Tracker's garden

Pretty dank maybe lemon on the two up front. Gonna check out the back two here soon.


Getting an earthy sweet rotten mulch smell haha from all but one. The back left one is very sweet, wouldn’t call it blueberry but I could see it being blueberry soon. But I’m a newb at smells too. :joy:


Ooooh! Nice buds.:boom:
Can’t wait till I flower mine…:wink::v:t3:


Nice plants brother. This is your boy from the other trader site Joedracer79… I just found this site .Glad to see a familiar friend.


Hey, glad you found OG. It is a good place to be.

Be sure to introduce yourself HERE

Read THIS LINK and everything linked there under “The Basics”


Thank Brother , I ll check it out. It s so much different then the other site but looks cool.


There are way more active users here, a lot of seed making and sharing.

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This was the kinda site I was originally looking for. I won t complain about finding the other site first .I ve met so many awesome people like u there so it s been a win win … I m hoping to find some Dj Short Blueberry beans here. I think you should be getting those seeds soon. I look forward to seeing u grow those strains.


The site is pretty cool but it’s members are way cooler welcome brother


Thank man… Yeah ,I ve met alot of great people there. Looking forward to meeting people here.


Big rain inbound. Chop chop.


Nice crop! Good job T!

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I’m thinking the plants in mesh bags are partially seeded? Also wondering which strains/plants were your favs on this run? Looking great as always!


Yes the branches in mesh bags are seeded. I use 5gal paint strainer bags to catch seeds that fall off.

The Kristi plant is still up. It needs a couple more weeks. Last year it handled frost just fine, so I’ll let It run until there is a hard freeze in the forecast.

Comments so far…
Bud worms and mold were bad this year.

Big Girl zero problems caused by budworms or mold. Nit very frosty. Light aroma like grape. Hopefully the aroma comes out more in cure. We’ll see how it smokes.

Blue Dream relatively few blemishes from worms/mold. Floppy. Would have done much better if I had made a better support structure and if Big Girl had not been blocking the afternoon light. Medium density. Nice frost. Typical Blue Dream aroma, very pleasent, slightly sweet berry and sandalwood. What I chopped will prob be about 2 p’s finished. I left quite a bit of fat mid buds on it and gave the neighbor a few fat branches to hang/trim for himself.

Genie huge fat heavy dense colas. Very frosty. Pungent lemon/pine aroma, most aromatic in garden. I chopped this about 10 days ago. Hung it untrimmed. When I was trimming it, sadly I found a lot of mold/rot on the insides of the colas. It should have made about 2 p’s, but I kept only a few oz’s that looked good. All the fattest most beautiful top buds were trashed. Bummer :disappointed_relieved:

Kristi Still up and going. Last year I chopped on November 9, and it could have gone another week to be peak ripeness. I can see some bug damage in a few spots. Awesome herbal aroma with notes of anise/licorice. I like to squeeze/smell every time I walk by. Should make a few p’s. Hopefully it’s not all full of mold.

MAC1 I was impressed by this. Very frosty. One of the frostiest plants that I have grown. Pungent aroma, slightly citrus very dank herb smell. Grows funny, but after the stretch, buds formed all the way up the branches from about halfway to the soil. Had a couple of worms I found on it, but the worms I found seemed paralyzed. Worms I found on other plants were fat and munching away. Worms on the MAC1 were small and just laying still. I don’t know why. Im most excited to smoke test this one. Started late. Small plant. Prob 4 or 5 oz’s.


MAC1 under flashlight when I was rushing to chop stuff last night. It had like 56 days since start of flower light cycle outdoors. I wish I could have raken it another week or two.


Oh nice! Welcome!! Don’t forget to stop by my thread if you haven’t already. :+1:


Pictures reposted with permission. The-Liquor, user on another forum, shared these pictures of Kristi’s Dream.


WTH. Looks astounding!!


That one is a pretty plant for sure


I posted a Kristi’s Dream fem giveaway HERE