Tracker's garden

Going to be a humdinger season of monsters.


It’s always nice to see how much your plants grow in your absence. When you tend to them every day, their growth is nearly imperceptible.
Those plants look really good, by the way.


The rose is budding like crazy

The tomatoes are fruiting

Aloe is throwing a flower


Damn, you’re so far ahead of me seasonally! :crazy_face:


5/5 germ rate on the genie juice. Heading to dirt next


Sweet! Exciting!


I was laying in a hammock, the sun coming up ocean side with gulf waters to my back. Looking forward to snorkeling the reef, watching the fish jumping to air from their hunters, birds diving the surface for a morning meal. Just back from seven days in the Florida Keys.

I checked on the planets that were well cared for while i was away, the Kristi Kush hasn’t received anymore pollen since the culling and cab cleaning.

Both plant’s are starting to blush at the top, looking forward to growing a full set of KK for a sensi harvest.
The Rose bush is going blooming crazy! The Tomato plants look Jurassic! Please take pictures when the Aloe flower opens up. :sunglasses: What? Oh yeah your cannabis plant’s are awesome too. :rofl: Their making my wanna start my KK outdoor grow right away, I’m waiting for the indoor grow to finish first. So I can start the next grow indoor and move them outdoor when day peeks at 14 hours a day… you know, Wed, Jun 21, 2023 10:57 AM the summer solstice.

Have a great night.


Beautiful. Keys make me smell coconuts/rum and want to listen to Hagar. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Thank you for the update @Heliosphear

I have had 100% germ rate with both Kristi and Jack! Pics to follow. Thanks @Tracker


Thank you for the update. Yes please post pics. I will love to see how they do.

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Nice. I’ve got a beefsteak tomato in a 10-gallon (about 37 ort 38 liters) that is in the process of taking over the entire thing.

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Last pics were 8 days ago. They just keep getting bigger…

Kristi - gonna be a massive bush

Genie - really hasn’t made much progress reveging.

BD(JD6) - putting on good veg growth now, but getting outpaced by near-neighbor Volunteer

Volunteer (maybe Bones OG) - growing like crazy. Sprawling out all over the place. If I hadn’t been bending the main top down every day or two, she’d already be 8ft tall with 2.5 months of veg left to go.


Beautiful garden. That Kristi is getting monstrous.


Its a good thing you didn’t put seven in there again. How many last year?

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Yep. It was too tight.



I popped a couple so far from what you sent me and the Kristi’s Dream have been very good so far, my others in one batch didn’t come up but that was one of two survivors from twenty seeds, so that’s good! Popped a few more with better techniques and got another KD sprouting no problem, gave them both to a friend to grow OD in some mix I made them from a 6cf bale of Sunshine 4 Pro Aggregate, two bags of CoM Stonington Growers Mix soil (3cf), 8# of some really nice pure sifted 100% EWC they just got in at the local grow store, and some Stonington 5-2-4 dry ferts with their 5-13-0 fish bone meal and quarter cup of Osmocote Plus 15-9-12 six month release. She’s going to top dress with the last three in pots, and I’ll give her some langbeinite for later flowering to shift it towards finishing. I’ll post updates here as I go help her take care of them for sure!


Sweet! I’m excited to see what you find in those.

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You’re volunteer is a total beast!

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