Tracker's garden

I said before. I was not too impressed. I had a good time with my buds but it was more like a flea market.
Then when they did the competition, it should have been handled more delicately. I would think the judges should have got with the growers and explain what was going on. And show them. Maybe give them a chance to drop out of the competition before getting a public shaming like that. Kinda shitty. And for what it’s worth, as soon as I saw “Ganjier” I kinda figgered the fix was in. I feel that group is a little high and mighty for my liking.


Wow that is a really disgusting story to hear! I know there’s a long history of cups and competitions being loaded towards sponsors and friends, but that’s just a straight up hit job with some outside shooters. One event to attack and demolish your competitors reputation, these corporate MSOs are getting fucking nasty with the dirty tricks. As if it wasn’t good enough to write the damn legislation they have to try and come neutralize a place like OK where small growers actually have a chance.


The way it was presented, it sounded like, if you are not Humboldt or if you didn’t pay to play, you got DQ’d
It probably was not as bad as that, but it certainly looked like it. I would be willing to bet, that will be the last Cowboy Cup.
There is an Adam Dunn video on YouTube with Derek Ganjier talking about the whole deal.


If you know me on here at all, you know I’m the guy who’s gotta go find out more and this is a wild Reddit thread I have to read and listen to some of this, but “almost as good as a lab” yeehaw I can smell the bullshit from the East Coast


If you listen to the first 20 minutes of that video. Explains it but doesn’t make one feel any better. The viddy is about 3 hours long, but the BS is in the first 20 minutes.


There’s two for you.


The orchid has all the flowers open now. I love these…


Nice! My wife collects orchids. She has some that are like 20 yrs old and she gets them to flower. A lot. Not in flower now tho. Maybe one.


Hey @Tracker I just got my mail yesterday when I had breakfast with my ma, got your Christmas card and loved it! Thank you and I look forward to popping em, anyway you might be able to clarify the cross names? Looks a little esoteric to me, heh. Thanks so much!!!

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It’s buried in this thread somewhere, but if you remind me which ones I sent you, I’ll clarify.

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These were the names I was referring to…

Thanks again!

Btw the cowboy cup thing sounds horribly fishy and not on the level. Full transparency is required by judges and promoters for events like that to be legit. Sound like they were backhanded and rather fucked up…

I’m stoked to have some okie genetics to flower out here in Northern California


I forget which two exactly you sent me but it’s one of these I think when I get the seeds back out and I’ll take a picture

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See here…

NOTE: [(IBxWC)xAHK] = CSK = Crystal Skull Kush from Heart and Soil Seeds

And see here…


Beautiful orchids.

Sometime ago I tried for two times to make invitro culture to grow the powdery seeds of orchids… but nothing growed.

Will try again in a future, but I don’t know the actual viability of them. I have stored it dry for many years.


Wow much better response than I expected and I am very thankful, you’re a veteran in the field and I’m happy to know you…

Happy New Year BTW, thanks again for everything!


I’m just a hobby gardener. Others here have more experience.

I hope the beans make something good for you.


He turned me into a weed genius


Hah, fair enough… though Most of the more knowledgeable and experienced growers are hobbiests… the “pro growers” in the canna field are often bros with large egos and not exatly thirsty for new ideas. Though hobbie flower :hibiscus: (orchids n such) gardeners can have EXTREMELY vast information stored. Some lil old ladies blew my kinds working at the hydro shop. I seen your garden and it’s the kind that someone who cares grows. But someone to make a quick buck. Same thing with artists and musicians … You want to see and hear stuff made by someone who does it for the love. Not the money… At least I so, same with ganja.

Thanks again as happy New outdoor season!


Christmas cactus is blooming. I love these flowers…


I transplanted cuts from my outdoor into 3 gals today. I will attempt to do a fem seed run.

These were rooted back in July. They’ve been rootbound, hacked back, and abused for the past 5 months, but they are still alive. I just want them to make some seeds.

I’ll let them get some healthy new growth to take cuts, then start applying STS and flip to flower. I haven’t decided which one to reverse yet.