Tracker's garden

If you are apprehensive about hurting your plant maybe you should take a cutting for a clone.

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Partial treatment or whole plant? Only difference is quantity needed. I’ve never flipped a whole plant as most of my fem work has been to save single seeds

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I applied to like 6 main tops. That leaves plenty to get pollinated for selfs but hopefully will make more pollen than last year to hit the other plants.


I will back up a few of the plants in there over the next few days.


Remember never to smoke any of the plant that has been sprayed.


What if you stress the plant and make it a hemi.?? Are those seeds any good. Or its just not enough?? I dont know… Im not a chucker.:thinking:.:thinking:.

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Based on what i’ve read researching making fems…

Applying CS or STS makes the plant herm by blocking the hormone that causes the flowers to express as female. Whether or not the herm occurs because of CS/STS or some orher stress, the genetics that are passed along are the same.

If it’s a plant that can herm easily due to stress, the progeny are more likely to carry the potential to herm easily due to stress regardless of why it hermed.


Yes. Thank you for posting this. I was aware, but anyone who comes here reading this thread and plans to make fems must be warned to not consume any of the plant that has been sprayed for reversal.

Good lookin out @THCeed


HD was out of the reasonably priced rigid insulation. They had some thicker, higher R value stuff that was like 80usd per sheet, but I’m too cheap for that. I bought some sheets of 3/4" Styrofoam and a roll of R13 insulation. I think it’ll be enough to get through the cold blast this weekend. Fingers crossed!


Thank you for reiterating that fact.

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I did a quick and dirty job with the Styrofoam board, and it was able to hold an extra 10F temp differential. Now, at 28F outside, it’s holding 70F in the shed. I’m hoping that with the extra board I’ll install by this weekend, it will keep at least a 45F differential, so when we hit -5F on Sunday night into Monday morning, it will be 40F or higher in the shed. That should keep the plants alive through the cold blast. This assumes we don’t lose power for too long.


I heat with a wood burner only and one trick that I Use is to heat water and put the water in empty milk jugs and set these in with the plants. That “thermal mass” will give off heat in a steady amount for many hours. More jugs equals more heat. Also, I reversed a “Thc Victory” plant to get fem seeds. Then I revegetated the plant. It only produced male flowers the one time I sprayed it. I have reveged it twice and it is a completely normal female plant now.


Plants looking okay. They’ve had two 24hr cycles on 13.5/10.5. They’ll go to 12/12 this weekend.


Haha! That’s like saying Pink Floyd sounds OK. !
Nice garden brother.


Well… If I was growing for sensemilla, I would take much better care of it, with more trimming, defol, and training. Since it’s just for seeds, I don’t put quite as much effort into it. Still a lot of work though. You know.


They look happy and healthy.
Hey didn’t you introduce me to a guy name MerryJack?
I was working in the grow room this morning and it was an interview with Jinxproof on a podcast. I heard him mention MerryJack being his best bud and right hand man. I thought that was cool.


I don’t know who is Windproof

Yes. MerryJack came with me to OJ’s when we all met up there.

Edit: I see you changed it to Jinx. Yes, I’ve had dinner/lunch with Jack and Jinx a few times.

Frickin. Spell check. That was Jinxproof.

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I know! Ducking spell check, right?!

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He has quite a story. Starting out with SubCool and Mz. Jill and going on to create 9 pound hammer. Plus he was talking about his family life with an autistic child. Truly an inspiration.