Tracker's garden

He’s a nice guy for sure.


Temp stayed above freezing in the shed last night and outside we were in single digits 8 or 9F. Tonight’s forecast low is 2F. Hopefully, they’ll hold up.

I put a small heater blowing directly under the canopy, so the warm air rises up through. They seem happy with it.

Today I switched light to 12.5/11.5

The volunteers succumbed to the cold last night.


The orchid is just starting to drop its flowers. It’s been flowering for a month.


Damn it man ! You can grow orchids ? You DO have a green thumb. I have never even tried to grow an orchid. :sweat_smile:


A friend gifted that a few years ago. They’re not difficult. Water/feed once every 1 to 2 weeks. I use leftover nutes cut in half. No direct light. It sits near a North facing window. Flowers once per year starting in late November.

The hardest part is not overwatering, and don’t let the roots sit in water. It has to drain completely when watered. Orchids are very sensitive to that.


@Kami how did the Power Nap end up?

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Finally above freezing this afternoon. Got up to 80F in the shed. Plants were looking happier.


Plants have been on 12/12 for 4 day/night cycles. Stretching is noticeable, but I believe slightly retarded by the cold temps. Last night we hit 10F outside. Today at 17F outside, temp in the shed was around 58F, so 41F differential.

Pistils are popping on everything. The treated branches on BD are not showing pistils, but untreated branches are showing pistils. I suppose that is a good indication that the CS is working for reversal. Fingers crossed.

Last night was the coldest night on the 2 week forecast. Hopefully, that means the shed will have warmer temps and better growth.


Looking righteous, brother.


Looking good!

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Looks like they might enjoy the cooler temps.

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They’ve had colder temps at this stage of early flower than i’ve ever had in a grow before. This is only the 3rd time flowering in this shed over winter. The previous 2 times, it didn’t get really cold until later in flower.

With 41F temp diff, it’s been as low as 39F during lights-off, and on a couple of days it only got up to 50F at the highest during lights-on.

I notice that the stretch and transition into flower seems slower than when the temps are warmer. The stems all have a reddish color. Sometimes, I have some varieties with red stems regardless of temps, but all of them have it now with colder temps. There’s also a reddish tone on the edges of the leaves of the Slurricane #7#3. I haven’t seen that color this early in flower before.


It’s not as clear in the picture because of how the camera adjusts for the color of the lights.


8 days on 12/12

Plants still looking okay. Stretching quite a bit. I only have about another 8 to 10 inches that I can raise the light.

Looking back to Feb 2023, it took 26 days until the first male flower popped open. Hopefully, it doesn’t take any longer this time. The plants are larger this time. I started with healthier plants, and I let them veg longer.


Well i just got some good news im now an affiliate for a Canadian seed company… Ohh yeah baby
DM me for more info if anybody wants


@jamMAKEcan Congratulations! What does that entail?


Well i get a link . whenever somebody click on my link to purchase beans i get a %


From yesterday. 10 days on 12/12.

They stretched up quite a bit in the previous 24hr period. The tallest tops are on the SBC#26 nearly in the center of the light. They were hitting about 1000ppfd yesterday, but not showing signs of stress. I’ll bump the light up a little today to keep them right in that 1000ppfd range.

Looking back to the last BD reversal in Feb 2023, I had confirmed lady balls between days 14 and 16 of 12/12, and first ball popped at day 26. Hopefully, I’ll have confirmed balls in another 3 to 5 days from now.


Wow just wow! this thread is loaded with awesomeness!
Been reading off and on for days. Well worth the time. Good stuff @Tracker thanks for sharing all this.


I’m happy you find it useful