Tracker's garden

Everything survived the morning sun today. I think a small animal dug around in the soil on 2 sprouts. They’re alive, but the sprouts were leaned over sideways.


Man, I love seeing seedlings pop out of the ground. For some reason it seems special to me. Those are pretty as it gets.


I know man. They’re precious little babies.

I’ve been planting veggies outdoors for the past couple weeks. When my wife saw the sprouts popping up, she asked what other veggies I was planting that are getting such special care and attention. Ppppfffffftttt. These are my weed babies! :rofl:


A man has to have his priorities in order. Hehe.


Dude, those seedlings are ready to rock and roll!

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Potatoes are flowering


Morning was raining, so the plants got 2.5 hrs of full afternoon sun at temps in the upper 80’sF. They held up fine.

Couple watermelons popping up

The Schlumbergera is oddly flowering out of season.

The peppers are adjusting to their new home

Several volunteers. I’ve pulled males as they showed sex. Most of these have already showed pistils, but a couple have not. I can only guess which plants they fell from. A few have very pungent stem rubs. I’m tempted to keep cuts from those to run when the autos are done. I’ll have to get rid of the volunteers when I plant the autos, but i like seeing them out there for now. If I let them go all summer, I’m sure a couple of them would get huge like Big Girl.


All your plants are nice and healthy. Love your veggie patch


Is that the proper name? Christmas cactus is what I call it.
Everything is looking great. I just love springtime :seedling:


Thanks @Billybob, I hope they do well. We get wild weather and blistering heat sometimes in the summer. Hopefully, the outdoor gardens hold up.

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Yes. That’s the genus.

I love springtime too. Our winters get cold enough that all the plants die. Right now everything is turning green with all the rain and warmer temps. Just gotta keep an eye on the weather. It’s tornado season, and we’ve had a lot of storm activity in recent weeks. May is peak season for tornados and big hail.


That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about, thank goodness.
Just put these outside and up potted.
West coast hopefully is done with frost.
Got some ghost and chilli peppers as well :+1:


What tomatoes are those? Vine or bush type? Will you put them in larger containers? If not, how productive are they in those pots? Are those 3gal pots?

I have like 10 tomato plants I need to transplant real soon.


Big beef tomatoes.
In 3g using promix hp, WC, Compost, gaia green 444.
This is my first attempt ever in my life at growing anything besides the last year, when I took up indoor.
Only 3 grows under my belt.
I get morning sun till noon on my balcony. Hoping that will be enough sun. Time will tell.
Im just super excited. Look Ma, I’m doin it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Lost of room left in my veg tent for your dream genie :+1:.
To tired for pics atm lol


Morning sun is the best. Once the temps get over about 95F consistently, they’ll start stressing if they have full sun in the afternoon.

Tomatoes are heavy drinkers and feeders. Don’t let the soil dry out quite as much as you would for your cannabis.

Those Big Beef tomatoes are most likely vine type. Does the package say determinate or indeterminate? Indeterminate is vine that grows continuously. Determinate is bush. That can get 3ft to 4ft tall.

Either way, they will outgrow those 3gal containers pretty quickly before they produce hardly anything. I’d recommend using 5gal buckets at minimum. You’ll have to train them, or they’ll get out of hand.


You have a little bit of everything going on, nice!


Thanks @tejas, I have more stuff I need to transplant, but I need to figure out where to put it in my little back yard.


You must be in warmer climes to be putting things outdoors, we are forecasted to be windy and in the 50’s for the next week.



Rainy and cloudy all day, so they’ve been chilling indoors.