Tracker's garden

I’ve thought about it. I would normally do this, but I really want to see how they finish without much training or trimming.


59 days since first seeds wet.

They keep stretching. Garden is starting to get aromatic at sunrise.

Dream Feature

Dream Blush


Chunky Junky


Dream Drifter

BDSLH male


The garden is beautiful man! Keep up the amazing work :sunglasses::metal:t2:


61 days since first seeds wet.

One of @Kasper0909’s Dream Blush is the furthest along in showing flowers, with the Dream Feature just a little behind. The other Dream Blush has not gone to full flower mode yet. I might cull the slower one. Stems on both Dream Blush are thick with thick walls on a small hollow space in the center.

Dream Feature is 2nd furthest along. Has very dank stem rubs. I think the Blue Dream x Blueberry is going to make very nice aroma on the flowers. This plant has the thickest stems, with more hollow space in center.

@MNGrower’s BDSLH and @InTheWoods’s Dream Drifter are going into full on flower now. All have very similar structure and growth rate. All over 6ft tall now. Very stretchy, not the stretchiest I’ve ever grown, but definitely stretchier/lankier structure than most. All have thin main stems and branches with no hollow space. Long internodal spacing. They all smell like poop with skunk. The BDSLH’s have a little hint of lemon on top of the poop/skunk.

The Dream6’s definitely are 2 very different phenos. Not sure if I’ll cull the left plant, first pic of D6 that gets posted every time. I always thought it had weird looking leaves and weird growth habit from the begining, but it has branched out well over the past two weeks. Stem rubs aren’t smelling like anything special.

The keeper has a nice solid and above average thickness stem. Medium short internodal spacing. Best stem run smell in the garden. I can smell the Blueberry Sandalwood aroma already in the stem rubs.

Chunky Junky @BigMike55 is a good looking solid plant. It had to bounce back through a stressful full sun blast. Hopefully it will start flowering and smelling good.

Dream Feature

Dream Blush


Chunky Junky


Dream Drifter

BDSLH male


This is a great rundown man thanks for the update :metal:t2:

Everything is looking amazing :star_struck:

As for the BDSLH, plant 1 seeds you are running does seem to be a taller “stretchy” plant with quite a bit of node spacing. Makes me think of the older strains that were more open and stretchy tall.

I’m gonna link a video in my posts of my flower room :sunglasses:


63 days since first seeds wet.

I culled one Dream Blush and one Dream6. Moved male into the raised bed. It’s about to pop.

Dream Feature

Dream Blush

BDSLH male


Chunky Junky


Dream Drifter


So beautiful. I bet you love hanging out right there with them.


I fondle them whenever I can.


Everything is looking awesome man… some of them are getting nice poms on them :slight_smile:
That male looks full on ready!!!


Keep an eyeball peeled for the caterpillars. They seem to be particularly nasty this year. Unless across town is different than over here in Yukon.


I’ve seen some munched on leaves but no caterpillars. I’m going to apply sprays for the last time this evening or tomorrow. Then it’s fingers crossed til the end. This run is for seeds more than anything. They’ll be pretty well knocked up with that male in there for the next couple of weeks.


65 days since first seeds wet.

Male BDSLH had opened flowers. I was surprised when I flicked the main stem and a cloud of pollen fell out. I moved him next to each female and slapped him around. I’ll continue doing that for the next 2 weeks before I cull the make.

I culled one Dream Drifter and one BDSLH, so I am left with six females, each of a different type.

Dream Feature

Dream Blush

BDSLH male


Chunky Junky


Dream Drifter


If you have been following along and you want some seeds from the autoflower garden in early summer 2024, put your name on the wiki. Only 5 spots. I’ll post another wiki once these are filled.

This will be for…
Afghan Scout auto reg
Scoutcicle auto fem @joheimgrohen x Afghani auto reg @Kasper0909

  1. @ThirdStone :us:
  2. @Smooth :us:
  3. @patsnumone :us:
  4. @globalhead :india:

Do not add more


Appreciate the offer brother. I will let someone else get them. If you saw my vault you would understand.


Thanks for the offer @Tracker !! I can drop these in a little over a month !


Really kind of you to offer them up, bro. :+1::facepunch:


@Tracker .are these the same that your sendi g me… I dont want to greedy… I really like the feminized 1 though… But i think your sending me the auto reg’s… Thank you again. As anything associated with ur garden is fire​:trophy::muscle::tada::fire:

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Can’t believe this hasnt filled. Ill put my name up there soon if nobody starts moving on it.

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Yes. This is the same one I sent you.

They are made on Scoutcicle auto #1 and #2 females using an Afghsni auto male. See here for pics close to harvest…


If you’d like to have some, jump on there. I know not everyone is into autos, and even fewer are interested by auto regs.

I was impressed by how easy they are to work with and how quick they are ready to harvest. I chopped them at like 70 days from sprouting. They were plenty ripe by then, and the flower was pretty good.

If you pop them in solos, they’ll start showing sex within 3 weeks from sprout. Then, just transplant the ones you want to keep. It’s pretty quick and painless to cull males early if that’s what you want to do.

They were great for early season outdoor.