Tracker's garden

13 days 12/12

They stretched a bit more. When I checked today, the tallest tops were hitting 1150ppfd. I raised the light a couple of inches, and that brought it down to the 1000ppfd range. Little tufts of pistils have formed on the tops of the tallest plants. Hopefully that means stretching is nearly done. I’ve only got about 3 inches more room to raise the light.

No balls on the BD, but also it is not throwing pistils on the treated budsites like on the untreated sites. Hopefully that means I’ll see balls in a few days.

The Aloe is throwing out a flower


15 days of 12/12

Still no balls on the BD, but also no pistils on treated branches. The little formations at the bud sites look like they’re trying to push something out. Everything else is definitely throwing pistils. The SBC26 has the most development so far, and it’s the tallest.

I had to raise the light another 3" to get the light on those tops back down to 1000ppfd. I don’t have any more links on the chains holding up the light. I can get another 2" by removing the chain and hanging the light directly from the wire cables attached at the corners.


Beautiful garden bro.
I will have to check my Aloe plant. Little Rose in Tulsa gave it to Zee. It was small then. But it fills a five gallon pot now. Never have seen any flowers on an Aloe plant.
I have a couple Bromeliads that like too. But they have finished flowering and have put some pups out. Hope I can get those to bloom.


Thanks man.

The Aloe has been flowering at least ince per year for the last few years. The first time it flowered, it was already about 4 or 5 years old. I think besides age, it needs steong enough light throuoit the year and right amount of nutes/water - not too much but not too little.

I have it under a cheap grow light indoors through the winter and in the sun the rest of the year. All my house plants get leftover weed nutes cut in half with water.


The little flower popped up quite a bit since 2 days ago. It’ll get about 3 ft tall before it starts to open.


20 days 12/12

I can see the first indication of male balls on the BD, so it’s running 4 days behind the last BD reversal. Hopefully, I’ll see more popping out over the next few days.


Are you remaking the dream 6 fems? I musta forgot. :mechanical_arm: looking great! Still my favorite go to by far. Actually thinking I’m gonna need to keep this in stock. 🫠


If everything works out, there will be more Dream6 fems.


Woo hoo!! Many ppl will be happy! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Interesting observation…

I’ve been treating 7 top branches on the BD to reverse. They’re all getting the same rate of application once per day beginning on the day I switched lights from 24/0 to 14.5/9.5, so they were getting treated starting about a week before 12/12 started.

Only 1 of the branches has a good amount of lady balls. The other 6 treated branches are now throwing pistils like normal female. 2 days ago I upped the application strength. Hopefully those branches will start popping some balls out. Not sure if this is significant, but the branch that has balls is the one receiving lowest intensity light of the 7 treated.


That’s wild. Are you treating when lights first come on? I don’t know a thing about it but I wonder if treating just before lights out would change it.

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I’m doing the same that I did last time, and it’s on the same cut of Blue Dream. I apply when the lights are on with about 4 to 5 hours until lights out.

The differences are that I am applying to more branches this time, and this time when I changed the light schedule to start flower, it was way colder temps. Getting into the 30’sF in the shed during lights out.

If you read back on this thread like 3 to 5 weeks ago, we had a week of very low temps. It seemed to retard the start of flower development by 5 days or so. Now, all the females are throwing flowers. The treated BD branches did not start throwing pistils until a week after the untreated plants. I figured they were going to push out some lady balls, but only one branch has showed balls so far. The other branches have started throwing pistils with no signs of balls.


Maybe the lights are causing your spray to dry too quickly ? Perhaps spraying right before the lights go off would allow the spray to sit on the leaves longer and therefore be absorbed better? :face_with_monocle:


Maybe that’s a possibility.

I think CS is sensitive to light. The thought did cross my mind that the bright light might cause the coloidal silver to lose its effect. This would explain why it’s only the one branch with lowest light intensity that is showing balls.

From a website I found when searching around…

prolonged exposure to bright light causes silver particles to oxidize, then lose their electrical charge and fall out of suspension


Spraying CS today, I found more balls starting to pop out on other branches of the BD. They are showing on lower side shoots from the target branches, but still not showing on the tops where the light is highest intensity.


Spraying CS today, I find even more lady balls popping out on other lower side shoots from the treated branches. The tops are still throwing only pistils, but 4 or 5 nodes down, the side shoots all have lady balls. Hopefully they’re going to throw enough pollen to get a decent amount of seeds to share.


24 days 12/12

Smells like a super dank fruit salad in the shed. Little baby buds are looking pretty decent.

Not as many lady balls as I was hoping for at this point, but they are popping up all over the plant, just not on the tops.

Slurricane #7#3

Super Buff Cherry #26

Ice Cream Cake


Ice Pie

BD(JD6) balls


Aloe flower is stretching up quite a bit…


You gotta watch this. Tracker grows huge trees!

Hey Tracker!

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What’s up @Grayeyes ? Did you ever get a chance to run any of those beans?