Tracker's garden

Is this the one?


It was gifted to me. I’ll measure the pieces this afternoon and let you know the size.

20 days since transplant…

The temps have been brutally cold for the past two days. The outdoor shed the plants are in is not well insulated. I have insulating board underneath the plants and on 3 sides. On the uncovered side, there is a heater blowing slightly away from the plants and an oscilating fan that wafts the heated air toward the plants. I have the heater controller set on 78F with 5F differential to switch on.

The high today was in the 20F’s. The temp in the grow area when I went to check the plants was 68F, measured near the center of the canopy. I haven’t checked when it hits the nightly lows in the mid teens outside, but I bet it’s right around 60F. I can definitely see a difference in growth with the low temps. We should be back up to a more manageable temperature tomorrow afternoon.

The following are looking pretty good and have a lot of new healthy looking growth. I’d say they are rehabed from the terrible stress they had.

MLK4x* (rear left)
PC (rear right)
CSK (front center)
BD(JD6) (front right)

The BP (front left) has some new growth, but it doesn’t look as good.

The BDxTOG (rear center) doesn’t have much new growth and looks pretty bad.

I still can’t decide if i’m going to reverse the CSK or the Blue Dream to make selfs and crosses. They are both nice plants. They both handled the stress recovery well. They are the best two for vigour and new growth right now. They both make very good bud. What do y’all think, reverse CSK or BD? I need to make a decision by this weekend to start applying sprays and flip. I want to get this out of there in time for 2023 outdoor starts.


Chess pieces…
Height x base diameter in inches

King: 11.75 x 4
Queen: 11 x 4.25
Bishop: 10.5 x 3.75
Knight: 8.75 x 3.75
Rook: 8.75 x 3.75
Pawn: 8.25 x 3.5

The pieces have a bullnose detail that bumps out about 3/8" that is about 3/4" above the base. The measutements given above are at the base in contact with the board.

Dimensions of the mat playing area only not including the border: 52 x 52 inches


Thank you @Tracker

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Much respect to anyone who can play chess worth a damn while stoned. My mom and I used to get stoned and play Scrabble. Suffice it to say I got my ass kicked.

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Nice looking garden. Yeah the temp have been brutal for me also. Heater been running non stop. Worse part is I work outside.get to thaw the lumber out every morning lol

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Actually I quite enjoy playing while stoned. I can focus better on the whole game and anticipate moves ahead of time better. But then I am stoned most of the time so for me it’s normal ………


That’s like me and speaking Spanish! I learned most of it in college sitting around studying and being conversational with my study buddies while we smoked up the whole time, then I worked in kitchens for a decade plus, stoned to the bone of course and surrounded by about half Spanish-speakers most of the time. So now when I’m straight my brain sort of does the language a bit more logically and maybe technically better, but when I am baked and talking to someone in a pidgin of English and Spanish and loanwords, it just flows naturally and people usually seem to understand me, if in an entertained way. I’ve definitely had people be like you learned Spanish in a kitchen didn’t you and I’m like yeah I learned it over a blunt.


Commonly referred to as “ Blunt Spanish”


I get that way with asian languages…I just randomly start lapsing into them…well not really random and I’m always high…I forgot I could even speak Korean lol!!

@Tracker nice garden :wink:! Been trying to follow along…it’s too early for me this morning, Good morning!!


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Man I get myself in minor trouble occasionally because I get annoyed and start to say something that starts with either “no mames wey” or “pinche culo” or something else not very polite

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It’s called “state of learning.” If you learn to do something while under the influence, you’ll generally do it better under the influence. I’ve experienced that. I learned Spanish while drinking beer and socializing, and my Spanish improves, the higher my BAC.


This was my learning grounds as well, started a decade California kitchen’s, learning from Guatemalas, El Salvadorans, Mexicans, and all Latinos alike. (I leaned quick not to confuse the groups). The common trade was " you teach me, i teach you". Then normal terms for, move, hot, cold, lazy, idiot, up, down, below, more less, a little, then all the food names. Hell even took a liking to Manudo back in those days. Made me take a few trips south the border to spring break parties. Somke some " red hair" brought to me on the beach in aluminum foil, that blew my mind. Even had sticks, seeds, looked like brick, but the psychedelic effects was strong, and the higqh lasted hours. Good memories


Sounds like the bud I used to get in Peru. It was wispy, seedy and had lots of stems. It smelled minty with a little honey and the effect was also a psychedelic “up” high. It was reminiscent of the bud I used to get that came up through Mexico (presumably). I’d love to get some more of that, seeds and all. In fact, the more seeds, the better.

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CSK without a doubt! Just look at that beauty! Plus you’ve grown her out already from start to finish and know what to expect w/no surprises.

Everything’s progressing nicely btw!

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22 days since transplant. Temps got above freezing today, up to 45f. The heater maintains the 76f setting just fine at 45f outside temps. When I checked the girls after work, they (the healthy 4) were looking much happier with warmer temp. The 2 sickly ones still look sickly. I might just scrap those to leave more room for the healthy ones to spread out, but I haven’t decided yet.


I really like the CSK plant. I like the fat stems, vigorous growth, aroma, and Afghani dominant characteristic.

The BD(JD6) flower Is very good real deal Blue Dream (selected from a pack of S1’s). I haven’t flowered it out, but I had sample flowers from the source. It took me straight back to 2005. I hadn’t smelled that aroma and felt the same upbeat, happy, giggly effect in a long time.

Both are looking very healthy and growing well. Your PC (rear right) is blowing up too. The MLK4x* (rear left) is shooting straight up. It has a few tops really taking off.

Decisions must be made this weekend…


The other plants indoor overwinter garden is looking okay. The aloe usually starts flowering by now, but I haven’t seen any indication that it’s starting yet. It’s really big and lots of pups are growing up from the root system.

On the lower level behind the aloe, there are some firestick cactus cuts i snipped off a huge one at a local restaurant. They are established in their solos and stretching like crazy now. They are so weird, but I kind of like them.

The Christmas cactus is about to have a big blooming event. I love those flowers.