’t doubt that there was mold, but if there was mold then what needs to be done is to find out how the mold happened. These entries went through lab testing which included testing for mold and passed weeks before the Cup so I would assume that between the testing and the time of the Cup is what has to be looked at and that is the storage of the product. The video didn’t go into who was responsible for the storage or the process of that storage.
But to blatantly disqualify them in public knowing that this could possibly destroy their business is shameful. There certainly was a more diplomatic approach available.
The whole event to me seemed poorly organized with a basis of making money from the public. It seemed more like a farmers market than a celebration of kind folks sharing a loved product.