Tracker's garden

You could do a smoke comparison on the CSK and BD and decide which you liked best. Don’t think you could go wrong with either one.

I would keep and cross all those plants. As you mentioned, who cares if a few of em look rough…its a seed run. The more crosses the better!


I decided to reverse a branch on the BD(JD6). If everything goes okay, there will be…

PCxBD(JD6)r fem
(BDxTOG)xBD(JD6)r fem
[MLK4x(Z3xWCxBM)]xBD(JD6)r fem
BPxBD(JD6)r fem
CSKxBD(JD6)r fem
BD(JD6)xBD(JD6)r fem = Blue Dream S2 (JD6 line)

I took the plants out for one last application of IPM spray.

I’ve applied Silver Mountain CS spray twice now to the target branch. I got 240ppm CS from Silver Mountain on Amazon. I cut it to approx 100ppm CS using distilled H2O.

Tonight is the first dark cycle.

I took cuts to back up my favorite 3. I might do more fem runs reversing others, put them in the outdoor 2023, or just gift them away.


Oo, sounds like a real orgy! Lol sorry, inappropriate! I’m just excited to watch.
I love those cactus flowers also.


They’re looking really good now, much improved from last month. And nice you decided to run all of em, some great future crosses for sure!

Do you think reversing one branch is enough? I don’t know personally, but did read reversed plants produce much less pollen vs regular male plants. I could be wrong though…

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I don’t know. It’s my first time reversing. I’ll start applying to more branches. Who has more experience making fems on OG? If someone knows, please tag them on that question.


28 days post transplant
3 days after start 12/12

They are starting to stretch. Noticeable growth since 3 days ago. The CSK (front center) is trying to take over its neighbors, so i’ve had to trim off some sides to keep it under control.

The target BD(JD6) reversal branch (front right farthest lower right branch) is looking a little shitty. It’s had CS applied daily for 5 days now. It’s not terrible, but noticeably stressed.


Looking forward to your Outdoor this year. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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I think I’m going to scale it down a little from the past few years. I love growing outdoor, but It gets to be a lot of work and produces more than I need for family and friends.

This indoor run will delay my start by a few weeks. I haven’t decided if i’ll run clones or seeds. If I do seeds, I don’t know which ones I’ll pop.


Yeah, I don’t know what you do with all that flower. I can’t even give all mine away. lol

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31 days post transplant
6 days after start 12/12

Plants are looking good. The newest growth on the BP and BDxTOG looks healthier.

Still stretching, nothing is throwing many pistils yet. I don’t see any new preflower development (female or reversed) on the nodes of BD(JD6).

The snips are looking good

The Christmas cactus is blooming like crazy


Lovely cactus!
I think that never seen one with so many blooms!!

Happy growings!

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34 days post transplant
9 days on 12/12

Plants are looking good. They’re starting to show pistils. The non-target branches on the BD are starting to throw first pistils. The target branches are not throwing pistils, but I cannot see any male flower parts starting to pop out either. I started transitioning to 50/50 veg/bloom feed ratio. They’ve been noticeably thirstier over the past few days.

Fingers crossed for male parts on the target reversal branches.


Looking good. Love the that crammed in bushy look. Even better when they are full of buds :+1::+1::v:


I think it takes a little bit before male parts show. (not that I have any experience…lol) The link below shows what to expect wk to wk… though probably not necessary to dry the pollen first, unless you’re storing it. Looking great btw!


This is helpful.


@luna the structure on the Power Cheese (rear right in pics) is way different growing indoor from clone than it was outdoor from seed. Outdoor was stretchy, lanky, floppy, long internodal spacing. Indoor is much tighter internodal spacing, bushier, more compact.


I’ve never seen it grow outdoors before (except your last outdoor grow) It should do really well for you indoors. If I remember correctly the buds put on weight steadily all the way through flower, right up till harvest. (With a normal stretch). The stems might need some support at the end though.


36 days post transplant
11 days on 12/12

Pistils are starting to pop out, flower production is about to set in. It’s always so satisfying.

Changed feed ratio to 50/50 gro/bloom.

Per gallon…
1/2 tsp MaxiGro
1/2 tsp maxibloom
1/8 tsp EasyWeed
1mL cal/mag+
pH down with ascorbic acid to 6.2-6.5

Muni tap water 200ppm pH7.9 at tap.

The clones are still looking good at 11 days. Not seeing roots op or yet, but should be happening within the next few days. Cut leftover nutes in 1/4 and wet the rockwool. Opened vents 50%.

On another note, packed a fatty of CSK and gave it 3 good rips. Been curing for 2.5 months, and I never got around to sampling. It has a strong funky dank hash overripe fruit aroma and coffee. Bitter, no sweetness. It’s my favorite aroma of last season’s harvest. Smoke is heavy. Effect is head/body, very good chill yet focus feeling. Didn’t sap my energy, but I only took 3 rips. Maybe a J would make me sit down. Its very nice. My favorite of 2022 outdoor. I’ll be keeping this clone around. Went to work feeding/watering right away.

This plant checks almost all the boxes for me…
-easy grower
-bounces back from bad treatment/stress quickly
-nice structure with strong stems
-thick, nice density flower
-dank aroma not sweet

The one issue is the late start and finish on flower. That makes it more problematic for late season moisture and freezes. For indoor, this shouldn’t be an issue, but outdoor it matters for sure.


Add to the pros list on CSK: of the 3 types making clones, the CSK is the first to show roots out of the bottom of the rockwool. No roots yesterday. Today, at 12 days since taking snips, CSK has a bunch of roots poking out of the bottom.


38 days post transplant
13 days on 12/12

Plants continue to throw more pistils. Lowered the light a little yesterday (1.5 inch) to increase the intensity on the canopy. The plants seem okay with it. Still nothing showing on the target reversal branches.