Tracker's garden


Another impressive grow man. Looking forward to see them finish out.


I’m certain the plants would be more productive with a trellis frame like last year. I wouldn’t have lost branches in storms (I lost several big branches on Kristi and Huge Volunteer), and the canopy would be spaced out way better. But last year I ended up with way more flower than fam/friends need anyway. I like to make them big for fun. Last year I just wanted to prove to myself how much I could make in that little raised bed. It was more than I expected.


Superb. I have said it in the past, but I love logging on and checking out your giant healthy plants!

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Hell YA :sunglasses: :metal:


That Volunteer is Bad A$$. Nice job bruh.
Maybe when I grow up, I can be a good grower, like you.


Update time

Genie juice 2

Genie juice 1

Genie juice 4

Genie juice 3

I have similar problems with other plants in my garden, yellowing and rust spots. I had been using tap. I am going to switch back to ro and give them a flush once they dry out some to check ppms and ph. I’m thinking ph but let’s see.


Thank you for posting pics.

What’s your feed/water routine? What nutrients? What EC/ppm? What pH? Whats the EC/ppm on your tap water?

When i’ve had pH problems, it usually shows up clearly on the new growth. I use municipal tap water that comes out at about 7.9pH and 200ppm. At the stage you’re at, I feed at around 900-1000ppm and pH 6.2.


Ok so I am 130-160 out of the tap with 7 ph.

Feed is 10 grams of gypsum and 20 grams of maxibloom per 5 gallons. Touch of ph up to hit 6ish

Rotate between feed and regular water, back and forth.

The soil is reused and not amended with anything. Its about 3 grows old. Its perlite and sunshine mix number 4. I believe reusing my soil is what’s complicating things but I haven’t figured out exactly what.

I am open to ideas.

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My guess is the yellowing is from Nitrogen deficiency. The plant is hungry for N. Maxibloom has high P and low N. I feed MaxiGro until stretchung stops and bud formation starts. Then I slowly transition to MaxiBloom over the course of a few weeks. I don’t do 100% MaxiBloom until the ladt few weeks of flower. My gardens seem to like it…


I have some of the grow. Once I do the run off tests I will be adjusting. I should have done the run off sooner but I cracked a rib and well gardening just isnt much fun…at the moment lol.

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Friend growing out some of my beans sent these pics…


Power Nap on left in ground
Dream Genie on right in 5gal


Opened that Dream6 up nice. :100: :fire:


He’s in a high humidity environment. He’s running these three because I thought they would hold up best with humidity and precip later in the season. The BD(JD6) that made the Dream6 has demonstrated to hold up in high humidity. I have high hopes for the Power Nap and Dream Genie.


Maybe consider topdressing with some dolomite lime? I find it very useful in balancing PH and keeping plants healthy. Especially when using tap water and reused soil. Just a thought…


I put this in my garden every year and till it into the soil.


Ok so a little more info…

Ran about a gallon of 75ppm 6 ph water through and tested the run off. Runoff cam back at 670 ppm and a strong 7 ph. I say a strong 7 ph because I use the liquid drops and have to color chart it.

I am mixing up 5 gallons of Ro water with 25 grams of maxigro and I am going to ph it to the high 5’s to get that ph down.

If you got a better idea chime in, I am more of a hydro guy then a soil guy. Thanks

I never use RO to mix nutes for the plants. I just use the muni tap water. At the stage you’re at, I use 1tsp/gal MaxiGro, and I pH down to 6.2 with ascorbic acid powder (vitamin C). I’ve never pH’d my runoff.


Never ph’d your runoff to check a plants ph?

Do you just not do run off checks? I mean it’s obvious you have you grow down to a science but how else would you check ph without looking for tell tale signs of deficiency?

Yeah I don’t like using the ro water but I did it this time to lower the variables of what’s causing the high ph.

Vitamin c for pH down, I normally use the GH up and down so I will have to check into that.

Thanks for the info :+1:.

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