Tracker's garden

39 days post transplant
14 days on 12/12

The plants made a significant jump up in the past day. The supplemental side lights have not been moved since transplant, so they are a good indicator of change in height. The target branch on BD(JD6) is starting to pop stuff out that doesn’t look like typical female flowers. It’s not yet clearly identifiable, but fingers crossed that they’re male balls. Should be easy to tell in another couple of days.


41 days post transplant
16 days on 12/12

I think I see balls forming on the target reversal branches.

Below shows normal pistil development on non-target branch of BD(JD6)

Below is a target branch. I see a few pistils, but there’s also something else popping out.


Looks like success to me.

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44 days post transplant
19 dayd on 12/12

Bud formation is starting to set in. They’re throwing lots of new pistils. The stretch should be slowing down. There are definite balls on the target reversal branches. Fingers crossed they make viable pollen.

Below is non-target Blue Dream branch

Below are target reversal branches on BD


46 days post transplant
21 days on 12/12

Good bud development happening. The MLK4x(Z3x(WCxBM)) (back left) and the PC (back right) are developing faster than the others.

The target reversal branches are coming along. I need them to hurry up and start dropping dust.


47 days post transplant
22 days on 12/12

Yesterday and today were near perfect conditions during lights on. Since this is in a shed with light leaks, I’m running lights on from 630am to 630pm. Outside temps during the day got up to low 70’s and in the shed at canopy level the temp was 78.5. They were looking happy as can be. They seem to be loving the discount 500w LED they’re under too.

It’s been a long while since I finished flower indoors. I had almost forgotten how happy indoor plants can be. Different game than outdoor growing for sure. I don’t have room for it in a space with a/c, but throwing up rigid foam board insulation around the plants and providing supplemental heat does good enough to run from November through early April. I might make this a yearly run. I’ve been contemplating a proper build out on a 10x12 shed, but that’ll stay a dream for now.

I took some close ups of the early bud development…

Come on balls! Start dropping some dust!

MLK4x(Z3x(WCxBM)) - back left

BDxTOG - back center

PC - back right

BP - front left

CSK - front center

BD(JD6) - front right


Aren’t we all. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lookin good bud! :+1:

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Shouldn’t be much longer before that pollen starts dropping… Looking great so far!


Beautiful plants Tracker

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49 days post transplant
24 days 12/12

The aroma is starting to come out. The room smelled like weed before, but when I walked in there to check on things today, it was like a funky bowl of overripe fruit salad. I missed that about flowering indoors. The aroma is so thick in the air.

BD reversed

MLK4x(*) - back left

BDxTOG - back center

PC - back right

BP - front left

CSK - front center

BD - front right


I did not realize the Christmas Cactus bloomed like that! That is beautiful.


51 days post transplant
26 days 12/12

Everything’s looking happy. I found the first open male flower. They should be popping open every day now. Hope there’s viable pollen in there.

BD reversed

MLK4x(*) - back left

BDxTOG - back center

PC - back right

BP - front left

CSK - front center

BD - front right


53 days post transplant
28 days 12/12

Some of these buds are starting to look pretty good. I almost want to get rid of the reversed branch and just keep these for smoke :rofl:

BD reversed

MLK4x* - back left

BDxTOG - back center

PC - back right

BP - front left

CSK - front center

BD - front right


Looking good my friend :+1::+1::v:


Awesome garden, my friend. Good work.

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55 days post transplant
30 days 12/12

I found a few male flowers opened up today and some pistils that appear to be pollinated. Hopefully that reversed branch dumps everything it’s got pretty quick. I figure I’ll give it at least 6 weeks to cook after the reversed branch finishes giving.

MLK4x* - back left

BDxTOG - back center

PC - back right

BP - front left

CSK - front center

BD - front right


Looking good & healthy!

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Flowers look great and the pics are killer. :100: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:


57 days post transplant
32 days 12/12

The aromas I’m getting are amazing. I’ve only seen these outdoor, so I hadn’t smelled how aromatic they are and how frosty/sticky they get when grown indoor.

More balls continue to open. I don’t find dust on the leaves under the open balls like I’m used to seeing with true males. I’m seeing some orange pistils on the females. Hopefully those are pollinated.

BD - reversed

MLK4x* - back left

BDxTOG - back center

PC - back right

BP - front left

CSK - front center

BD - front right


59 days post transplant
34 days 12/12

More reversed flowers continue to open every day. I still don’t see pollen on the leaves, but I positioned a small desk fan under the reversed branch, blowing upward to disperse the pollen over the canopy. I see lots of orange pistils over the past few days. Hopefully, that means pollination is happening.

BD - reversed - I turned the BD plant around to position the male parts near the center of the canopy. Hopefully that makes for a better distribution of pollen.

MLK4x* - back left - very frosty and sticky. Strong lemon/pine aroma.

BDxTOG - back center - gassy lemon aroma. Already starting to flop. I put a couple more bamboo sticks for support.

PC - back right - fastest bud development. Frosty/sticky. Funky fruity cheese aroma. Starting to flop.

BP - front left - very nice sweet blueberry aroma. Very frosty.

CSK - front center - dank not-sweet bitter coffee and spices aroma.

BD - front right - just like you’d expect blue dream to be.

Spring is here. Volunteers are starting to pop up around the yard.