Tracker's garden

Sweet! I hope you find something good in there.


78 days since first seeds wet

Females are looking healthy. Buds are growing. Tons of seeds forming on the more developed buds (Dream Feature, Dream Blush, BDSLH). Chunky Junky had some frosty buds starting to show. Dream Drifter has buds starting to form, not much frost yet. Dream6 is just in the early stages of flowering.

The first three had time to throw out pistils before the male started dumping pollen. The last three did not have any pistils until after the male started dumping, so they have been exposed to polen since before the first pistil popped out. Not sure how that effects flower and frost development.

Dream Feature

Dream Blush


Chunky Junky


Dream Drifter


Man they are all coming along great! That front left one sure seems like she’s a bit thicker :sunglasses:


The fattest cola is Dream Blush, front second from left, but it’s the furthest along in flower too.

The front left is Dream Feature. It has amazing Blueberry aroma with a hint of the BD sandalwood undertone. The buds are about a week behind the DB. It has the thickest main stem.


Gorgeous garden, I would be sitting there every morning with a fat spliff and big thermos of coffee to enjoy all those delicious blueberry scents. The neighbor must love the smell too, especially if they like blue dream smoke.

In my notes 14 weeks on average is what they take to finish. Slightly behind but should catch up. I don’t know if they will be as frosty as the BDSLH. Shes is coated already. Your kicking ass brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Awesome garden.
Beautiful plants, every one of them.


these just keep looking excellent.

are you enjoying the smaller plants this year? reduced stress and workload, perhaps? they just sort of look “right” to me at their current sizes. super nice job.

also, awesome that they’re seeded, of course. :sunglasses: :+1:


It is definitely way easier to take care of than growing monsters. No training, and just using poles to support main stems.

This garden is heavily seeded. I’ll prob chop the male this weekend. The late starters won’t have as many seeds, but the first three will have a ton of seeds.


Have ya made one of those seed sorter boxes yet :joy::joy::joy:


No, but I was eyeballing the little one that @DougDawson posted about HERE. I’ve been looking at DIY builds for a couple years now, but one of those things I never got around to doing. For 100 bucks, as effective as it appears to be for Double D, I think it’s worth it.


When we had a seeded hemp field the kitty litter bottle and vacuum thru the lid made it even faster cost less and super easy to do… cleaning seeds thread lots of cool tricks to make it efficient


My last 5 plants, short their main colas, got processed 2 days ago using the sorter.

That took around 2 hours. I need to do a couple more passes but still, i am loving it.


Geezuz mother of all that grows Doug!
Now that’s impressive :ok_hand:


I went ahead and snatched one of those. I still have dry seeded plants hanging from last year’s outdoor and this year’s early summer auto run. With the current run just a month from harvest, I need something like this to catch up


LOL, for scale, here they are in a 1 gallon ziplock. But they do still need some cleaning of white seeds and such.

Mind you, that isn’t counting these.

These are the seeds from the 6 top colas I had already cleaned. 4593 seeds there by weight. Be interesting to see what it comes out to when I get that big bag cleaned up. :v:

It should certainly help. For me, getting all that plant material through from chop to what you see in under 2 hours was a huge time saver. Job is not done but it certainly knocked off hours of sifting the material on a tray with a card to separate the seeds from the plant matter. It’s no miracle cure but does take a ton of work out of it so well worth the few bucks in my opinion.


Might play with little bit more suction to pull the lighter seeds out